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假设您要向用户显示一组记录,这些记录分为固定大小的页面(例如 Google 搜索的结果)。如果只有几个页面,您可以在结果末尾显示一个页面导航区域,如下所示:
[ << ] [<] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [ > ] [ >> ]
但是,如果结果超过 20 或 30 页,这很快就会变得不方便。
[ << ] [<] ... 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 ... [ > ] [ >> ]
[ << ] [<] 1 2 3 ... 667 668 669 670 671 ... 845 846 847 [ > ] [ >> ]
但在这两种情况下,导航到“...”部分中间的任何位置都需要多次单击鼠标。有时会提供直接输入页码的输入框;否则(假设我们在这里讨论的是网页)精明的用户可能会查看 URL 以查看是否可以直接编辑它。
1 2 3 4 5 6 。 10. 20. 30 . 40. 50 .. 100 .. 200 . 210. 220. 230. 240. 250. 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 。 270. 280. 290. 300 . 310 .. 400 .. 500 .. 600 .. 700 .. 800 .. 900 .. 950 .. 960. 970. 980. 990. 995 996 997 998 999 1000
请注意间隙中编号如何从 1 变为 10、100(等等)。 (我使用 10 的幂,但原则上您可以使用不同的方案 - 比如说 2 的幂)。
我在 2004 年编写了一些执行此操作的代码,并想在这里分享它。有 PHP 和 ASP 版本,但逻辑应该很简单,可以翻译成任何语言。请注意,底部的位(在这两种情况下)仅显示一些示例。显然,格式需要自定义才能匹配您的网页(或应用程序),因此这里的格式非常基本。更改 paginationHTML
// Used by paginationHTML below...
function paginationLink($p, $page, $URL)
if ($p==$page) return '<b style="color:#C0C0C0">' . $p . '</b>';
return '<a href="' . $URL . $p . '">' . $p . '</a>';
// Used by paginationHTML below...
function paginationGap($p1, $p2)
$x = $p2-$p1;
if ($x==0) return '';
if ($x==1) return ' ';
if ($x<=10) return ' . ';
if ($x<=100) return ' .. ';
return ' ... ';
// URL requires the $page number be appended to it.
// e.g. it should end in '&page=' or something similar.
function paginationHTML($page, $lastPage, $URL)
// Nav buttons
if ($page>1)
$result = '<form action="' . $URL . '1" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value=" |< "></form> ' .
'<form action="' . $URL . ($page-1) . '" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value=" < "></form>';
else $result = '<input type="button" value=" |< " disabled> <input type="button" value=" < " disabled>';
$result .= ' ' . $page . ' ';
if ($page<$lastPage)
$result .= '<form action="' . $URL . ($page+1) . '" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value=" > "></form> ' .
'<form action="' . $URL . $lastPage . '" method="POST" style="display:inline"><input type="submit" value=" >| "></form>';
else $result .= '<input type="button" value=" > " disabled> <input type="button" value=" >| " disabled>';
$result .= "<br>";
// Now calculate page links...
$lastp1 = 1;
$lastp2 = $page;
$p1 = 1;
$p2 = $page;
$c1 = $LINKS_PER_STEP+1;
$c2 = $LINKS_PER_STEP+1;
$s1 = '';
$s2 = '';
$step = 1;
while (true)
if ($c1>=$c2)
$s1 .= paginationGap($lastp1,$p1) . paginationLink($p1,$page,$URL);
$lastp1 = $p1;
$p1 += $step;
$s2 = paginationLink($p2,$page,$URL) . paginationGap($p2,$lastp2) . $s2;
$lastp2 = $p2;
$p2 -= $step;
if ($c2==0)
$step *= 10;
$p1 += $step-1; // Round UP to nearest multiple of $step
$p1 -= ($p1 % $step);
$p2 -= ($p2 % $step); // Round DOWN to nearest multiple of $step
if ($p1>$p2)
$result .= $s1 . paginationGap($lastp1,$lastp2) . $s2;
if (($lastp2>$page)||($page>=$lastPage)) return $result;
$lastp1 = $page;
$lastp2 = $lastPage;
$p1 = $page+1;
$p2 = $lastPage;
$c2 = $LINKS_PER_STEP+1;
$s1 = '';
$s2 = '';
$step = 1;
' Used by paginationHTML below...
Function paginationLink(p, page, URL)
if p=page then
paginationLink = "<b style=""color:#C0C0C0"">" & p & "</b>"
paginationLink = "<a href=""" & URL & p & """>" & p & "</a>"
end if
End Function
' Used by paginationHTML below...
Function paginationGap(p1, p2)
Dim x
x = p2-p1
if x=0 then
paginationGap = ""
elseif x=1 then
paginationGap = " "
elseif x<=10 then
paginationGap = " . "
elseif x<=100 then
paginationGap = " .. "
paginationGap = " ... "
end if
End Function
' URL requires the page number be appended to it.
