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ios - 调整Apple的RayTracing Shader以获得更多反射

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我想知道,是否有可能在Apples RayTracing演示*的金属代码中使对象渲染时具有更多的反射(并且彼此反射)。 RayTraced输出更像是一种常见的Phong阴影,而不是RayTraced图像所想象的。


Figure 1: RayTraced Metaballs



#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>

#import "ShaderTypes.h"

using namespace metal;

// Represents a three dimensional ray which will be intersected with the scene. The ray type
// is customized using properties of the MPSRayIntersector.
struct Ray {
// Starting point
packed_float3 origin;

// Mask which will be bitwise AND-ed with per-triangle masks to filter out certain
// intersections. This is used to make the light source visible to the camera but not
// to shadow or secondary rays.
uint mask;

// Direction the ray is traveling
packed_float3 direction;

// Maximum intersection distance to accept. This is used to prevent shadow rays from
// overshooting the light source when checking for visibility.
float maxDistance;

// The accumulated color along the ray's path so far
float3 color;

// Represents an intersection between a ray and the scene, returned by the MPSRayIntersector.
// The intersection type is customized using properties of the MPSRayIntersector.
struct Intersection {
// The distance from the ray origin to the intersection point. Negative if the ray did not
// intersect the scene.
float distance;

// The index of the intersected primitive (triangle), if any. Undefined if the ray did not
// intersect the scene.
int primitiveIndex;

// The barycentric coordinates of the intersection point, if any. Undefined if the ray did
// not intersect the scene.
float2 coordinates;

constant unsigned int primes[] = {
2, 3, 5, 7,
11, 13, 17, 19,
23, 29, 31, 37,
41, 43, 47, 53,

// Returns the i'th element of the Halton sequence using the d'th prime number as a
// base. The Halton sequence is a "low discrepency" sequence: the values appear
// random but are more evenly distributed then a purely random sequence. Each random
// value used to render the image should use a different independent dimension 'd',
// and each sample (frame) should use a different index 'i'. To decorrelate each
// pixel, a random offset can be applied to 'i'.
float halton(unsigned int i, unsigned int d) {
unsigned int b = primes[d];

float f = 1.0f;
float invB = 1.0f / b;

float r = 0;

while (i > 0) {
f = f * invB;
r = r + f * (i % b);
i = i / b;

return r;

// Generates rays starting from the camera origin and traveling towards the image plane aligned
// with the camera's coordinate system.
kernel void rayKernel(uint2 tid [[thread_position_in_grid]],
// Buffers bound on the CPU. Note that 'constant' should be used for small
// read-only data which will be reused across threads. 'device' should be
// used for writable data or data which will only be used by a single thread.
constant Uniforms & uniforms,
device Ray *rays,
texture2d<unsigned int> randomTex,
texture2d<float, access::write> dstTex)
// Since we aligned the thread count to the threadgroup size, the thread index may be out of bounds
// of the render target size.
if (tid.x < uniforms.width && tid.y < uniforms.height) {
// Compute linear ray index from 2D position
unsigned int rayIdx = tid.y * uniforms.width + tid.x;

// Ray we will produce
device Ray & ray = rays[rayIdx];

// Pixel coordinates for this thread
float2 pixel = (float2)tid;

// Apply a random offset to random number index to decorrelate pixels
unsigned int offset =;

// Add a random offset to the pixel coordinates for antialiasing
float2 r = float2(halton(offset + uniforms.frameIndex, 0),
halton(offset + uniforms.frameIndex, 1));

pixel += r;

// Map pixel coordinates to -1..1
float2 uv = (float2)pixel / float2(uniforms.width, uniforms.height);
uv = uv * 2.0f - 1.0f;

constant Camera & camera =;

// Rays start at the camera position
ray.origin = camera.position;

// Map normalized pixel coordinates into camera's coordinate system
ray.direction = normalize(uv.x * camera.right +
uv.y * camera.up +
// The camera emits primary rays
ray.mask = RAY_MASK_PRIMARY;

// Don't limit intersection distance
ray.maxDistance = INFINITY;

// Start with a fully white color. Each bounce will scale the color as light
// is absorbed into surfaces.
ray.color = float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

// Clear the destination image to black
dstTex.write(float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), tid);

// Interpolates vertex attribute of an arbitrary type across the surface of a triangle
// given the barycentric coordinates and triangle index in an intersection struct
template<typename T>
inline T interpolateVertexAttribute(device T *attributes, Intersection intersection) {
// Barycentric coordinates sum to one
float3 uvw;
uvw.xy = intersection.coordinates;
uvw.z = 1.0f - uvw.x - uvw.y;

unsigned int triangleIndex = intersection.primitiveIndex;

// Lookup value for each vertex
T T0 = attributes[triangleIndex * 3 + 0];
T T1 = attributes[triangleIndex * 3 + 1];
T T2 = attributes[triangleIndex * 3 + 2];

// Compute sum of vertex attributes weighted by barycentric coordinates
return uvw.x * T0 + uvw.y * T1 + uvw.z * T2;

