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java - 为什么合并排序需要花费太多时间来排序?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 18:26:51 25 4
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我一直在尝试优化这个合并排序版本,但是对大约 300 万个寄存器进行排序需要太长时间。我哪里做错了?我希望得到一些帮助,谢谢。

Persona 是一个包含字符串和整数的类,以防万一你们想知道以帮助我。

public class Mergesort {
private ArrayList<Persona> numbers = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList<Persona> helper;
private int number;
private boolean ascending;

public void sort(ArrayList<Persona> values, boolean ascending) {
this.numbers = values;
this.ascending = ascending;
number = values.size();
helper = new ArrayList();
mergesort(0, number - 1);

* Determines the middle of the array to sort the left side and the right side
* Then it merges both arrays.
* @param low
* @param high
private void mergesort(int low, int high) {
// check if low is smaller then high, if not then the array is sorted
if (low < high) {
// Get the index of the element which is in the middle
int middle = low + (high - low) / 2;
// Sort the left side of the array
mergesort(low, middle);
// Sort the right side of the array
mergesort(middle + 1, high);
// Combine them both
merge(low, middle, high);

* Merges the arrays.
* @param low
* @param middle
* @param high
private void merge(int low, int middle, int high) {

// Copy both parts into the helper array
for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
helper.add(i, numbers.get(i));

int i = low;
int j = middle + 1;
int k = low;
// Copy the smallest values from either the left or the right side back
// to the original array
while (i <= middle && j <= high) {
if ( helper.get(i).id <= helper.get(j).id) {
numbers.set(k, helper.get(i));
} else {
// Copy the rest of the left side of the array into the target array
while (i <= middle) {



关于java - 为什么合并排序需要花费太多时间来排序?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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