gpt4 book ai didi

R 代码按 % 拆分值,然后为每个新的 % 值分配一个新类别

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 21:31:00 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


    Revenue      Product    New Code
1 223,220.00 Apple
2 386,640.40 Apple
3 19,891.95 Apple



对于 Apple,收入应该分配给:

  • 0.45 进入“A”。
  • 0.50 转到“B”。
  • 0.05 转到“C”。

因此,数据集中的第一个值 Revenue =223,220.00 应按如下方式分配:

    Revenue      Product    New Code
1 100,449 Apple A
2 111,610 Apple B
3 11,161 Apple C



# libraries
# load data
my_data <- read.csv('sales_data_to_reclassify.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# get total category revenue
Apple_revenue <- sum(my_data[substr(my_data$product, 1, 4) == 'Apple', 'Revenue'])
Apple_rows <- which(substr(my_data$product, 1, 4) == 'Apple')
# set the splits
splits <- list(A = 0.45,
B = 0.50,
C = 0.05)
# apply the splits at row level
for (i in Apple_rows) {
# revenue for this row in the original data
row_revenue = my_data[i, 'Revenue']
for (label in names(splits)) {
# grab the row
new_row <- my_data[i, ]
# calculate the revenue for this split
# and update the new row
new_row$Revenue <- row_revenue * splits[[label]]
# assign the label
new_row$New.Code <- label
# build a temporary data frame to hold the new rows
if (label == names(splits)[1]) {
new_rows <- new_row
} else {
new_rows <- rbind(new_rows, new_row)
rownames(my_data) <- NULL
Apple_rows <- which(substr(my_data$product, 1, 4) == 'Apple')
# drop the original row
my_data <- my_data[-i, ]
# add in the new rows
my_data <- rbind(my_data, new_rows)
# test revenue
Apple_new_revenue <- sum(my_data[substr(my_data$product, 1, 4) == 'Apple', 'Revenue'])


这是一个非常简单的 dplyr 解决方案:

df %>% 
filter(Product %in% c("Apple", "Microsoft", "Samsung") %>%
mutate(A = Revenue * 0.45,
B = Revenue * 0.50,
C = Revenue * 0.05) %>%
select(-Revenue) %>%
pivot_longer(-Product, values_to = "Revenue") %>%
rename(`New Code` = name) %>%
select(Revenue, Product, `New Code`)


  Revenue Product `New Code`
<dbl> <chr> <chr>
1 100449 Apple A
2 111610 Apple B
3 11161 Apple C
4 173988. Apple A
5 193320. Apple B
6 19332. Apple C
7 8951. Apple A
8 9946. Apple B
9 995. Apple C

这是一个更长但相似的 base R 解决方案:

# Remove commas from Revenue and convert to numeric
df$Revenue <- as.numeric(gsub(",", "", df$Revenue))

df <- subset(df, df$Product %in% c("Apple", "Microsoft", "Samsung"))

# Calculate percentage distributions
df$A <- df$Revenue * 0.45
df$B <- df$Revenue * 0.50
df$C <- df$Revenue * 0.05

# Reshape data to long
df <- reshape(df,
varying = c("A","B","C"),
v.names = "Revenue",
direction = "long")

# Sort by ID and recode values
df <- df[order(df$id),]
df$time[df$time == 1] <- "A"
df$time[df$time == 2] <- "B"
df$time[df$time == 3] <- "C"

# Drop ID column
df <- subset(df, select = -c(id))

# Rename 'time' to 'New Code'
names(df)[3] <- "New Code"


       Revenue Product New Code
1: 100449.0000 Apple A
2: 111610.0000 Apple B
3: 11161.0000 Apple C
4: 173988.1800 Apple A
5: 193320.2000 Apple B
6: 19332.0200 Apple C
7: 8951.3775 Apple A
8: 9945.9750 Apple B
9: 994.5975 Apple C

关于R 代码按 % 拆分值,然后为每个新的 % 值分配一个新类别,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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