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c++ - 旧 C++ 代码中的目录查找导致 OS X Catalina 10.15 中的目录错误

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 14:52:39 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我有一个非常古老的项目(2010 年左右 - 在 XCODE 3.2 上运行)
它是结合 C++ 编写的,还使用 ​​JUCE 库进行音频插件开发的一些编程 - 它编译为音频单元和 VST

我遇到的问题是,自从 OS X Catalina 出现以来,OS X 中的目录查找已经损坏。


/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Company Name/Product Name/Presets/

 /Volumes/Macintosh HD///Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Company Name/Product Name/Presets/

当它这样做时,插件会崩溃——并且它不会通过任何音乐制作 DAW 中的验证。

#ifdef _Mac
tchar psz[1024]
IFile::GetSystemDirectory(IFile::SystemDirApplicationSupport, psz);
sPathName = std::string(psz);
sPathName += msCompanyName;
sPathName += ":";
sPathName += msProductName;
sPathName += ":Presets:";
//windows stuff

return sPathName:

似乎与 IFile::SystemDirApplicationSupport 有关?
不管出于什么原因,现在 Catalina 搞砸了,但我不确定如何解决它

- 编辑


下面你可以看到 GetSystemDirectory 等。

    /*! \class IFile
* \brief Interface for accessing files
* Note that a file cannot be opened for simultaneous reading and writing

class IFile : public virtual IDestructable

//! Creates IFile
static IFile* Create();

//! Enum for defining file access (read / write / create)
enum EOpenFile {
//! Open file for reading only
FileRead = 0,
//! Open file for writing only. File must already exist.
//! Open file for writing only. File may or may not already exist. If already existing it will be deleted.

//! Open file, given filename (full path)
\param pszPathName [in]: File to open (full path name).
\param OpenFile [in]: File access to open with
\return bool: true if success, false otherwise
virtual tbool Open(const tchar* pszPathName, EOpenFile OpenFile) = 0;

//! Close is automatically called when opening a new file, or when destroying object. However you can call it manually if desired
virtual void Close() = 0;

//! Read from file
\param pch [out]: Buffer to be filled
\param iSize [in]: Number of bytes to read
\return tuint64: Number of bytes actually read
virtual tuint64 Read(tchar* pch, tuint64 iSize) = 0;

//! Write to file
\param pch [in]: Buffer to write
\param iSize [in]: Number of bytes to write
\return tuint64: Number of bytes actually written
virtual tuint64 Write(const tchar* pch, tuint64 iSize) = 0;

//! Seek to new position (from start of file). After opening file the position is always 0.
\param iPos [in]: Position to seek to (from start of file)
\return tuint64: New position
virtual tuint64 Seek(tuint64 iPos) = 0;

//! Returns the size of file when it was initially opened
\return tuint64: Size of file when it was initially opened
virtual tuint64 GetSizeWhenOpened() const = 0;

//! Returns current file position
\return tuint64: Current file position
virtual tuint64 GetCurrentFilePosition() const = 0;

//! Gets (full) path name used when opening file
\param pszPathName [out]: Pointer to buffer of min. 513 characters to be filled with path name
virtual void GetPathName(tchar* pszPathName) const = 0;

//! Reads tint32's with automatic crossplatform swapping
\param p [in]: Buffer to read into
\param iSize [in]: Number of tint32's to read
\return tuint64: Number of tint32's actually read
virtual tuint64 ReadCP(tint32* p, tuint64 iSize) = 0;

//! Writes tint32's with automatic crossplatform swapping
\param p [in]: Buffer to write
\param iSize [in]: Number of tint32's to write
\return tuint64: Number of tint32's actually write
virtual tuint64 WriteCP(tint32* p, tuint64 iSize) = 0;

//! Reads tfloat32's with automatic crossplatform swapping
\param p [in]: Buffer to read into
\param iSize [in]: Number of tfloat32's to read
\return tuint64: Number of tfloat32's actually read
virtual tuint64 ReadCP(tfloat32* p, tuint64 iSize) = 0;

//! Writes tfloat32's with automatic crossplatform swapping
\param p [in]: Buffer to write
\param iSize [in]: Number of tfloat32's to write
\return tuint64: Number of tfloat32's actually write
virtual tuint64 WriteCP(tfloat32* p, tuint64 iSize) = 0;

//! Static call to delete a file
\param pszPathName [in]: Full path name of file to delete
\return tbool: If success true, otherwise false
static tbool DeleteFile(const tchar* pszPathName);

//! Static call to move a file
\param pszPathNameDest [in]: Path name of destination directory
\param pszPathNameSrc [in]: Path name of source directory
\param pszName [in]: Name of file
\return tbool: If success true, otherwise false
static tbool MoveFile(const tchar* pszPathNameDest, const tchar* pszPathNameSrc, const tchar* pszName);

//! Static call to copy a file
\param pszPathNameDest [in]: Path name of destination directory
\param pszPathNameSrc [in]: Path name of source directory
\param pszName [in]: Name of file
\return tbool: If success true, otherwise false
static tbool CopyFile(const tchar* pszPathNameDest, const tchar* pszPathNameSrc, const tchar* pszName);

static tbool CopyFile(const tchar* pszPathNameDest, const tchar* pszPathNameSrc);

//! Static call to create a directory
\param pszPathName [in]: Pathname of directory to create. May or may not have ending deliminator ('\' or ':')
\return tbool: If success true, otherwise false. Call may return false if the directory already exists.
static tbool CreateDirectory(const tchar* pszPathName);

