- html - 出于某种原因,IE8 对我的 Sass 文件中继承的 html5 CSS 不友好?
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我正在使用 summer note 作为文本编辑器来替代 wp-editor 来创建帖子。当通过 summer note 创建帖子并将其发送到服务器时,它已成功创建,但是当我想编辑相同的帖子(由单引号或双引号组成)时,JS 显示并且意外标识符错误并停止加载代码。下面我分享了我过去 5 天尝试编辑的代码,但现在我放弃了,无法理解我哪里出错了。
------------ 这是我用来创建帖子的代码块,我将发布 HTML、Jquery、ajax 和 PHP 代码 ---------- -
<div class="col-md-9">
<textarea name="post_content" id="post_content" class="form-control round post_content summernote"></textarea>
jQuery 代码:
function clean_html(editor, type, value)
if (value.indexOf("<"+type+">") >= 0)
if(type == "b")
marca = /<b(?:.*?)>(?:.*?)<\/b>/g;
replaceIniTag = "<strong>";
replaceEndTag = "</strong>";
marca = /<i(?:.*?)>(?:.*?)<\/i>/g;
replaceIniTag = "<em>";
replaceEndTag = "</em>";
var matches = value.match(marca),
len = matches.length,
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
str = $(matches[i]).text();
str = replaceIniTag+str+replaceEndTag;
value = value.replace(matches[i], str);
$('#post_content').summernote('code', value); //Replace the editor content
function CleanPastedHTML(input)
// 1. remove line breaks / Mso classes
var stringStripper = /(\n|\r| class=(")?Mso[a-zA-Z]+(")?)/g;
var output = input.replace(stringStripper, ' ');
// 2. strip Word generated HTML comments
var commentSripper = new RegExp('<!--(.*?)-->','g');
var output = output.replace(commentSripper, '');
var tagStripper = new RegExp('<(/)*(meta|link|span|\\?xml:|st1:|o:|font)(.*?)>','gi');
// 3. remove tags leave content if any
output = output.replace(tagStripper, '');
// 4. Remove everything in between and including tags '<style(.)style(.)>'
var badTags = ['style', 'script','applet','embed','noframes','noscript'];
for (var i=0; i< badTags.length; i++)
tagStripper = new RegExp('<'+badTags[i]+'.*?'+badTags[i]+'(.*?)>', 'gi');
output = output.replace(tagStripper, '');
// 5. remove attributes ' style="..."'
var badAttributes = ['style', 'start'];
for (var i=0; i< badAttributes.length; i++)
var attributeStripper = new RegExp(' ' + badAttributes[i] + '="(.*?)"','gi');
output = output.replace(attributeStripper, '');
return output;
height: 200,
focus: false,
disableDragAndDrop: true,
popover: {
image: [],
link: [],
air: []
// disableResizeEditor: true,
placeholder: "Type Your Post Content...",
toolbar: [
['cleaner',['cleaner']], // The Button
['style', ['style']],
// ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'clear']],
['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough', 'superscript', 'subscript']],
// ['fontname', ['fontname']],
['fontsize', ['fontsize']],
['color', ['color']],
['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
['height', ['height']],
['table', ['table']],
['insert', ['link', 'hr']],
// ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video', 'hr', 'readmore']],
['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview']]
// ['help', ['help']]
action: 'both', // both|button|paste 'button' only cleans via toolbar button, 'paste' only clean when pasting content, both does both options.
newline: '<br>', // Summernote's default is to use '<p><br></p>'
notStyle: 'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0', // Position of Notification
icon: '<i class="note-icon-row-remove"></i> Clean',
keepHtml: false, // Remove all Html formats
keepOnlyTags: ['<p>', '<br>', '<ul>', '<li>', '<b>', '<strong>','<i>', '<a>'], // If keepHtml is true, remove all tags except these
keepClasses: false, // Remove Classes
badTags: ['style', 'script', 'applet', 'embed', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'html'], // Remove full tags with contents
badAttributes: ['style', 'start'], // Remove attributes from remaining tags
limitChars: false, // 0/false|# 0/false disables option
limitDisplay: 'both', // text|html|both
limitStop: false // true/false
onPaste: function (e)
var thisNote = $(this);
var updatePastedText = function(someNote)
var original = someNote.code();
var cleaned = CleanPastedHTML(original); //this is where to call whatever clean function you want. I have mine in a different file, called CleanPastedHTML.
someNote.code('').html(cleaned); //this sets the displayed content editor to the cleaned pasted code.
setTimeout(function ()
//this kinda sucks, but if you don't do a setTimeout,
//the function is called before the text is really pasted.
}, 10);
onChange: function(contents, $editable)
clean_html(this, "b", contents);
clean_html(this, "i", contents);
$('#post_content').summernote('removeModule', 'autoLink');
AJAX 代码:
var post_content = $("#post_content").summernote('code');
url: '/bypasser/modules/create.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'JSON',
data: {action: "create", type: "post", title: post_title, slug: post_slug, category: post_category_id, content: post_content, excerpt: post_excerpt, tags: post_tags, featured_image: response, original_image: $original_image, status: post_status},
if(resp.status == "success")
$("#post_title, #post_slug, #post_content, select.post_category, #post_excerpt, #post_tags, #upload_image, #post_status, #post_preview, #post_create").attr("disabled", false);
PHP 代码:(我删除了不需要的其余代码)
$query = "
'".htmlentities($_POST['content'], ENT_QUOTES)."',
) ";
当我编辑帖子时,其余上面的代码是相同的,唯一的是我必须将值放在夏季笔记中,所以我必须通过 JS 实现它,下面是代码。 <script>
中的代码标记加载到 PHP 文件中,而其他代码在 .js
var htmlCode = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($content); ?>";
$('#post_content').summernote('code', htmlCode);
这里的问题是如果你没有任何 single quote or double quote
代码工作正常,但如果你有 a single quote or double quote
然后在加载页面时它给出了 SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier /bypasser/edit?page=post&id=58:450
var htmlCode = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars_decode($content); ?>";
var htmlCode = "<p>Whatsapp for iOS now lets users completely ignore muted chat. Also, the recently now added group privacy options. </p><p> I<span style="font-size: 1rem;">ndian users of Fitbit least active and most sleep deprived - Fitbit the wearables brand. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 1rem;"> Apple’s latest AirPods Pro launched in India at Rs. 24,900 with active noise cancellation. </span><span style="font-size: 1rem;">The truly wireless pair of earphones will be available with Apple’s authorised resellers.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 1rem;"> Google to secure G Pay transactions with biometrics. The latest 2.100 version shows facial recognition and fingerprint features. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 1rem;"> MTNL users get two 1Gbps plans, for 2,990 and 4,990. The plans are now restricted to Delhi. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 1rem;">Jio All-in-one plans start at Rs.222 post introduction of 6ps/min call charges for Jio to non-Jio calls. </span></p>";
过去 5 天以来,我一直被这个问题困扰,无法弄清楚应该做什么。谁能指导我哪里出错了?
我希望这可以帮助别人,你可以使用反引号 (`) 字符来允许单引号和双引号,我不确定当你的字符串也包含反引号时这会如何表现,但到目前为止我一直在使用它。这通常对我有用,希望对你有帮助
var htmlFromDatabase = `<?php echo $topic['topicContent']; ?>`
$("#topicContent").summernote('code', htmlFromDatabase);
关于javascript - 在 summer note JS 中加载数据时弹出意外标识符错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58656007/
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