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ios - 在 iOS 中绘制无限网格

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 22:17:03 25 4
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我想知道在我正在构建的 iOS 应用程序上创建无限网格的最佳方法。我使用 iPhone 上的内部硬件来收集真实世界的数据并构建向量。我想直观地表示此网格上的矢量数据,有点像图形。每个向量都表示为一条线,每个新向量都附加到该网格上的前一个向量。我正在构建应用程序,以便它可以运行用户想要的任何时间(从几分钟到几小时)。我遇到的唯一问题是如何从这个网格开始。我想如果用户运行应用程序几个小时,应用程序上的行会变得很长,因此网格需要适应它并以这种方式“无限”。

无限是指用户可以在网格上向上、向下、向左或向右滑动,并且构成网格的线条永无止境。无论他们在哪里滑动或滑动多长时间,屏幕上总会有一个网格。如前所述,网格还应具有图形的属性。我希望得到接近于此的东西: , 但这张图截断了。

我做了一些研究,大多数关于网格的问题都来自 SpriteKit 框架。但我不知道运行游戏引擎是否是最好的解决方案。我想使用核心图形,但如果无法在该框架上执行此操作,我可以考虑任何其他建议。任何关于从哪里开始的帮助都将不胜感激!



本质上,您从一个非常简单的 UIScrollView 开始,在其中分配一个“引用” View ,该 View 最初将成为 (0,0) 点。然后,您在引用 View 和 ScrollView 内容边缘之间设置了大得离谱的距离(足以让用户不可能不停地滚动)并调整 contentOffset 以便您的 View 适合 ScrollView 的中间。

然后您必须观察 scrollview 的 contentOffset 并计算出每侧需要多少瓦片才能填满屏幕以及更多,这样当用户滚动时总有内容可以显示。这可以设置为任意数量的图 block ,但请注意保持合理,因为您的图 block 可能会消耗内存。我发现 1 个全屏宽度/高度足以满足最快的手动滚动。

当用户滚动时,将调用 contentOffset 观察器,允许您根据需要添加或删除 View 。

当 ScrollView 完成动画后,您将需要重置引用点,以免用完 contentOffset 以供使用。


protocol GridTileDataSource {
func contentView(for: GridTile) -> UIView?

class GridTile: UIView {

let coordinates: (Int, Int)

private let dataSource: GridTileDataSource

// Custom initializer
init(frame: CGRect, coordinates: (Int, Int), dataSource: GridTileDataSource) {
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.dataSource = dataSource
super.init(frame: frame)
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
self.isOpaque = false

// Unused, not supporting Xib/Storyboard
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
return nil

override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {

private func populateWithContent() {
if self.subviews.count == 0,
let subview = dataSource.contentView(for: self) {
subview.frame = self.bounds

然后从相对简单的 UIView/UIScrollView 设置开始: enter image description here

您可以这样创建 GridView 机制:

class GridView: UIView {
@IBOutlet weak var hostScrollView: UIScrollView?
@IBOutlet weak var topConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
@IBOutlet weak var bottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
@IBOutlet weak var leftConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
@IBOutlet weak var rightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint?

private(set) var allocatedTiles: [GridTile] = []
private(set) var referenceCoordinates: (Int, Int) = (0,0)
private(set) var tileSize: CGFloat = 0.0

private(set) var observingScrollview: Bool = false
private(set) var centerCoordinates: (Int, Int) = (Int.max, Int.max)

deinit {
if observingScrollview {
hostScrollView?.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "contentOffset")

func populateGrid(size tileSize: CGFloat, center: (Int, Int)) {
self.referenceCoordinates = center
self.tileSize = tileSize

private func clearGrid() {
for tile in allocatedTiles {

private func observeScrollview() {
guard observingScrollview == false,
let scrollview = hostScrollView
else { return }
scrollview.delegate = self
scrollview.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "contentOffset", options: .new, context: nil)
observingScrollview = true

private func adjustScrollviewInsets() {
guard let scrollview = hostScrollView else { return }

// maximum continous user scroll before hitting the scrollview edge
// set this to something small (~3000) to observe the scrollview indicator resetting to middle
let arbitraryLargeOffset: CGFloat = 10000000.0
topConstraint?.constant = arbitraryLargeOffset
bottomConstraint?.constant = arbitraryLargeOffset
leftConstraint?.constant = arbitraryLargeOffset
rightConstraint?.constant = arbitraryLargeOffset
let xOffset = arbitraryLargeOffset - ((scrollview.frame.size.width - self.frame.size.width) * 0.5)
let yOffset = arbitraryLargeOffset - ((scrollview.frame.size.height - self.frame.size.height) * 0.5)
scrollview.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: xOffset, y: yOffset), animated: false)

override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
guard let scrollview = object as? UIScrollView else { return }
adjustGrid(for: scrollview)