// Uses the inversion method to map two uniformly random numbers to a three dimensional
// unit hemisphere where the probability of a given sample is proportional to the cosine
// of the angle between the sample direction and the "up" direction (0, 1, 0)
inline float3 sampleCosineWeightedHemisphere(float2 u) {
float phi = 2.0f * M_PI_F * u.x;

float cos_phi;
float sin_phi = sincos(phi, cos_phi);

float cos_theta = sqrt(u.y);
float sin_theta = sqrt(1.0f - cos_theta * cos_theta);

return float3(sin_theta * cos_phi, cos_theta, sin_theta * sin_phi);

// Maps two uniformly random numbers to the surface of a two-dimensional area light
// source and returns the direction to this point, the amount of light which travels
// between the intersection point and the sample point on the light source, as well
// as the distance between these two points.
inline void sampleAreaLight(constant AreaLight & light,
float2 u,
float3 position,
thread float3 & lightDirection,
thread float3 & lightColor,
thread float & lightDistance)
// Map to -1..1
u = u * 2.0f - 1.0f;

// Transform into light's coordinate system
float3 samplePosition = light.position +
light.right * u.x +
light.up * u.y;

// Compute vector from sample point on light source to intersection point
lightDirection = samplePosition - position;

lightDistance = length(lightDirection);

float inverseLightDistance = 1.0f / max(lightDistance, 1e-3f);

// Normalize the light direction
lightDirection *= inverseLightDistance;

// Start with the light's color
lightColor = light.color;

// Light falls off with the inverse square of the distance to the intersection point
lightColor *= (inverseLightDistance * inverseLightDistance);

// Light also falls off with the cosine of angle between the intersection point and
// the light source
lightColor *= saturate(dot(-lightDirection, light.forward));

// Aligns a direction on the unit hemisphere such that the hemisphere's "up" direction
// (0, 1, 0) maps to the given surface normal direction
inline float3 alignHemisphereWithNormal(float3 sample, float3 normal) {
// Set the "up" vector to the normal
float3 up = normal;

// Find an arbitrary direction perpendicular to the normal. This will become the
// "right" vector.
float3 right = normalize(cross(normal, float3(0.0072f, 1.0f, 0.0034f)));

// Find a third vector perpendicular to the previous two. This will be the
// "forward" vector.
float3 forward = cross(right, up);

// Map the direction on the unit hemisphere to the coordinate system aligned
// with the normal.
return sample.x * right + sample.y * up + sample.z * forward;

// Consumes ray/triangle intersection results to compute the shaded image
kernel void shadeKernel(uint2 tid [[thread_position_in_grid]],
constant Uniforms & uniforms,
device Ray *rays,
device Ray *shadowRays,
device Intersection *intersections,
device float3 *vertexColors,
device float3 *vertexNormals,
device uint *triangleMasks,
constant unsigned int & bounce,
texture2d<unsigned int> randomTex,
texture2d<float, access::write> dstTex)
if (tid.x < uniforms.width && tid.y < uniforms.height) {
unsigned int rayIdx = tid.y * uniforms.width + tid.x;
device Ray & ray = rays[rayIdx];
device Ray & shadowRay = shadowRays[rayIdx];
device Intersection & intersection = intersections[rayIdx];

float3 color = ray.color;

// Intersection distance will be negative if ray missed or was disabled in a previous
// iteration.
if (ray.maxDistance >= 0.0f && intersection.distance >= 0.0f) {
uint mask = triangleMasks[intersection.primitiveIndex];

// The light source is included in the acceleration structure so we can see it in the
// final image. However, we will compute and sample the lighting directly, so we mask
// the light out for shadow and secondary rays.
// Compute intersection point
float3 intersectionPoint = ray.origin + ray.direction * intersection.distance;

// Interpolate the vertex normal at the intersection point
float3 surfaceNormal = interpolateVertexAttribute(vertexNormals, intersection);
surfaceNormal = normalize(surfaceNormal);

unsigned int offset =;

// Look up two random numbers for this thread
float2 r = float2(halton(offset + uniforms.frameIndex, 2 + bounce * 4 + 0),
halton(offset + uniforms.frameIndex, 2 + bounce * 4 + 1));

float3 lightDirection;
float3 lightColor;
float lightDistance;

// Compute the direction to, color, and distance to a random point on the light
// source
sampleAreaLight(uniforms.light, r, intersectionPoint, lightDirection,
lightColor, lightDistance);

// Scale the light color by the cosine of the angle between the light direction and
// surface normal
lightColor *= saturate(dot(surfaceNormal, lightDirection));

// Interpolate the vertex color at the intersection point
color *= interpolateVertexAttribute(vertexColors, intersection);

// Compute the shadow ray. The shadow ray will check if the sample position on the
// light source is actually visible from the intersection point we are shading.
// If it is, the lighting contribution we just computed will be added to the
// output image.

