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r - ggplot : How to produce a gradient fill within a geom_polygon

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 18:04:52 24 4
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tri_fill <- structure(
list(x= c(0.75, 0.75, 2.25, 3.25),
y = c(40, 43, 43, 40)),
.Names = c("x", "y"),
row.names = c(NA, -4L), class = "data.frame",Integrated=NA, Related=NA)

# install.packages("ggplot2", dependencies = TRUE)

ggplot(data=tri_fill,aes(x=x, y=y))+
geom_polygon() +
scale_fill_gradient(limits=c(1, 4), low = "lightgrey", high = "red")

我想要的是沿 x 轴的渐变,但通过上面的内容,我只能得到带有渐变的图例和带有实心填充的多边形。




#create data for 'n'segments
n_segs <- 1000

#x and xend are sequences spanning the entire range of 'x' present in the data
newpolydata <- data.frame(xstart=seq(min(tri_fill$x),max(tri_fill$x),length.out=n_segs))
newpolydata$xend <- newpolydata$xstart

#y's are a little more complicated: when x is below changepoint, y equals max(y)
#but when x is above the changepoint, the border of the polygon
#follow a line according to the formula y= intercept + x*slope.

#identify changepoint (very data/shape dependent)
change_point <- max(tri_fill$x[which(tri_fill$y==max(tri_fill$y))])

#calculate slope and intercept
slope <- (max(tri_fill$y)-min(tri_fill$y))/ (change_point - max(tri_fill$x))
intercept <- max(tri_fill$y)

#all lines start at same y
newpolydata$ystart <- min(tri_fill$y)

#calculate y-end
newpolydata$yend <- with(newpolydata, ifelse (xstart <= change_point,
max(tri_fill$y),intercept+ (xstart-change_point)*slope))

p2 <- ggplot(newpolydata) +
geom_segment(aes(x=xstart,xend=xend,y=ystart,yend=yend,color=xstart)) +
scale_color_gradient(limits=c(0.75, 4), low = "lightgrey", high = "red")
p2 #note that I've changed the lower border of the gradient.

enter image description here

编辑:如果只需要一个具有渐变的多边形,上述解决方案就有效,但是,正如评论中指出的那样,当您计划将一个事物映射到填充并将另一个事物映射到颜色时,这可能会出现问题,因为每个“aes' 只能使用一次。因此,我修改了解决方案,不绘制线条,而是绘制可以填充 aes 的(非常薄的)多边形。

#for each 'id'/polygon, four x-variables and four y-variable
#for each polygon, we start at lower left corner, and go to upper left, upper right and then to lower right.

n_polys <- 1000
#identify changepoint (very data/shape dependent)
change_point <- max(tri_fill$x[which(tri_fill$y==max(tri_fill$y))])

#calculate slope and intercept
slope <- (max(tri_fill$y)-min(tri_fill$y))/ (change_point - max(tri_fill$x))
intercept <- max(tri_fill$y)
#calculate sequence of borders: x, and accompanying lower and upper y coordinates
x_seq <- seq(min(tri_fill$x),max(tri_fill$x),length.out=n_polys+1)
y_max_seq <- ifelse(x_seq<=change_point, max(tri_fill$y), intercept + (x_seq - change_point)*slope)
y_min_seq <- rep(min(tri_fill$y), n_polys+1)

#create polygons/rectangles
poly_list <- lapply(1:n_polys, function(p){
res <- data.frame(x=rep(c(x_seq[p],x_seq[p+1]),each=2),
y = c(y_min_seq[p], y_max_seq[p:(p+1)], y_min_seq[p+1]))
res$fill_id <- x_seq[p]

poly_data <-, poly_list)

#plot, allowing for both fill and color-aes
p3 <- ggplot(tri_fill, aes(x=x,y=y))+
geom_polygon(data=poly_data, aes(x=x,y=y, group=fill_id,fill=fill_id)) +
scale_fill_gradient(limits=c(0.75, 4), low = "lightgrey", high = "red") +

enter image description here

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