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java - 创建计算器但无法退出

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我需要编码方面的帮助。我正在再次练习我的 Java 编程,今天我正在创建一个与真实计算器具有相同功能的计算器,但我再次遇到错误并且无法再次计算。



Enter Number: 1
Enter Operator (+,-, /, *, ^ (Power) or s (Square): +
Enter Number: 2
Ans: 3



enter number: 1+2*4 
Ans: 12


在代码的开头,它会要求用户输入以继续或退出计算器。然后,如果继续,它将运行计算。计算器将一直循环,直到用户按 E 退出计算器,如果退出,它将退出代码。

这是我出错的地方。首先,我无法弄清楚如何从循环计算器中的循环中跳出,第二个在用户按 E 时代码的开头应该退出计算器,但它没有。第三个错误是当用户使用平方来计算时我希望它直接显示答案而不是询问另一个数字。

我想简化 public static void main(String[] args) 中计算部分的代码。是否可以将 switch case 放在方法中并在 main 中调用它?或者您对如何简化计算部分有什么建议吗?


public class TestingCalculator {

public static void main(String[] args){

double answer = 0;
double numA, numB;
char operator;

char activateCalc;
boolean calculator = false;

System.out.println("Welcome to the Calculator.");
System.out.print(" Continue (Press Y) \n Exit (Press E) \n: ");

Scanner ans = new Scanner(;
String a =;
activateCalc = a.charAt(0);

while (activateCalc != 'E' || activateCalc != 'e') {

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Enter number: ");

String n;
numA = Double.parseDouble(n);

while (calculator = true) {

//User enter their operator.
System.out.print("Enter Operator (+,-, /, *, ^ (Power) or s (Square): ");
operator =;

System.out.print("Enter number: "); //User enter the continues number
numB = input.nextDouble();

switch (operator) {

case '=':
case '+':
answer = add(numA,numB);
case '-':
answer =subtract(numA,numB);
case '*':
answer = multiply(numA,numB);
case '/':
answer = divide(numA,numB);
case '^':
answer = power(numA, numB);
case 's':
case 'S':
answer = Math.pow(numA, 2);

//The calculation answer of the user input
System.out.println("Answer: " + answer);
numA = answer;

// to exit calculator.
System.out.println("Press E to Exit the calculator: ");

if (activateCalc = 'E' || activateCalc = 'e') {



//Method for the operators.
static double add(double numA, double numB) {

double answer = numA + numB;
return answer;

static double subtract(double numA, double numB) {

double answer = numA - numB;
return answer;

static double multiply(double numA, double numB) {

double answer = numA * numB;
return answer;

static double divide(double numA, double numB) {

double answer = numA / numB;
return answer;
static double power(double numA, double numB) {

int answer = (int) Math.pow(numA, numB);
return answer;
static double Square(double numA, double numB) {

int answer = (int) Math.pow(numA, 2);
return answer;





public class TestingCalculator
// Methods
* Evaluates a mathematical expression.
* @param line Mathematical expression. This line cannot have blank
* spaces
* @return Result of this mathematical expression
public static String calc(String line)
while (!hasOnlyNumbers(line)) {
// Checks if line has parentheses
if (line.contains("(")) {
// Get index of the most nested parentheses
int parentheses_begin = line.lastIndexOf("(");
int parentheses_end = line.substring(parentheses_begin).indexOf(")");
String ans = calc(line.substring(parentheses_begin+1, parentheses_end));

// Replaces content of parentheses with the result obtained
if (line.length()-1 >= parentheses_end+1)
line = line.substring(0,parentheses_begin)+ans+line.substring(parentheses_end+1);
line = line.substring(0,parentheses_begin)+ans;
// Checks if line has potentiation operator
else if (line.contains("^")) {
int opIndex = line.indexOf("^");
String n1 = extractFirstNumber(line, opIndex);
String n2 = extractSecondNumber(line, opIndex);
double ans = power(Double.valueOf(n1), Double.valueOf(n2));

line = calc(parseLine(line, n1, n2, opIndex, ans));
// Checks if line has square operator
else if (line.contains("s")) {
int opIndex = line.indexOf("s");
String n1 = extractFirstNumber(line, opIndex);
double ans = square(Double.valueOf(n1));

