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java - 如何减少线程运行的时间?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 21:17:36 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在开发一个项目,并且有两个一起运行的线程。该项目是一个模拟银行,本质上,我们有一个存款线程和一个取款线程。我遇到存款线程频繁运行的问题,导致银行账户余额增加。 (我希望我在现实生活中遇到这个问题。)如何减少线程运行的时间?


package bankexample;
import bankexample.depositThread;

public class BankExample {

public static int balance =0 ;

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Deposit Thread Withdrawl Thread Balance \n");
System.out.println("-------------- ----------------- --------");
while (true){
Thread d1 = new Thread(new depositThread(1));
Thread d2 = new Thread(new depositThread(2));
Thread d3 = new Thread(new depositThread(3));
Thread w1 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(1));
Thread w2 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(2));
Thread w3 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(3));
Thread w4 = new Thread(new WithdrawThread(4));





package bankexample;

* @author KJ4CC
public class WithdrawThread implements Runnable {
transaction withdraw = new transaction();
int threadNum;
public WithdrawThread(int num){
threadNum = num;

public void run(){

package bankexample;
import bankexample.transaction;

* @author KJ4CC
public class depositThread implements Runnable {
transaction startThread = new transaction();
public static int balance;
int threadNum;
public depositThread(int num){
threadNum = num;

public void run(){

try {

} catch (Exception e) {




package bankexample;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* @author KJ4CC
public class transaction extends BankExample {

private Lock accessLock = new ReentrantLock();
private Condition cond = accessLock.newCondition();
private boolean occupied = false;
Random rand = new Random();

public void deposit(int threadNum) throws InterruptedException{
//random amount for amount to deposit into bank mod 200
int amount = rand.nextInt(200);

//locks the thread
//System.out.println("Balance before Deposit " + balance);
try {
//adds the amount to the balance.
if (occupied == false){
occupied = true;
balance = (balance + amount);
//outputs to terminal
System.out.println("Thread " + threadNum + " Deposits " + amount + "\t\t\t\t Balance is " + balance);
occupied = false;
//signals any awiting widthdraw threads

} finally {
//unlocks thread


public void withdraw(int threadNum){
//getting a random amount mod50
int amount = rand.nextInt(50);

//locking the thread
try {
//test print out

//checks to see if the amount is less than the balance
if (amount < balance && occupied == false) {
occupied = true;
// System.out.println("Balance before withdraw " + balance);
balance = (balance - amount );

System.out.println("\t\t\tThread " + threadNum + " withdrawls " + amount + "\t Balance is " + balance);
occupied = false;
//if it isnt we can not make a withdraw so we have to wait for a deposit
} else {

System.out.println("\t\t\tThread " + threadNum + " Failed to withdrawl " + amount + "\t Balance is " + balance);

//unlock the thread
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(transaction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} finally {

我尝试让线程在达到锁定条件之前 hibernate ,但不幸的是,它不起作用。

Here is a sample from the output:
Deposit Thread Withdrawl Thread Balance

-------------- ----------------- --------
Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 4 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 49 Balance is 0
Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 21 Balance is 0
Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 13 Balance is 0
Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 30 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 15 Balance is 0
Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 18 Balance is 0
Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 25 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 27 Balance is 0
Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 9 Balance is 0
Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 0 Balance is 0
Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 21 Balance is 0
Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 31 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 32 Balance is 0
Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 47 Balance is 0
Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 8 Balance is 0
Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 22 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 38 Balance is 0
Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 43 Balance is 0
Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 2 Balance is 0
Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 19 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 39 Balance is 0
Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 43 Balance is 0
Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 48 Balance is 0
Thread 1 Failed to withdrawl 45 Balance is 0
Thread 3 Failed to withdrawl 45 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Failed to withdrawl 25 Balance is 0
Thread 4 Failed to withdrawl 21 Balance is 0
Thread 2 Deposits 188 Balance is 188
Thread 3 Deposits 128 Balance is 316
Thread 2 Deposits 54 Balance is 370
Thread 1 Deposits 123 Balance is 493
Thread 3 Deposits 59 Balance is 552
Thread 1 withdrawls 38 Balance is 514
Thread 2 withdrawls 35 Balance is 479
Thread 3 withdrawls 40 Balance is 439
Thread 4 withdrawls 5 Balance is 434
Thread 1 Deposits 179 Balance is 613
Thread 1 Deposits 108 Balance is 1027
Thread 2 Deposits 56 Balance is 919
Thread 1 Deposits 96 Balance is 863
Thread 2 Deposits 101 Balance is 767
Thread 3 Deposits 149 Balance is 1176
Thread 3 Deposits 53 Balance is 666
Thread 2 Deposits 67 Balance is 1277
Thread 1 Deposits 108 Balance is 1385
Thread 3 Deposits 34 Balance is 1277
Thread 2 Deposits 69 Balance is 1466
Thread 3 Deposits 49 Balance is 1561
Thread 4 withdrawls 32 Balance is 1529
Thread 1 Deposits 12 Balance is 1561
Thread 2 Deposits 46 Balance is 1561
Thread 1 Deposits 99 Balance is 15


更大的问题是,在 while(true)每次迭代中,您将创建 7 个单独的线程。您基本上在这里生成了无限数量的线程和银行帐户。

每次实例化一个新的 DepositThreadWithdrawThread 时,您都会创建一个新的 transaction 对象,每个对象都有自己的私有(private) 有效地不同步任何内容。

public class WithdrawThread implements Runnable {

//creates a new Lock per *Thread*
transaction withdraw = new transaction();


您的任何线程之间都没有受到适当保护的共享状态。每个 WithdrawThread/DepositThread 仅尝试通过 transaction 对象获取自己的私有(private)锁。仅当所有线程都可以访问资源时,Lock 才能对资源强制执行互斥。

更好的解决方案是拥有一个 Transaction 对象,该对象的引用作为参数传递给每个线程。

关于java - 如何减少线程运行的时间?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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