' e.g. it should end in "&page=" or something similar.
Function paginationHTML(page, lastPage, URL)
const LINKS_PER_STEP = 5
Dim p1, p2, c1, c2, s1, s2, lastp1, lastp2, step
' Nav buttons
if page>1 then
paginationHTML = "<form action=""" & URL & "1"" method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value="" |< ""></form> " & _
"<form action=""" & URL & (page-1) & """ method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value="" < ""></form>"
paginationHTML = "<input type=""button"" value="" |< "" disabled> <input type=""button"" value="" < "" disabled>"
end if
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & " " & page & " "
if page<lastPage then
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<form action=""" & URL & (page+1) & """ method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value="" > ""></form> " & _
"<form action=""" & URL & lastPage & """ method=""POST"" style=""display:inline""><input type=""submit"" value="" >| ""></form>"
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<input type=""button"" value="" > "" disabled> <input type=""button"" value="" >| "" disabled>"
end if
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & "<br>"
' Now calculate page links...
lastp1 = 1
lastp2 = page
p1 = 1
p2 = page
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
step = 1
if c1>=c2 then
s1 = s1 & paginationGap(lastp1, p1) & paginationLink(p1, page, URL)
lastp1 = p1
p1 = p1+step
c1 = c1-1
s2 = paginationLink(p2, page, URL) & paginationGap(p2, lastp2) & s2
lastp2 = p2
p2 = p2-step
c2 = c2-1
end if
if c2=0 then
step = step*10
p1 = p1+step-1 ' Round UP to nearest multiple of step
p1 = p1-(p1 mod step)
p2 = p2-(p2 mod step) ' Round DOWN to nearest multiple of step
end if
if p1>p2 then
paginationHTML = paginationHTML & s1 & paginationGap(lastp1, lastp2) & s2
if (lastp2>page) or (page>=lastPage) then exit do
lastp1 = page
lastp2 = lastPage
p1 = page+1
p2 = lastPage
s1 = ""
s2 = ""
step = 1
end if
End Function
<!doctype html>
<title>Logarithmic Pagination Demo</title>
body {background:#C0C0C0;font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16px;text-align:left}
div {margin:0;padding:0}
div#setupDiv {margin:40px;text-align:center}
table#datarows {border-collapse:collapse;margin:40px auto}
table#datarows th {padding:5px 10px;background:#80B0FF;color:#FFFFFF;border:2px solid #80B0FF;width:1000px;text-align:center}
table#datarows td {padding:2px 10px;background:#FFFFFF;color:#D0D0D0;border:2px solid #80B0FF;width:1000px;text-align:left;font-style:italic}
input.err {border:2px solid #FF0000;background-color:#FFF0F0}
form.pager {display:table;margin:0 auto;padding:20px;border:2px solid #E0E0E0;border-radius:10px;background-color:#D0D0D0;text-align:left;white-space:nowrap}
form#pager1 {margin-top:40px}
form#pager2 {margin-bottom:60px}
form.pager div {display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding:0 20px;white-space:nowrap}
form.pager div + div {border-left:2px solid #E0E0E0}
form.pager div.plinks {padding:0;border:0 none;font-size:14px;line-height:24px;max-width:800px;white-space:normal}
form.pager div.plinks b {display:inline-block;vertical-align:bottom;font-size:24px;line-height:21px;height:24px;overflow:hidden;color:#808080}
form.pager div.plinks a {text-decoration:none;color:black}
form.pager div.plinks a:hover {color:#0000FF;font-weight:bold}
form.pager div.plinks + div {border:0 none}
var NumPages, RecsPerPage, els1, els2, plinks1, plinks2;
function setupClick()
var el, n, r;
el = document.getElementById("NumPages");
el.className = ((n = (el.value >>> 0)) ? "" : "err");
el = document.getElementById("RecsPerPage");
el.className = ((r = (el.value >>> 0)) ? "" : "err");
if (n&&r) { NumPages = n; RecsPerPage = r; setupServerPage(); }
// This function sets up what would normally be part of the server's HTML output.
function setupServerPage()
var totRecs = NumPages * RecsPerPage, tbdy = document.getElementById("datarows").tBodies[0], l = tbdy.rows.length;
document.getElementById("plength1").innerHTML = document.getElementById("plength2").innerHTML = totRecs + " record" + ((totRecs===1)?"":"s") + "<br>" + NumPages + " page" + ((NumPages===1)?"":"s");
els1["pcount"].value = els2["pcount"].value = NumPages;
while (l>RecsPerPage) tbdy.deleteRow(--l);
while (l<RecsPerPage) tbdy.insertRow(l++).insertCell(0).innerHTML = "Some data...";
// This would be handled by a return trip to the server, if not using AJAX.