line = calc(parseLine(line, n1, opIndex, ans));
// Checks if line has multiplication operator
else if (line.contains("*")) {
int opIndex = line.indexOf("*");
String n1 = extractFirstNumber(line, opIndex);
String n2 = extractSecondNumber(line, opIndex);
double ans = multiply(Double.valueOf(n1), Double.valueOf(n2));

line = calc(parseLine(line, n1, n2, opIndex, ans));
// Checks if line has division operator
else if (line.contains("/")) {
int opIndex = line.indexOf("/");
String n1 = extractFirstNumber(line, opIndex);
String n2 = extractSecondNumber(line, opIndex);
double ans = divide(Double.valueOf(n1), Double.valueOf(n2));

line = calc(parseLine(line, n1, n2, opIndex, ans));
// Checks if line has sum operator
else if (line.contains("+")) {
int opIndex = line.indexOf("+");
String n1 = extractFirstNumber(line, opIndex);
String n2 = extractSecondNumber(line, opIndex);
double ans = add(Double.valueOf(n1), Double.valueOf(n2));

line = calc(parseLine(line, n1, n2, opIndex, ans));
// Checks if line has subtraction operator
else if (line.contains("-")) {
int opIndex = line.indexOf("-");
String n1 = extractFirstNumber(line, opIndex);
String n2 = extractSecondNumber(line, opIndex);
double ans = subtract(Double.valueOf(n1), Double.valueOf(n2));

line = calc(parseLine(line, n1, n2, opIndex, ans));

// Returns line only when it has only numbers
return line;

* Checks if a line contains only numbers.
* @param line Line to be analyzed
* @return If a line contains only numbers
private static boolean hasOnlyNumbers(String line)
return line.matches("^[0-9.]+$");

* Given a mathematical expression, replaces a subexpression for a value.
* @param line Mathematical expression
* @param n1 Number to the left of the subexpression operator
* @param n2 Number to the right of the subexpression operator
* @param opIndex Operator index of the subexpression
* @param ans Value that will replace the subexpression
* @return New mathematical expression with the subexpression replaced
* by the value
private static String parseLine(String line, String n1, String n2, int opIndex, double ans)
int lenFirstNumber = n1.length();
int lenSecondNumber = n2.length();

if (line.length()-1 >= opIndex+lenSecondNumber+1)
return line.substring(0, opIndex-lenFirstNumber)+ans+line.substring(opIndex+lenSecondNumber+1);

return line.substring(0, opIndex-lenFirstNumber)+ans;

* Given a mathematical expression, replaces a subexpression for a value.
* @param line Mathematical expression
* @param n1 Number to the left of the subexpression operator
* @param opIndex Operator index of the subexpression
* @param ans Value that will replace the subexpression
* @return New mathematical expression with the subexpression replaced
* by the value
private static String parseLine(String line, String n1, int opIndex, double ans)
int lenFirstNumber = n1.length();

if (line.length()-1 >= opIndex+2)
return line.substring(0, opIndex-lenFirstNumber)+ans+line.substring(opIndex+2);

return line.substring(0, opIndex-lenFirstNumber)+ans;

* Extracts the first number from an operation. <br />
* <h1>Example:<h1> <br />
* <b>Line:</b> 1+2*3 <br />
* <b>opIndex:</b> 3 <br />
* <b>Return:</b> 2 <br />
* @param line Mathematical expression
* @param opIndex Index of the operator to which the number to be
* extracted belongs to
* @return Number to the left of the operator
private static String extractFirstNumber(String line, int opIndex)
StringBuilder num = new StringBuilder();
int i = opIndex-1;

while (i>=0 && (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(i)) || line.charAt(i) == '.')) {

// Reverses the result, since the number is taken from the end to the
// beginning
num = num.reverse();

return num.toString();

* Extracts the second number from a math operation. <br />
* <h1>Example:<h1> <br />
* <b>Line:</b> 1+2*3 <br />
* <b>opIndex:</b> 3 <br />
* <b>Return:</b> 3 <br />
* @param line Mathematical expression
* @param opIndex Index of the operator to which the number to be
* extracted belongs to
* @return Number to the right of the operator
private static String extractSecondNumber(String line, int opIndex)
StringBuilder num = new StringBuilder();
int i = opIndex+1;

while (i<line.length() && (Character.isDigit(line.charAt(i)) || line.charAt(i) == '.')) {

return num.toString();

