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haskell - 如何在不阻塞 Haskell 线程的情况下从进程中检索输出

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 15:56:35 28 4
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子进程是通过 System.IO.createProcess 创建的,它返回用于写入子进程和从子进程读取的句柄。写作和阅读以文本格式完成。

例如,我最好的非阻塞读取尝试是 timeout 1 $ hGetLine out,它返回一个 Just "some line"Nothing code> 如果没有要读取的行。然而,这对我来说似乎是一种 hack,所以我正在寻找一种更“标准”的方式。



下面是一些示例,说明如何以@jberryman 提到的方式与生成的进程进行交互。

程序与脚本交互./compute它只是以 <x> <y> 的形式从 stdin 中读取行并在延迟 y 秒后返回 x+1。更多详情,请访问 this gist .

与派生进程交互时有很多注意事项。为了避免“遭受缓冲”,您需要在每次发送输入时刷新传出管道,并且生成的进程在每次发送响应时都需要刷新标准输出。如果您发现 stdout 刷新不够及时,则可以通过伪 tty 与进程交互。


这是示例代码 - 请参阅 main示例调用的最后例程。

import System.Environment
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)

import System.Process
import System.IO

-- blocking IO
main1 cmd tmicros = do
r <- createProcess (proc "./compute" []) { std_out = CreatePipe, std_in = CreatePipe }
let (Just inp, Just outp, _, phandle) = r

hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering
hPutStrLn inp cmd -- send a command

-- block until the response is received
contents <- hGetLine outp
putStrLn $ "got: " ++ contents

hClose inp -- and close the pipe
putStrLn "waiting for process to terminate"
waitForProcess phandle

-- non-blocking IO, send one line, wait the timeout period for a response
main2 cmd tmicros = do
r <- createProcess (proc "./compute" []) { std_out = CreatePipe, std_in = CreatePipe }
let (Just inp, Just outp, _, phandle) = r

hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering
hPutStrLn inp cmd -- send a command, will respond after 4 seconds

mvar <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- forkIO $ hGetLine outp >>= putMVar mvar

-- wait the timeout period for the response
result <- timeout tmicros (takeMVar mvar)
killThread tid

case result of
Nothing -> putStrLn "timed out"
Just x -> putStrLn $ "got: " ++ x

hClose inp -- and close the pipe
putStrLn "waiting for process to terminate"
waitForProcess phandle

-- non-block IO, send one line, report progress every timeout period
main3 cmd tmicros = do
r <- createProcess (proc "./compute" []) { std_out = CreatePipe, std_in = CreatePipe }
let (Just inp, Just outp, _, phandle) = r

hSetBuffering inp NoBuffering
hPutStrLn inp cmd -- send command

mvar <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- forkIO $ hGetLine outp >>= putMVar mvar

-- loop until response received; report progress every timeout period
let loop = do result <- timeout tmicros (takeMVar mvar)
case result of
Nothing -> putStrLn "still waiting..." >> loop
Just x -> return x
x <- loop
killThread tid

putStrLn $ "got: " ++ x

hClose inp -- and close the pipe
putStrLn "waiting for process to terminate"
waitForProcess phandle


Usage: ./prog which delay timeout

which = main routine to run: 1, 2 or 3
delay = delay in seconds to send to compute script
timeout = timeout in seconds to wait for response


./prog 1 4 3 -- note: timeout is ignored for main1
./prog 2 2 3 -- should timeout
./prog 2 4 3 -- should get response
./prog 3 4 1 -- should see "still waiting..." a couple of times


main = do
(which : vtime : tout : _) <- fmap (map read) getArgs
let cmd = "10 " ++ show vtime
tmicros = 1000000*tout :: Int
case which of
1 -> main1 cmd tmicros
2 -> main2 cmd tmicros
3 -> main3 cmd tmicros
_ -> error "huh?"

关于haskell - 如何在不阻塞 Haskell 线程的情况下从进程中检索输出,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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