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r - 如何在 R 中使用 pivot_longer() 按类别将列分成多行?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 22:59:02 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


tibble(fruit = rep(c("apple", "pear", "orange"), each = 3),
size = rep(c("big", "medium", "small"), times = 3),
# summer stock
shopA_summer_wk1 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 10, 5), 0)),
shopA_summer_wk2 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 10, 5), 0)),
shopB_summer_wk1 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 10, 5), 0)),
shopB_summer_wk2 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 10, 5), 0)),
shopC_summer_wk1 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 10, 5), 0)),
shopC_summer_wk2 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 10, 5), 0)),
# winter stock
shopA_winter_wk1 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopA_winter_wk2 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopA_winter_wk3 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopB_winter_wk1 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopB_winter_wk2 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopB_winter_wk3 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopC_winter_wk1 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopC_winter_wk2 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)),
shopC_winter_wk3 = abs(round(rnorm(9, 8, 4), 0)))

在夏季 2 周和冬季 3 周内收集了 3 家商店(A、B、C)的一些数据。收集的数据是商店在特定一周内库存的每种尺寸(大、中、小)水果(苹果、梨、橙子)的数量。

这是数据集的前 6 行:

# fruit  size   shopA_summer_wk1   shopA_summer_wk2 shopB_summer_wk1 shopB_summer_wk2 shopC_summer_wk1 shopC_summer_wk2 shopA_winter_wk1 shopA_winter_wk2 shopA_winter_wk3
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 apple big 9 12 12 16 15 5 14 4 0
# 2 apple medium 21 16 16 1 12 11 8 8 9
# 3 apple small 10 6 18 18 22 12 4 2 0
# 4 pear big 13 7 4 12 13 6 10 6 2
# 5 pear medium 13 12 8 0 8 5 11 7 3
# 6 pear small 16 18 4 3 13 8 7 5 0

我想使用 R 中的 pivot_longer() 函数来重构这个数据集。鉴于有相当多的组类别,我很难为此编写代码。





使用 names_pattern 参数,我们可以:

pivot_longer(df, c(-fruit, -size), names_pattern = '(^.*)_wk(.*$)',
names_to = c('Shop_season', 'week'))
#> # A tibble: 135 x 5
#> fruit size Shop_season week value
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 apple big shopA_summer 1 11
#> 2 apple big shopA_summer 2 8
#> 3 apple big shopB_summer 1 4
#> 4 apple big shopB_summer 2 24
#> 5 apple big shopC_summer 1 9
#> 6 apple big shopC_summer 2 10
#> 7 apple big shopA_winter 1 9
#> 8 apple big shopA_winter 2 12
#> 9 apple big shopA_winter 3 5
#> 10 apple big shopB_winter 1 5
#> # ... with 125 more rows


pivot_longer(df, c(-fruit, -size), names_pattern = '(^.*)_wk(.*$)',
names_to = c('Shop_season', 'week')) %>%
separate(Shop_season, into = c('shop', 'season'))
#> # A tibble: 135 x 6
#> fruit size shop season week value
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 apple big shopA summer 1 11
#> 2 apple big shopA summer 2 8
#> 3 apple big shopB summer 1 4
#> 4 apple big shopB summer 2 24
#> 5 apple big shopC summer 1 9
#> 6 apple big shopC summer 2 10
#> 7 apple big shopA winter 1 9
#> 8 apple big shopA winter 2 12
#> 9 apple big shopA winter 3 5
#> 10 apple big shopB winter 1 5
#> #... with 125 more rows

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