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我的数据集的大小意味着我不会重新访问数据点,所以我想共享它们没有意义?或者有吗?我在想,也许拥有最多 10 个 size=mini-batch 的共享初始化变量会很有好处,这样我就可以一次交换 10 个变量,而不是一次只交换一个变量。另外,是否可以并行预加载小批量?
当您不需要重新访问数据时,“输入”方法可能是最好的方法。 “shared_all”方法可能会优于其他方法,但前提是您可以将整个数据集放入 GPU 内存中。 “shared_batched”允许您评估分层批处理数据是否有帮助。
一般来说,可以预期少量的大内存传输会比大量的小传输运行得更快(其中每个传输的总传输量是相同的)。但这需要经过测试(例如使用下面的代码)才能确定; YMMV。
使用“借用”参数也可能对性能产生重大影响,但要注意the implications使用前。
import math
import timeit
import numpy
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt
def test_input(data, batch_size):
assert data.shape[0] % batch_size == 0
batch_count = data.shape[0] / batch_size
x = tt.tensor4()
f = theano.function([x], outputs=x.sum())
total = 0.
start = timeit.default_timer()
for batch_index in xrange(batch_count):
total += f(data[batch_index * batch_size: (batch_index + 1) * batch_size])
print 'IN\tNA\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (batch_size, batch_size, timeit.default_timer() - start, total)
def test_shared_all(data, batch_size):
batch_count = data.shape[0] / batch_size
for borrow in (True, False):
start = timeit.default_timer()
all = theano.shared(data, borrow=borrow)
load_time = timeit.default_timer() - start
x = tt.tensor4()
i = tt.lscalar()
f = theano.function([i], outputs=x.sum(), givens={x: all[i * batch_size:(i + 1) * batch_size]})
total = 0.
start = timeit.default_timer()
for batch_index in xrange(batch_count):
total += f(batch_index)
print 'SA\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (
borrow, batch_size, batch_size, load_time + timeit.default_timer() - start, total)
def test_shared_batched(data, macro_batch_size, micro_batch_size):
assert data.shape[0] % macro_batch_size == 0
assert macro_batch_size % micro_batch_size == 0
macro_batch_count = data.shape[0] / macro_batch_size
micro_batch_count = macro_batch_size / micro_batch_size
macro_batch = theano.shared(numpy.empty((macro_batch_size,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=theano.config.floatX),
x = tt.tensor4()
i = tt.lscalar()
f = theano.function([i], outputs=x.sum(), givens={x: macro_batch[i * micro_batch_size:(i + 1) * micro_batch_size]})
for borrow in (True, False):
total = 0.
start = timeit.default_timer()
for macro_batch_index in xrange(macro_batch_count):
data[macro_batch_index * macro_batch_size: (macro_batch_index + 1) * macro_batch_size], borrow=borrow)
for micro_batch_index in xrange(micro_batch_count):
total += f(micro_batch_index)
print 'SB\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % (
borrow, macro_batch_size, micro_batch_size, timeit.default_timer() - start, total)
def main():
shape = (20000, 3, 32, 32)
print 'Creating random data with shape', shape
data = numpy.random.standard_normal(size=shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
print 'Running tests'
for macro_batch_size in (shape[0] / pow(10, i) for i in xrange(int(math.log(shape[0], 10)))):
test_shared_all(data, macro_batch_size)
test_input(data, macro_batch_size)
for micro_batch_size in (macro_batch_size / pow(10, i) for i in
xrange(int(math.log(macro_batch_size, 10)) + 1)):
test_shared_batched(data, macro_batch_size, micro_batch_size)
关于theano - 加载小批量的有效方法 < GPU 内存,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33248959/
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因此,我正在批量创建一个Mail程序,而消息传递部分出现了问题。 消息传递部分是无限循环。 当我输入多个单词时,它会崩溃。 这是代码。请帮忙! :rep set line= set /p line=