private func adjustGrid(for scrollview: UIScrollView) {
let center = computedCenterCoordinates(scrollview)
guard center != centerCoordinates else { return }
self.centerCoordinates = center
//print("center is now at coordinates: \(center)")
// pre-allocate views past the bounds of the visible scrollview so when user
// drags the view, even super-quick, there is content to show
let xCutoff = Int(((scrollview.frame.size.width * 1.5) / tileSize).rounded(.up))
let yCutoff = Int(((scrollview.frame.size.height * 1.5) / tileSize).rounded(.up))
let lowerX = center.0 - xCutoff
let upperX = center.0 + xCutoff
let lowerY = center.1 - yCutoff
let upperY = center.1 + yCutoff
clearGridOutsideBounds(lowerX: lowerX, upperX: upperX, lowerY: lowerY, upperY: upperY)
populateGridInBounds(lowerX: lowerX, upperX: upperX, lowerY: lowerY, upperY: upperY)

private func computedCenterCoordinates(_ scrollview: UIScrollView) -> (Int, Int) {
guard tileSize > 0 else { return centerCoordinates }
let contentOffset = scrollview.contentOffset
let scrollviewSize = scrollview.frame.size
let xOffset = -( - (contentOffset.x + scrollviewSize.width * 0.5))
let yOffset = -( - (contentOffset.y + scrollviewSize.height * 0.5))
let xIntOffset = Int((xOffset / tileSize).rounded())
let yIntOffset = Int((yOffset / tileSize).rounded())
return (xIntOffset + referenceCoordinates.0, yIntOffset + referenceCoordinates.1)

private func clearGridOutsideBounds(lowerX: Int, upperX: Int, lowerY: Int, upperY: Int) {
let tilesToProcess = allocatedTiles
for tile in tilesToProcess {
let tileX = tile.coordinates.0
let tileY = tile.coordinates.1
if tileX < lowerX || tileX > upperX || tileY < lowerY || tileY > upperY {
// print("Deallocating grid tile: \(tile.coordinates)")
if let index = allocatedTiles.index(of: tile) {
allocatedTiles.remove(at: index)

private func populateGridInBounds(lowerX: Int, upperX: Int, lowerY: Int, upperY: Int) {
guard upperX > lowerX, upperY > lowerY else { return }
var coordX = lowerX
while coordX <= upperX {
var coordY = lowerY
while coordY <= upperY {
allocateTile(at: (coordX, coordY))
coordY += 1
coordX += 1

private func allocateTile(at tileCoordinates: (Int, Int)) {
guard existingTile(at: tileCoordinates) == nil else { return }
// print("Allocating grid tile: \(tileCoordinates)")
let tile = GridTile(frame: frameForTile(at: tileCoordinates),
coordinates: tileCoordinates,
dataSource: self)

private func existingTile(at coordinates: (Int, Int)) -> GridTile? {
for tile in allocatedTiles where tile.coordinates == coordinates {
return tile
return nil

private func frameForTile(at coordinates: (Int, Int)) -> CGRect {
let xIntOffset = coordinates.0 - referenceCoordinates.0
let yIntOffset = coordinates.1 - referenceCoordinates.1
let xOffset = self.bounds.size.width * 0.5 + (tileSize * (CGFloat(xIntOffset) - 0.5))
let yOffset = self.bounds.size.height * 0.5 + (tileSize * (CGFloat(yIntOffset) - 0.5))
return CGRect(x: xOffset, y: yOffset, width: tileSize, height: tileSize)

// readjustOffsets() should only be called when the scrollview is not animating to
// avoid any jerky movement.
private func readjustOffsets() {
centerCoordinates != referenceCoordinates,
let scrollview = hostScrollView,
tileSize > 0
else { return }
let xOffset = CGFloat(centerCoordinates.0 - referenceCoordinates.0) * tileSize
let yOffset = CGFloat(centerCoordinates.1 - referenceCoordinates.1) * tileSize
referenceCoordinates = centerCoordinates
for tile in allocatedTiles {
var frame = tile.frame
frame.origin.x -= xOffset
frame.origin.y -= yOffset
tile.frame = frame
var newContentOffset = scrollview.contentOffset
newContentOffset.x -= xOffset
newContentOffset.y -= yOffset
scrollview.setContentOffset(newContentOffset, animated: false)

extension GridView: UIScrollViewDelegate {
func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {
guard decelerate == false else { return }

func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {

extension GridView: GridTileDataSource {

// This is where you would provide the content to put in the tiles, could be
// maps, images, whatever. In this case went with a simple label containing the coordinates
internal func contentView(for tile: GridTile) -> UIView? {
let placeholderLabel = UILabel(frame: tile.bounds)
let coordinates = tile.coordinates
placeholderLabel.text = "\(coordinates.0, coordinates.1)"
placeholderLabel.textColor =
placeholderLabel.textAlignment = .center
return placeholderLabel

然后剩下的就是通过指定网格大小和要使用的初始坐标来启动您的 GridView:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

@IBOutlet weak var gridView: GridView?

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
gridView?.populateGrid(size: 150.0, center: (0,0))



关于ios - 在 iOS 中绘制无限网格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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