function pageClick(e)
e = e||window.event;
var s = e.target||e.srcElement, n, p, el;
if (s.tagName==="A") { n = (p = s.href).lastIndexOf("=")+1; pageNavigate(p.substring(n) >>> 0); return false; }
else if ((s.tagName!=="INPUT")||(s.type!=="submit")) return;
if (!(n = s.name)) { p = ((el = this.elements["p"]).value >>> 0); if ((p<=0)||(p>NumPages)) { el.className = "err"; return false; }}
else if (n==="p1") p = 1;
else if (n==="pprev") p = (this.elements["pcurr"].value >>> 0)-1;
else if (n==="pnext") p = (this.elements["pcurr"].value >>> 0)+1;
else if (n==="plast") p = (this.elements["pcount"].value >>> 0);
return false;
// This would also be handled by a return trip to the server, or else data records could be retrieved via AJAX.
function pageNavigate(p)
els1["p"].className = els2["p"].className = els1["p"].value = els2["p"].value = "";
if (p<1) p = 1; else if (p>NumPages) p = NumPages;
els1["p1"].disabled = els2["p1"].disabled = els1["pprev"].disabled = els2["pprev"].disabled = (p===1);
els1["pnext"].disabled = els2["pnext"].disabled = els1["plast"].disabled = els2["plast"].disabled = (p===NumPages);
els1["pcurr"].value = els2["pcurr"].value = p;
// if the server is handling this, insert NON-logarithmic page links here (can be just first, current, and last page).
plinks1.innerHTML = plinks2.innerHTML = logarithmicPaginationLinks(NumPages,p,"?p=");
// This function produces the logarithmic pagination links.
function logarithmicPaginationLinks(lastPage,matchPage,linkURL)
function pageLink(p, page) { return ((p===page) ? "<b>"+p+"</b>" : '<a href="'+linkURL+p+'">'+p+"</a>"); }
function pageGap(x) { if (x===0) return ""; if (x===1) return " "; if (x<=10) return " . "; if (x<=100) return " .. "; return " ... "; }
var page = (matchPage ? matchPage : 1), LINKS_PER_STEP = 5, lastp1 = 1, lastp2 = page, p1 = 1, p2 = page, c1 = LINKS_PER_STEP+1, c2 = LINKS_PER_STEP+1, s1 = "", s2 = "", step = 1, linkHTML = "";
while (true)
if (c1>=c2)
s1 += pageGap(p1-lastp1) + pageLink(p1,matchPage);
lastp1 = p1;
p1 += step;
s2 = pageLink(p2,matchPage) + pageGap(lastp2-p2) + s2;
lastp2 = p2;
p2 -= step;
if (c2===0)
step *= 10;
p1 += step-1; // Round UP to nearest multiple of step
p1 -= (p1 % step);
p2 -= (p2 % step); // Round DOWN to nearest multiple of step
if (p1>p2)
linkHTML += s1 + pageGap(lastp2-lastp1) + s2;
if ((lastp2>page)||(page>=lastPage)) break;
lastp1 = page;
lastp2 = lastPage;
p1 = page+1;
p2 = lastPage;
s1 = '';
s2 = '';
step = 1;
return linkHTML;
window.onload = function()
els1 = document.getElementById("pager1").elements;
els2 = document.getElementById("pager2").elements;
plinks1 = document.getElementById("plinks1");
plinks2 = document.getElementById("plinks2")
document.getElementById("pager1").onclick = document.getElementById("pager2").onclick = pageClick;
(document.getElementById("setupDiv").lastChild.onclick = setupClick)();
<div id="setupDiv">Select number of pages: <input type="text" id="NumPages" value="100" size="7"> and records per page: <input type="text" id="RecsPerPage" value="20" size="7"> <input type="button" value=" Go "></div>
<form id="pager1" class="pager" method="GET"><input type="hidden" name="pcount" value=""><input type="hidden" name="pcurr" value="1">
<div>Go to page: <input type="text" name="p" size="7"> <input type="submit" value=" Go "></div>
<div><input type="submit" name="p1" value=" |< " disabled> <input type="submit" name="pprev" value=" < " disabled></div>
<div id="plinks1" class="plinks"></div>
<div><input type="submit" name="pnext" value=" > "> <input type="submit" name="plast" value=" >| "></div>
<div id="plength1"></div>
<table id="datarows"><thead><tr><th>Column Heading...</th></tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table>
<form id="pager2" class="pager" method="GET"><input type="hidden" name="pcount" value=""><input type="hidden" name="pcurr" value="1">
<div>Go to page: <input type="text" name="p" size="7"> <input type="submit" value=" Go "></div>
<div><input type="submit" name="p1" value=" |< " disabled> <input type="submit" name="pprev" value=" < " disabled></div>
<div id="plinks2" class="plinks"></div>
<div><input type="submit" name="pnext" value=" > "> <input type="submit" name="plast" value=" >| "></div>
<div id="plength2"></div>
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