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vba - Access VBA 以表格格式将查询结果发送到 Outlook 电子邮件

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gpt4 key购买 nike

我想根据我的表格中的查询结果发送一封带有 outlook 的电子邮件,但带有表格格式(在正文中)。由于某种原因,代码仅将表中的最后一条记录输出到电子邮件正文,而不是循环并添加所有 3 条记录。


Public Sub NewEmail()
'On Error GoTo Errorhandler

Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Variant
Dim olatt As String
Dim olMailTem As Variant
Dim strSendTo As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim strTo As String
Dim strcc As String
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qry As DAO.QueryDef
Dim fld As Field
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strtable As String
Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strqry As String

strqry = "SELECT * From Email_Query"

strSendTo = ""
strTo = ""
strcc = ""

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(olMailTem)

olItem.To = strTo
olItem.CC = strcc
olItem.Body = ""
olItem.Subject = "Test E-mail"

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strqry)
If Not (rec.BOF And rec.EOF) Then
intCount = rec.RecordCount
For intLoop = 1 To intCount
olItem.HTMLBody = "<HTML><body>" & _
"<table border='2'>" & _
"<tr>" & _
"<th> Request Type </th>" & _
"<th> ID </th>" & _
"<th> Title </th>" & _
"<th> Requestor Name </th>" & _
"<th> Intended Audience </th>" & _
"<th> Date of Request</th>" & _
"<th> Date Needed </th>" & _
"</tr>" & _
"<tr>" & _
"<td>" & rec("Test1") & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & rec("Test2") & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & rec("Test3") & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & rec("Test4") & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & rec("Test5") & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & rec("Test6") & "</td>" & _
"<td>" & rec("Test7") & "</td>" & _
"</tr>" & _
Next intLoop
End If

MsgBox "E-mail Sent"
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olItem = Nothing

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, , Err.Number
Resume Exit_Command21_Click
End Sub


您在每个循环中更改 HTMLBody,而不是向其添加内容。您应该将标题行设置在循环上方,然后将每一行设置在循环内。我喜欢填充数组并使用 Join 函数 - 它在视觉上更让我满意。

Public Sub NewEmail()

Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Variant
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rec As DAO.Recordset
Dim strQry As String
Dim aHead(1 To 7) As String
Dim aRow(1 To 7) As String
Dim aBody() As String
Dim lCnt As Long

'Create the header row
aHead(1) = "Request Type"
aHead(2) = "ID"
aHead(3) = "Title"
aHead(4) = "Requestor Name"
aHead(5) = "Intended Audience"
aHead(6) = "Date of Request"
aHead(7) = "Date Needed"

lCnt = 1
ReDim aBody(1 To lCnt)
aBody(lCnt) = "<HTML><body><table border='2'><tr><th>" & Join(aHead, "</th><th>") & "</th></tr>"

'Create each body row
strQry = "SELECT * From Email_Query"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQry)

If Not (rec.BOF And rec.EOF) Then
Do While Not rec.EOF
lCnt = lCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve aBody(1 To lCnt)
aRow(1) = rec("Test1")
aRow(2) = rec("Test2")
aRow(3) = rec("Test3")
aRow(4) = rec("Test4")
aRow(5) = rec("Test5")
aRow(6) = rec("Test6")
aRow(7) = rec("Test7")
aBody(lCnt) = "<tr><td>" & Join(aRow, "</td><td>") & "</td></tr>"
End If

aBody(lCnt) = aBody(lCnt) & "</table></body></html>"

'create the email
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(0)

olItem.To = ""
olItem.Subject = "Test E-mail"
olItem.htmlbody = Join(aBody, vbNewLine)

End Sub

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