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azure - 什么是 AuthorizationLevel.User 以及如何正确使用它?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 15:53:26 26 4
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我刚刚将函数应用配置为使用 azure Active Directory。之后,我想通过更改 HttpTrigger 属性的枚举来停用功能级身份验证。然后我发现可以切换到“用户”授权级别,其描述为:

Allow access to requests that include a valid authentication token

部署函数后,我只收到 401 个未经授权的请求,因此我切换回匿名授权级别。

public enum AuthorizationLevel
// Summary:
// Allow access to anonymous requests.
Anonymous = 0,
// Summary:
// Allow access to requests that include a valid authentication token
User = 1,
// Summary:
// Allow access to requests that include a function key
Function = 2,
// Summary:
// Allows access to requests that include a system key
System = 3,
// Summary:
// Allow access to requests that include the master key
Admin = 4

所以我的问题是,如何正确使用“用户”授权级别?我可以在启用 Azure Active Directory 的情况下使用它吗?




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