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assembly - 从另一个文件调用过程

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我有一个 .ASM 文件,我想在其中调用另一个 .ASM 或 .INC 文件中的过程。
我尝试将以下内容写入我的 main.asm 文件:



'the emulator is halted.'


另一个 .INC 文件中的程序是:
; A function to open a file using its name and remember its file_handle 
open_file proc
mov ax, 3d00h ; System call to open a file
lea dx, file_name ; name of the file we are opening
int 21h ; system interrupt
mov file_handle, ax ; remember file_handle!!

; A function to read from a file byte by byte using the file_handle we have remembered, and test if we are at the end of the file
read_file proc
mov bx, file_handle
mov cx, 1 ; 1 = number of bytes to read
lea dx, data_from_file ; pointer to reading buffer
mov ah, 3fh ; reading from file via filehandle
int 21h
cmp ax, 0 ; if number of bytes read from file == 0, close file
jz mid_fileclose

; A fucntion to print a character from the file to the screen
data_out proc
mov al, data_from_file ; ASCII code for the last character
mov ah, 09h ; system call for printing strings
lea dx, data_from_file ; address of the string
int 21h ; since al==dx, we print character by character from the file

我在 main.asm 文件中这样调用这些过程:
call open_file
call read_file
call data_out


.model small                   
.stack 100h

no_of_lines dw 24 ; number of lines that can be printed within the window, without overwriting old output
printed_lines dw 2 ; number of printed lines we will keep throughout the program, to know when to request user input for moving on to overwriting old output
data_from_file db '.','$' ; a variable where we store characters read from the file
file_handle dw 0 ; file handle using which we read from the file
file_name db "helpDoc.txt", 0 ; name of the file we are reading from
newline db 13,10,'$' ; a variable which we use when we want to print a new line
rrr db '-r' ; a variable against which we compare the user input
size_str = ($ - rrr) ; size of string rrr
argument db 3,?,3 dup(?) ; a variable where we store user input, which defines which mode the program will use
welcome_text db "To print comment lines enter '-r', to print other lines press enter:",13,10,'$' ; a simple welcome text which we display at the start

; A function which prints out a welcome message and promts the user to select the program mode
mode proc
mov ah, 09h ; print out the instruction text
lea dx, welcome_text ; if the user enters '-r', comment lines will be printed
int 21h ; if only enter is pressed, regular lines will be printed
mov ah, 0ah ; system call to get input from the user
lea dx, argument ; storing the input in 'arg' variable
int 21h
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, newline ; print a new line for clear visual effect
int 21h

lea si, [argument + 2] ; load argument (+2 bytes from the address where the string is stored)
lea di, rrr ; load constant rrr = '-r'
mov cx, size_str ; the lenght of the 'arg' variable in bytes
repe cmpsb ; compare the two string until a mismatch occurs, or until cx == 0
jz comments ; if it's not equal, jump to comment, where we print out comment lines from file
ret ; if it's equal, continue to no_comment, where we print out normal lines from file

; Start of the main program
start: mov ax, @data ; load data segment address to ax
mov ds, ax ; move segmet address to ds
mov es, ax ; move segmet address to es

call open_file ; call a procedure to open a file
call mode ; call a procedure to decide which lines we will print from the file

; This is the code section for the no_comment mode, in this mode we print everything except comments ';', '#', '//'.
begin1: call read_file ; read character from file

no_comments: mov al, data_from_file ; move character we have read to al
cmp al, 59 ; compare it against a ';'
je skip_line ; if it's a ';', skip this line from the file and move on to the next one
cmp al, 35 ; compare against a '#'
je skip_line
cmp al, 47
je skip_line ; compare against a '/'
cmp al, 10 ; if it's a newline character, jump to LINE
je new_line1
call data_out ; if none of the above conditions are met, print out the character!
jmp begin1 ; after printing out the character, read from the file again

skip_line: call read_file ; we read from the file, but dont print it on the screen
mov al, data_from_file ; load character we have read into al
cmp al, 10 ; compare it against a newline character
je no_comments ; if there is a match, we are at the end of the line and we start again from no_comment
jmp skip_line ; if we are not at the end of the line we repeat until we are

new_line1: mov ah, 09h ; system call to print a string
lea dx, newline ; print a new line
int 21h
inc printed_lines
mov ax, printed_lines
mov dx, no_of_lines
cmp ax, dx
je wait_for_input1
jmp begin1 ; after we have printed a new line, we read from the file again

mid_fileclose: jmp fileclose ; jump in the read_file procedure was too long so we have a mid jump here

wait_for_input1:mov ah, 07h ; DOS.InputCharacterWithoutEcho
int 21h
mov printed_lines, 0
mov ax, 3
int 10h
jmp begin1

; This is the code section for the COMMENT mode, here we print only comments
begin2: call read_file ; read a character from the file

comments: mov al, data_from_file ; move the character into the al, so we can compare it
cmp al, 59 ; compare against ';'
je new_line2 ; if equal, jump to new_line to print a new line and print until end of line
cmp al, 47 ; compare against '/'
je new_line2
cmp al, 35 ; compare against '#'
je new_line2 ; if none of the conditions above are met, it is not a comment and we dont print anything

skip: call read_file ; read a character from the file, but dont print it
mov al, data_from_file ; move it to al, so we can compare it
cmp al, 10 ; if it is a newline character, we are at the end of a line and we read from the file again
je begin2
cmp al, 59 ; compare against ';'
je comments ; if it's equal, jump to comment a start printing out this line of the file
cmp al, 47 ; compare against '/'
je comments
cmp al, 35 ; compare against '#'
je comments
jmp skip ; if none of the above conditions are met, cycle read through the file

print: call data_out ; print the character on the screen
call read_file ; read another one from the file
mov al, data_from_file ; move it to al, so we can compare it
cmp al, 10 ; if it is a newline character, we are at the end of a line and we read from the file again
je begin2
jmp print ; cycle through the characters in the line of the file until a newline character is found

new_line2: mov ah, 09h ; system call to print a string
lea dx, newline ; print a new line
int 21h
inc printed_lines
mov ax, printed_lines
mov dx, no_of_lines
cmp ax, dx
je wait_for_input2
jmp print ; after we have printed a new line, we start printing out the contents of the comment line from the file

wait_for_input2:mov ah, 07h ; DOS.InputCharacterWithoutEcho
int 21h
mov printed_lines, 0
mov ax, 3
int 10h
jmp begin2

; After we have read everything from the file, we close it and exit the program
fileclose: mov bx, file_handle ; load file handle as an argument for system call
mov ah, 3eh ; close the file using the system call
int 21h

exit: mov ax, 4c00h ; system call to exit the program
int 21h
end start


包含指令 INCLUDE file_op.inc与将文件的文本直接复制并粘贴到程序集文件中的操作相同,其中 INCLUDE指令出现。您在 .code 之前包含了一个带有代码的文件已遇到指令。您需要将它包含在 .code 之后.将包含移动到文件中的这一点:

INCLUDE ; <--- Inserted after .code
mode proc

关于assembly - 从另一个文件调用过程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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