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parsing - 为什么我的三元运算符会导致移位减少冲突?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-02 01:10:37 25 4
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arithmetic_expression : expression + expression
| expression - expression

expression : constant
| ID
| arithmetic_expression
| ternary

ternary : expression ? expression : expression

我在这种状态下收到一个 shift-reduce 错误:

state 126

(19) ternary -> expression QUESTION_MARK expression COLON expression .
(27) arithmetic_exp -> expression . PLUS expression
(28) arithmetic_exp -> expression . MINUS expression
(19) ternary -> expression . QUESTION_MARK expression COLON expression

! shift/reduce conflict for PLUS resolved as shift
! shift/reduce conflict for MINUS resolved as shift
! shift/reduce conflict for QUESTION_MARK resolved as shift

PLUS shift and go to state 86
MINUS shift and go to state 88
QUESTION_MARK shift and go to state 85

! PLUS [ reduce using rule 19 (ternary -> expression QUESTION_MARK expression COLON expression .) ]
! MINUS [ reduce using rule 19 (ternary -> expression QUESTION_MARK expression COLON expression .) ]
! QUESTION_MARK [ reduce using rule 19 (ternary -> expression QUESTION_MARK expression COLON expression .) ]


true ? 1 : false ? 3 : 2

可以解释为 true 吗? 1 : (false ? 3 : 2)(true ? 1 : false) ? 3 : 2

我已经将 +- 的优先级设置为左结合并且比 ? 更高级别(我将其设置为右结合) .




%left '+' '-'
%right '?'


arithmetic_expression : expression + expression
| expression - expression
ternary : expression ? expression : expression

那是行不通的,因为您还没有告诉 bison 三元 产生式的优先级是什么。

为了解决 shift-reduce 冲突,bison 比较可能被减少的产生式的优先级与可能被移动的终端的优先级。您已经在 arithmetic_expression 中声明了终结符“+”、“-”和“?”的优先级,以及两个产生式的优先级,但没有在 ternary< 中声明产生式的优先级.


each rule gets its precedence from the last terminal symbol mentioned in the components.


解决方案:声明终端的优先级 : 或将 %prec '?' 添加到 ternary 的产生式中。

关于parsing - 为什么我的三元运算符会导致移位减少冲突?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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