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TL; 博士;
所以我有一系列父/子引用, children 也可以有 child 自己等等,树级深度没有限制。此外,我不仅需要能够过滤具有树结构的属性,还需要能够过滤该数组的任何属性,即网格中的列。
const myFiles = [
{id: 11, file: "Music", parentId: null },
{id: 12, file: "mp3", parentId: 11 },
{id: 14, file: "pop", parentId: 12 },
{id: 15, file: "theme.mp3", dateModified: "2015-03-01", size: 85, parentId: 14, },
{id: 16, file: "rock", parentId: 12 },
{id: 17, file: "soft.mp3", dateModified: "2015-05-13", size: 98, parentId: 16, },
{id: 18, file: "else.txt", dateModified: "2015-03-03", size: 90, parentId: null, },
{id: 21, file: "Documents", parentId: null, },
{id: 2, file: "txt", parentId: 21 },
{id: 3, file: "todo.txt", dateModified: "2015-05-12", size: 0.7, parentId: 2, },
{id: 4, file: "pdf", parentId: 21 },
{id: 22, file: "map2.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 2.9, parentId: 4 },
{id: 5, file: "map.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 3.1, parentId: 4, },
{id: 6, file: "internet-bill.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-12", size: 1.4, parentId: 4, },
{id: 7, file: "xls", parentId: 21 },
{id: 8, file: "compilation.xls", dateModified: "2014-10-02", size: 2.3, parentId: 7, },
{id: 9, file: "misc", parentId: 21 },
{id: 10, file: "something.txt", dateModified: "2015-02-26", size: 0.4, parentId: 9, },
{id: 21, file: "Documents", parentId: null, treeMap: ["Documents", "PDF", "map.pdf"] }
{id: 4, file: "pdf", parentId: 21, treeMap: ["PDF", "map.pdf"] }
{id: 5, file: "map.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 3.1, parentId: 4, treeMap: ["map.pdf"] }
export function modifyDatasetToAddTreeMapping(items: any[], treeViewColumn: Column, dataView: any) {
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
items[i]['treeMap'] = [items[i][treeViewColumn.id]];
let item = items[i];
if (item['parentId'] !== null) {
let parent = dataView.getItemById(item['parentId']);
while (parent) {
parent['treeMap'] = dedupePrimitiveArray(parent['treeMap'].concat(item['treeMap']));
item = parent;
parent = dataView.getItemById(item['parentId']);
export function dedupePrimitiveArray(inputArray: Array<number | string>): Array<number | string> {
const seen = {};
const out = [];
const len = inputArray.length;
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const item = inputArray[i];
if (seen[item] !== 1) {
seen[item] = 1;
out[j++] = item;
return out;
是一个包含 1 个或多个过滤器的对象,例如
const columnFilters = { file: 'map', size: '>3' }
function treeFilter(dataView: any, item: any) {
const columnFilters = { file: this.searchString.toLowerCase(), size: 2 };
let filterCount = 0;
if (item[parentPropName] !== null) {
let parent = dataView.getItemById(item['parentId']);
while (parent) {
if (parent.__collapsed) {
return false;
parent = dataView.getItemById(parent['parentId']);
for (const columnId in columnFilters) {
if (columnId !== undefined && columnFilters[columnId] !== '') {
if (item.treeMap === undefined || !item.treeMap.find((itm: string) => itm.endsWith(columnFilters[columnId]))) {
return false;
return true;
的电话如果我想在 File 列上过滤它可以正常工作,但是如果我添加更多列过滤器,它就不能按预期工作。例如,如果您查看第二个打印屏幕,您会看到我输入了“map”,它将显示“Documents > PDF > map.pdf”,这很好,但是如果添加的文件大小小于 3Mb,则应该't 显示“map.pdf”,并且因为该文件未显示并且“文档> PDF”不包含“ map ”一词,因此不应显示任何内容,因此您可以看到过滤器的行为不正常。
function myFilter(item, args) {
const columnFilters = args.columnFilters;
// iterate through each items of the dataset
// return true/false on each item
// to be used as a drop in
dataView.setFilterArgs({ columnFilters: this._columnFilters });
const columnFilters = { file: "map", size: "<3.2" };
,数组的预期结果将是 4 行
// result
{id: 21, file: "Documents", parentId: null },
{id: 4, file: "pdf", parentId: 21, },
{id: 22, file: "map2.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 2.9, parentId: 4 },
{id: 5, file: "map.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 3.1, parentId: 4, }
const columnFilters = { file: "map", size: "<3" };
,数组的预期结果将是 3 行
// result
{id: 21, file: "Documents", parentId: null },
{id: 4, file: "pdf", parentId: 21, },
{id: 22, file: "map2.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 2.9, parentId: 4 },
const columnFilters = { file: "map", size: ">3" };
我有办法做到这一点。它应该具有相当的性能,但我们可能还想将 map 和 reduce 等替换为旧的 for 循环以进一步优化速度(我看过各种博客和文章,比较了 forEach、map 等与 for 循环和 for 的速度) -循环似乎赢了)
这是一个演示(也在这里: https://codepen.io/Alexander9111/pen/abvojzN ):
const myFiles = [
{ id: 11, file: "Music", parentId: null },
{ id: 12, file: "mp3", parentId: 11 },
{ id: 14, file: "pop", parentId: 12 },
{ id: 15, file: "theme.mp3", dateModified: "2015-03-01", size: 85, parentId: 14 },
{ id: 16, file: "rock", parentId: 12 },
{ id: 17, file: "soft.mp3", dateModified: "2015-05-13", size: 98, parentId: 16 },
{ id: 18, file: "else.txt", dateModified: "2015-03-03", size: 90, parentId: null },
{ id: 21, file: "Documents", parentId: null },
{ id: 2, file: "txt", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 3, file: "todo.txt", dateModified: "2015-05-12", size: 0.7, parentId: 2 },
{ id: 4, file: "pdf", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 22, file: "map2.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 2.9, parentId: 4 },
