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java - 是否可以 peek() 查看 Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue 的元素

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 16:08:46 24 4
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我有一个程序,其中有多个 PublisherTask 和 SubscriberTask 类型的对象。给定订阅者可以订阅一个或多个发布者。

abstract class Publication {
// some published information

class ConcretePublicationA extends Publication {


class ConcretePublicationB extends Publication {


abstract class Subscription {
private final long id;
private final Subscriber s;
// PLUS some other members relating to the subscription

protected Subscription(long id, Subscriber s){ = id;
this.s =s;

public Subscriber getSubscriber() {
return this.s;


class ConcreteSubscriptionA extends Subscription {

protected ConcreteSubscriptionA(long id, Subscriber s) {
super(id, s);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


class ConcreteSubscriptionB extends Subscription {

protected ConcreteSubscriptionB(long id, Subscriber s) {
super(id, s);
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub


interface Subscriber {
public void update(Publication pub);

interface Publisher {
public Subscription subscribe(Subscriber subscriber);

abstract class PublisherTask implements Runnable, Publisher {
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Subscription> subscribers =
new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Subscription>();
Long subscriptionId = 0L;

public void run() {
/*obviously this is a different variable in a real program*/
boolean some_condition = true;

while(some_condition) {
// do some work
Publication pub = /* new ConcretePublication(....) */ null;

for (Subscription s : subscribers.values()) {


public Subscription subscribe(Subscriber subscriber) {
Subscription sub;

synchronized(subscriptionId) {
/* the lines below are in a function in the sub-class,
* but for brevity I'm showing them here
sub = new ConcreteSubscriptionA(++subscriptionId, subscriber);
subscribers.put(subscriptionId, sub);
return sub ;


abstract class SubscriberTask implements Runnable, Subscriber {

protected ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Publication> newPublications =
new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Publication>();

public void run() {
/*obviously this is a different variable in a real program*/
boolean some_condition = true;

while(some_condition) {
// do some work
Publication pub = newPublications.peek();

/* the lines below are in a function in the sub-class,
* but for brevity I'm showing them here
if (pub instanceof ConcretePublicationA) {
// Do something with the published data
} else if (pub instanceof ConcretePublicationB) {
// Do something with the published data

public void update(Publication pub) {

/* My question relates to this method:
* Bascially to avoid memory issues I would like existing
* unprocessed publications **Of Tth Same Type As The New One**
* to be discarded
Publication existing = null;

do {
//This won't work coz peek() only looks at the head of the queue
existing = newPublications.peek();

if ((existing != null) && (existing.getClass().equals(pub))) {
} while (existing != null);

在上面显示的 update 方法中,是否可以查看 ConcurrentLinkedQueue 中的所有元素并删除给定类型的元素?


是的,可以使用迭代器查看 ConcurrentLinkedQueue 的所有元素。

Iterator<Publication> itr = newPublications.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Publication existing =;
if (existing.getClass().equals(pub)) {

因为 ConcurrentLinkedQueue 返回的迭代器保证遍历迭代器构造时存在的元素,并且可能(但不保证)反射(reflect)构造后的任何修改,因此您可能需要外部锁定:



关于java - 是否可以 peek() 查看 Java ConcurrentLinkedQueue 的元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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