// Method for the operators.
private static double add(double numA, double numB)
double answer = numA + numB;
return answer;

private static double subtract(double numA, double numB)
double answer = numA - numB;
return answer;

private static double multiply(double numA, double numB)
double answer = numA * numB;
return answer;

private static double divide(double numA, double numB)
double answer = numA / numB;
return answer;

private static double power(double numA, double numB)
int answer = (int) Math.pow(numA, numB);
return answer;

private static double square(double num)
int answer = (int) Math.pow(num, 2);
return answer;

// Main
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
char option;
String inputLine = "";
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

System.out.println("Welcome to the Calculator.");
System.out.print(" Continue (Press Y) \n Exit (Press E) \n: ");

option = input.readLine().charAt(0);

while (option != 'E' && option != 'e') {
// Gets user input
System.out.print("Enter mathematical expression: ");

inputLine += input.readLine();

// Processes input
inputLine = inputLine.replaceAll(" ", "");
inputLine = inputLine.replaceAll("S", "s");

// Evaluates input
String ans = TestingCalculator.calc(inputLine);

// Displays answer
System.out.println("Ans: "+ans);

// Checks if the user wants to continue running the program
System.out.print("Press E to Exit the calculator: ");

inputLine = input.readLine();

if (inputLine.length() > 0)
option = inputLine.charAt(0);



Enter mathematical expression: (1+2*4)/3
Ans: 3.0


Enter mathematical expression: 1+2*9/3
Ans: 7.0


输入: (1+2*4)/3

    calc( (1+2*4)/3 )        not hasOnlyNumbers( (1+2*4)/3) ) ? true        ( (1+2*4)/3) ) contains '(' ? true            int parentheses_begin = 0            int parentheses_end = 6            String ans = calc( 1+2*4 )                calc( 1+2*4 )                    not hasOnlyNumbers( 1+2*4 ) ? true                    ( 1+2*4 ) contains '(' ? false                    ( 1+2*4 ) contains '^' ? false                    ( 1+2*4 ) contains 's' ? false                    ( 1+2*4 ) contains '*' ? true                        int opIndex = 3                        int n1 = 2                        int n2 = 4                        String ans = n1 * n2 = 2 * 4 = 8                        line = calc( 1+8 )                            calc( 1+8 )                                not hasOnlyNumbers( 1+8 ) ? true                                ( 1+8 ) contains '(' ? false                                ( 1+8 ) contains '^' ? false                                ( 1+8 ) contains 's' ? false                                ( 1+8 ) contains '*' ? false                                ( 1+8 ) contains '/' ? false                                ( 1+8 ) contains '+' ? true                                    int opIndex = 1                                    int n1 = 1                                    int n2 = 8                                    String ans = n1 + n2 = 1 + 8 = 9                                    line = calc( 9 )                                        calc( 9 )                                            not hasOnlyNumbers( 9 ) ? false                                            return 9                                    line = 9                                not hasOnlyNumbers( 9 ) ? false                                return 9                        line = 9                    not hasOnlyNumbers( 9 ) ? false                    return 9            ans = 9            (9-1 >= 6+1) ? true                line = 9/3        not hasOnlyNumbers( 9/3 ) ? true        ( 9/3 ) contains '(' ? false        ( 9/3 ) contains '^' ? false        ( 9/3 ) contains 's' ? false        ( 9/3 ) contains '*' ? false        ( 9/3 ) contains '/' ? true            int opIndex = 1            String n1 = 9            String n2 = 3            double ans = 9 / 3 = 3            line = calc( 3 )                calc( 3 )                    not hasOnlyNumbers( 3 ) ? false                    return 3            line = 3        not hasOnlyNumbers( 3 ) ? false        return 3


  • 不检查用户提供的输入是否有效
  • 保持计算方法中验证的运算顺序很重要,以保持运算符之间的优先级(必须先进行求幂/除法,然后是乘法/除法,最后是加法/减法运算)<
  • 我在使用 Scanner 类时遇到问题,所以我使用 BufferedReader 来读取输入
  • 平方运算必须按如下方式进行: s 或 S


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