{ id: 5, file: "map.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 3.1, parentId: 4 },
{ id: 6, file: "internet-bill.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-12", size: 1.4, parentId: 4 },
{ id: 7, file: "xls", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 8, file: "compilation.xls", dateModified: "2014-10-02", size: 2.3, parentId: 7 },
{ id: 9, file: "misc", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 10, file: "something.txt", dateModified: "2015-02-26", size: 0.4, parentId: 9 }
//example how to use the "<3" string - better way than using eval():
const columnFilters = { file: "map", size: "<3.2" }; //, size: "<3"
const isSizeValid = Function("return " + myFiles[11].size + "<3")();
const myObj = myFiles.reduce((aggObj, child) => {
aggObj[child.id] = child;
//the filtered data is used again as each subsequent letter is typed
//we need to delete the ._used property, otherwise the logic below
//in the while loop (which checks for parents) doesn't work:
delete aggObj[child.id]._used;
return aggObj;
}, {});
function filterMyFiles(myArray, columnFilters){
const filteredChildren = myArray.filter(a => {
for (let key in columnFilters){
if (a.hasOwnProperty(key)){
const strContains = String(a[key]).includes(columnFilters[key]);
const re = /(?:(?:^|[-+<>=_*/])(?:\s*-?\d+(\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-<>=]?\d+)?\s*))+$/;
const comparison = re.test(columnFilters[key]) && Function("return " + a[key] + columnFilters[key])();
if (strContains || comparison){
//don't return true as need to check other keys in columnFilters
//console.log('false', a)
return false;
} else{
return false;
//console.log('true', a)
return true;
return filteredChildren;
const initFiltered = filterMyFiles(myFiles, columnFilters);
const finalWithParents = initFiltered.map(child => {
const childWithParents = [child];
let parent = myObj[child.parentId];
while (parent){
//console.log('parent', parent)
parent._used || childWithParents.unshift(parent)
myObj[parent.id]._used = true;
parent = myObj[parent.parentId] || false;
return childWithParents;
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
const myFiles = [
{ id: 11, file: "Music", parentId: null },
{ id: 12, file: "mp3", parentId: 11 },
{ id: 14, file: "pop", parentId: 12 },
{ id: 15, file: "theme.mp3", dateModified: "2015-03-01", size: 85, parentId: 14 },
{ id: 16, file: "rock", parentId: 12 },
{ id: 17, file: "soft.mp3", dateModified: "2015-05-13", size: 98, parentId: 16 },
{ id: 18, file: "else.txt", dateModified: "2015-03-03", size: 90, parentId: null },
{ id: 21, file: "Documents", parentId: null },
{ id: 2, file: "txt", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 3, file: "todo.txt", dateModified: "2015-05-12", size: 0.7, parentId: 2 },
{ id: 4, file: "pdf", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 22, file: "map2.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 2.9, parentId: 4 },
{ id: 5, file: "map.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-21", size: 3.1, parentId: 4 },
{ id: 6, file: "internet-bill.pdf", dateModified: "2015-05-12", size: 1.4, parentId: 4 },
{ id: 7, file: "xls", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 8, file: "compilation.xls", dateModified: "2014-10-02", size: 2.3, parentId: 7 },
{ id: 9, file: "misc", parentId: 21 },
{ id: 10, file: "something.txt", dateModified: "2015-02-26", size: 0.4, parentId: 9 }
const columnFilters = { file: "map", size: "<3.2" };
console.log(customLocalFilter(myFiles, columnFilters));
function customLocalFilter(array, filters){
const myObj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < myFiles.length; i++) {
myObj[myFiles[i].id] = myFiles[i];
//the filtered data is used again as each subsequent letter is typed
//we need to delete the ._used property, otherwise the logic below
//in the while loop (which checks for parents) doesn't work:
delete myObj[myFiles[i].id]._used;
const filteredChildrenAndParents = [];
for (let i = 0; i < myFiles.length; i++) {
const a = myFiles[i];
let matchFilter = true;
for (let key in columnFilters) {
if (a.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
const strContains = String(a[key]).includes(columnFilters[key]);
const re = /(?:(?:^|[-+<>!=_*/])(?:\s*-?\d+(\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-<>!=]?\d+)?\s*))+$/;
const comparison =
re.test(columnFilters[key]) &&
Function("return " + a[key] + columnFilters[key])();
if (strContains || comparison) {
//don't return true as need to check other keys in columnFilters
} else {
matchFilter = false;
} else {
matchFilter = false;
if (matchFilter) {
const len = filteredChildrenAndParents.length;
filteredChildrenAndParents.splice(len, 0, a);
let parent = myObj[a.parentId] || false;
while (parent) {
//only add parent if not already added:
parent._used || filteredChildrenAndParents.splice(len, 0, parent);
//mark each parent as used so not used again:
myObj[parent.id]._used = true;
//try to find parent of the current parent, if exists:
parent = myObj[parent.parentId] || false;
return filteredChildrenAndParents;
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
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