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java - 使用 ArrayList 时解决 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 18:44:30 25 4
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我是java开发领域的初学者,但我仍然是Java编程的学习者。我想在 netbeans IDE 上查看支持 vector 机分类器的输出。因此,我复制了这段附加的代码,并尝试使用所有其他必需的类和主方法来运行,但是当我给出包含 23,25 这样的输入的文件时,我收到了数字格式异常, 26,27 在主方法中调用方法 loadBinaryProblem() 期间,如果我删除所有逗号并将其替换为空格 ex: 23 25 26 27 那么我将得到 ArrayIndexOutOfBound 异常代替它。因此任何人都可以帮助正确地获得输出而不会出现任何错误。

package svmlearn;

import java.util.*;

* Class representing an optimization problem (a data setting);
* taken from liblinear; "bias" excluded
* @author miafranc
public class Problem {
/** The number of training data */
public int l;
/** The number of features (including the bias feature if bias >= 0) */
public int n;
/** Array containing the target values */
public int[] y;
/** Map of categories to allow various ID's to identify classes with. */
public CategoryMap<Integer> catmap;
/** Array of sparse feature nodes */
public FeatureNode[][] x;
public Problem() {
l = 0;
n = 0;
catmap = new CategoryMap<Integer>();
* Loads a binary problem from file, i.e. having 2 classes.
* @param filename The filename containing the problem in LibSVM format.
public void loadBinaryProblem(String filename) {
String row;
ArrayList<Integer> classes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<FeatureNode []> examples = new ArrayList<FeatureNode []>();
try {
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename));
while ((row = r.readLine()) != null) {
String [] elems = row.split(" ");
Integer cat = Integer.parseInt(elems[0]);
if (catmap.size() > 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("only 2 classes allowed!");
//Index/value pairs:
x = new FeatureNode[examples.size()][];
y = new int[examples.size()];
for (int i=0; i<examples.size(); i++) {
x[i] = examples.get(i);
y[i] = 2*classes.get(i)-1; //0,1 => -1,1
l = examples.size();
} catch (Exception e) {
* Parses a row from a LibSVM format file.
* @param row The already split row on spaces.
* @return The corresponding FeatureNode.
public FeatureNode [] parseRow(String [] row) {
FeatureNode [] example = new FeatureNode[row.length-1];
int maxindex = 0;
for (int i=1; i<row.length; i++) {
String [] iv = row[i].split(":");
int index = Integer.parseInt(iv[0]);
if (index <= maxindex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("indices must be in increasing order!");
maxindex = index;
double value = Double.parseDouble(iv[1]);
example[i-1] = new FeatureNode(index, value);
if (n < maxindex)
n = maxindex;
return example;


我猜 NumberformatExceptions 来自:

String [] elems = row.split(" "); //nothing done by "23,25,26,27"
Integer cat = Integer.parseInt(elems[0]); //you are trying to parse "23,25,26,27"

ArrayIndexOutOfBound 来自:

String [] iv = row[i].split(":");//nothing done
double value = Double.parseDouble(iv[1]);//1 is out of bound

关于java - 使用 ArrayList 时解决 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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