// Add a small offset to the intersection point to avoid intersecting the same
// triangle again.
shadowRay.origin = intersectionPoint + surfaceNormal * 1e-3f;

// Travel towards the light source
shadowRay.direction = lightDirection;

// Avoid intersecting the light source itself
shadowRay.mask = RAY_MASK_SHADOW;

// Don't overshoot the light source
shadowRay.maxDistance = lightDistance - 1e-3f;

// Multiply the color and lighting amount at the intersection point to get the final
// color, and pass it along with the shadow ray so that it can be added to the
// output image if needed.
shadowRay.color = lightColor * color;

// Next we choose a random direction to continue the path of the ray. This will
// cause light to bounce between surfaces. Normally we would apply a fair bit of math
// to compute the fraction of reflected by the current intersection point to the
// previous point from the next point. However, by choosing a random direction with
// probability proportional to the cosine (dot product) of the angle between the
// sample direction and surface normal, the math entirely cancels out except for
// multiplying by the interpolated vertex color. This sampling strategy also reduces
// the amount of noise in the output image.
r = float2(halton(offset + uniforms.frameIndex, 2 + bounce * 4 + 2),
halton(offset + uniforms.frameIndex, 2 + bounce * 4 + 3));

float3 sampleDirection = sampleCosineWeightedHemisphere(r);
sampleDirection = alignHemisphereWithNormal(sampleDirection, surfaceNormal);

ray.origin = intersectionPoint + surfaceNormal * 1e-3f;
ray.direction = sampleDirection;
ray.color = color;
else {
// In this case, a ray coming from the camera hit the light source directly, so
// we'll write the light color into the output image.
dstTex.write(float4(uniforms.light.color, 1.0f), tid);

// Terminate the ray's path
ray.maxDistance = -1.0f;
shadowRay.maxDistance = -1.0f;
else {
// The ray missed the scene, so terminate the ray's path
ray.maxDistance = -1.0f;
shadowRay.maxDistance = -1.0f;

// Checks if a shadow ray hit something on the way to the light source. If not, the point the
// shadow ray started from was not in shadow so it's color should be added to the output image.
kernel void shadowKernel(uint2 tid [[thread_position_in_grid]],
constant Uniforms & uniforms,
device Ray *shadowRays,
device float *intersections,
texture2d<float, access::read> srcTex,
texture2d<float, access::write> dstTex)
if (tid.x < uniforms.width && tid.y < uniforms.height) {
unsigned int rayIdx = tid.y * uniforms.width + tid.x;
device Ray & shadowRay = shadowRays[rayIdx];

// Use the MPSRayIntersection intersectionDataType property to return the
// intersection distance for this kernel only. You don't need the other fields, so
// you'll save memory bandwidth.
float intersectionDistance = intersections[rayIdx];

float3 color =;

// If the shadow ray wasn't disabled (max distance >= 0) and it didn't hit anything
// on the way to the light source, add the color passed along with the shadow ray
// to the output image.
if (shadowRay.maxDistance >= 0.0f && intersectionDistance < 0.0f)
color += shadowRay.color;

// Write result to render target
dstTex.write(float4(color, 1.0f), tid);

// Accumulates the current frame's image with a running average of all previous frames to
// reduce noise over time.
kernel void accumulateKernel(uint2 tid [[thread_position_in_grid]],
constant Uniforms & uniforms,
texture2d<float> renderTex,
texture2d<float> prevTex,
texture2d<float, access::write> accumTex)
if (tid.x < uniforms.width && tid.y < uniforms.height) {
float3 color =;

// Compute the average of all frames including the current frame
if (uniforms.frameIndex > 0) {
float3 prevColor =;
prevColor *= uniforms.frameIndex;

color += prevColor;
color /= (uniforms.frameIndex + 1);

accumTex.write(float4(color, 1.0f), tid);

// Screen filling quad in normalized device coordinates
constant float2 quadVertices[] = {
float2(-1, -1),
float2(-1, 1),
float2( 1, 1),
float2(-1, -1),
float2( 1, 1),
float2( 1, -1)

struct CopyVertexOut {
float4 position [[position]];
float2 uv;

// Simple vertex shader which passes through NDC quad positions
vertex CopyVertexOut copyVertex(unsigned short vid [[vertex_id]]) {
float2 position = quadVertices[vid];

CopyVertexOut out;

out.position = float4(position, 0, 1);
out.uv = position * 0.5f + 0.5f;

return out;

// Simple fragment shader which copies a texture and applies a simple tonemapping function
fragment float4 copyFragment(CopyVertexOut in [[stage_in]],
texture2d<float> tex)
constexpr sampler sam(min_filter::nearest, mag_filter::nearest, mip_filter::none);

float3 color = tex.sample(sam, in.uv).xyz;

// Apply a very simple tonemapping function to reduce the dynamic range of the
// input image into a range which can be displayed on screen.
color = color / (1.0f + color);

return float4(color, 1.0f);



float3 sampleDirection = sampleCosineWeightedHemisphere(r);
sampleDirection = alignHemisphereWithNormal(sampleDirection, surfaceNormal);
float3 sampleDirection = reflect(ray.direction, surfaceNormal);
enter image description here

关于ios - 调整Apple的RayTracing Shader以获得更多反射,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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