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java - 更新 2D Java 数组中的对象

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我目前有以下代码,我想用 X 更新 2D 数组中的特定位置,然后重新打印电路板。我目前陷入需要将数组中的对象更新为 X 的位置,但我不断收到:

Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to Ship


public void updateBoard(int row, int column, Ocean ocean){
//get ship array
Ship[][] sea = ocean.getShipArray();
//mark the x/y co-ordinate with X
sea[row][column] = "X"; // PROBLEM
// print the board


public abstract class Ship {
// TODO add appropriate comments
private int size;
private String type;
private String shortForm;

// TODO add appropriate comments
private int bowRow;
private int bowColumn;
private boolean horizontal;

* An array of boolean which indicates whether that part of the ship has
* been hit. This is initialised by the appropriate sub-class. Battleships
* use all 4 locations; cruisers use the first 3; destroyers 2; submarines
* 1; and "empty sea" 1.
protected boolean[] hit;

* clears the hit array indicating whether that part of the "Ship" has been
* hit
protected Ship(int size, String type, String shortForm) {
this.size = size;
this.shortForm = shortForm;
hit = new boolean[size];
for (int i = 0; i < hit.length; i++)
hit[i] = false;

* Checks that ship of this size will not overlap another ship, or touch
* another ship (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) and that ship will
* not "stick out" beyond the array.
* @param row
* that will contain the bow
* @param column
* that will contain the bow
* @param horizontal = true if horizontal
* @param ocean
* @return true if it is okay to put a ship of this size with its bow in
* this location, with the given orientation.
public boolean okToPlaceShipAt(int row, int column, boolean horizontal,
Ocean ocean) {
// Try to catch exception error if ship goes past board
Ship ships[][] = ocean.getShipArray();

for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++){
if (!(ships[row][column] instanceof EmptySea)){
// System.out.println("Cant Print here + " + row + column + getSize());
return false;
if (horizontal) {
} else {
// System.out.print(ships[row][column]);

// System.out.println(" ");

return true;
catch(Exception err){
// System.out.println("OMG an error");
return false;


* "places" the ship in the ocean, assigning values to the bowRow,
* bowColumn, and horizontal. Places a reference to the ship in the ships
* array in the Ocean object.
* @param row
* to contain the bow
* @param column
* to contain the bow
* @param horizontal
* @param ocean
public void placeShipAt(int row, int column, boolean horizontal, Ocean ocean) {


Ship ships[][] = ocean.getShipArray();

for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++) {
// set position in array to contain the ship
ships[row][column] = this;
if (horizontal) {
} else {

private int getSize() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return size;

private void setHorizontal(boolean horizontal2) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
horizontal = horizontal2;

private void setBowColumn(int column) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
bowColumn = column;

private void setBowRow(int row) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
bowRow = row;

* If this ship has been hit, marks that part of the ship as "hit"
* @param row
* User's supplied row shot
* @param column
* User's supplied column shot
* @return true if ship is hit, false otherwise
public boolean shootAt(int row, int column) {
if ((isHorizontal() && (row != getBowRow()))
|| (!isHorizontal() && (column != getBowColumn())))
return false; // it's not a hit

// it's a hit. Work out offset & set that position in hit array to true
hit[(row - getBowRow() + column - getBowColumn())] = true;

return true;

private int getBowRow() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return bowRow;

private int getBowColumn() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return bowColumn;

private boolean isHorizontal() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return false;

* checks whether this ship is sunk - using the hit array
* @return true if every part of the ship has been hit, false otherwise.
public boolean isSunk() {

for (boolean b : hit)
if (!b)
return false;

return true;

* @return a single character String to use in Ocean's print method
public String toString() {
return shortForm;

public String getType() {
return type;

public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String setHit(String hit){
return hit;



* A Battleship class which extends ship
* Four Submarines in the game Length 1
package Battleships;
public class Submarine extends Ship {
private final static int SIZE = 1;
* sets the length & clears the hit array
public Submarine() {
super(SIZE, "Submarine", "S");


sea 是一个Ship[][]"X" 是一个String。您不能将 String 放入保存 Ship 的变量中。



公共(public) boolean shootAt(int行,int列)

从 Ship 的代码中,我猜你真正需要做的是......


关于java - 更新 2D Java 数组中的对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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