//! Enumeration of system directories
enum ESystemDir {
//! OSX: Users Preferences directory. Win32: Not valid
SystemDirPreferences = 0,
//! OSX: Users desktop. Win32: Users desktop.
//! OSX: Application directory. Win32: "Program files" directory (use with caution, since application may be installed in custom location!)
//! OSX: Not implemented (should be users documents directory). Win32: Users documents directory.
//! OSX: /Library/Application Support. Win32: "Program Files\Common" directory
//! OSX: The 'Music' folder inside the users private folder. Win32: The 'My Music' folder inside the users Documents folder
//! OSX: "Chewable" folder that gets cleaned upon boot. Win32: Temporary folder (same as TEMP env-variable).
//! OSX: Not implemented. Win32: Common application data folder

//! Static call to get system directory
\param SystemDir [in]: Directory to get.
\param pszPathName [out]: Returned full path name. Must be preallocated with minimum 513 bytes.
static void GetSystemDirectory(ESystemDir SystemDir, tchar* pszPathName);

//! Converts from OS specific path to internal path. Only works with full paths (not relative).
\param pszPathName [in/out]: Path to be converted. Returns converted path. Note that returned path may be 1 byte longer than the input path.
static void PathFromOS(tchar* pszPathName);

//! Converts from internal path to OS specific path. Only works with full paths (not relative).
\param pszPathName [in/out]: Path to be converted. Returns converted path.
static void PathToOS(tchar* pszPathName);

//! Converts an OS format path to internal format (':' separated)
\param pszPathNameIn [in]: The path to convert. It can be relative or absolute path, may include filename or not, and it may already be in internal format (won't fail).
\param pszPathNameOut [out]: The converted path (you can enter the same pointer for in and out to provide in-place convertion, it won't crash).
\param bMakeAbsPath [in]: True: the converted path will be prepended the current working directory (but only if it is not already an absolute path).
\param pbIsAbsPath [out]: True: the converted path is absolute, false: the converted path is relative (doesn't start with '/').
\return tbool: True upon convertion success, false upon internal error. Will almost always return true, since fail-tolerance is high.
static tbool PathFromOS2(const tchar* pszPathNameIn, tchar* pszPathNameOut, tbool bMakeAbsPath = true, tbool* pbIsAbsPath = NULL);

//! Converts any internal format path to OS format (i.e. for Mac OS X => POSIX format, for Windows => DOS format)
\param pszPathNameIn [in]: The path to convert. It can be relative or absolute path, may include filename or not, and it may already be in OS format (won't fail).
\param pszPathNameOut [out]: The converted path (you can enter the same pointer for in and out to provide in-place convertion, it won't crash).
\param bMakeAbsPath [in]: True: the converted path will be prepended the current working directory (but only if it is not already an absolute path).
\param pbIsAbsPath [out]: True: the converted path is absolute, false: the converted path is relative (doesn't start with '/').
\return tbool: True upon convertion success, false upon internal error. Will almost always return true, since fail-tolerance is high.
static tbool PathToOS2(const tchar* pszPathNameIn, tchar* pszPathNameOut, tbool bMakeAbsPath = true, tbool* pbIsAbsPath = NULL);

//! Checks if a string represents an absolute path
\param pszPathName [in]: The path to check. It may be in OS or internal format
\return tbool: True if path is absolute
static tbool IsAbsPath2(const tchar* pszPathName);

//! Checks if a string points to an existing file or folder
\param pszItem [in]: The item to check the existance of
\param pbIsFolder [out]: True if existing item is a folder, False if not.<br>Omit parameter if you don't care
\return tbool: True if item is an existing file or folder
static tbool Exists(const tchar* pszItem, tbool* pbIsFolder = NULL);

//! Split a full path into a path-only and a filename-only part
\param pszFullPath [in]: The full path to split
\param pszPathOnly [out]: The path-only part. Should be preallocated with 512 or more bytes.
\param pszNameOnly [out]: The name-only part. Should be preallocated with 512 or more bytes.
\param bAcceptEmptyPath [in]: True = won't fail even if the "full path" input consisted of only a name part
\param bAcceptEmptyName [in]: True = won't fail even if there was no filename in full path (it pointed to a path instead of a file)
\return tbool: True = Success, the two output strings were updated
static tbool SplitPathToPathAndName(const tchar* pszFullPath, tchar* pszPathOnly, tchar* pszNameOnly, tbool bAcceptEmptyPath = true, tbool bAcceptEmptyName = true);

//! Creates an enum string with the names of all valid disk drives
\param pszEnumNames [out]: Receives the drive letters (Windows) or names (OS X) as an enum string delimited by a char of your name
\param iBuffSize [in]: Max number of chars to place in the buffer (including trailing zero)
\param cDelimiter [in]: Character used for delimiting enum string
\param bAddExtraInfo [in]: For Windows: Returns not only the drive letter but also the volume name. For OS X: Ignored.
\return tbool: True upon success, False if insufficient buffer space (or other error)
static tbool GetDriveNames(tchar* pszEnumNames, tint32 iBuffSize = -1, char cDelimiter = '@', tbool bAddExtraInfo = false);

virtual int GetLastError() = 0;


当前获取共享应用程序支持目录路径的正确方法需要使用Objective-C。您可以将单个 Objective-C 源文件添加到您的项目中并将其与其余部分链接。它与其余代码之间的接口(interface)可以是纯 C 语言。


void GetLocalApplicationSupportDirectory(char *out, size_t capacity)
if (!out || !capacity)

NSArray<NSString*>* dirs = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSLocalDomainMask, YES);
if (dirs.count == 0)
out[0] = 0;

const char *dir = dirs[0].fileSystemRepresentation;
if (strlen(dir) >= capacity)
out[0] = 0;

strcpy(out, dir);

这将生成一个 POSIX 样式的路径字符串,其中包含类似“/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support”的内容。然后您可以附加更多目录名称,但您应该使用“/”字符作为分隔符。

请注意,这是 不是 替换您显示的代码,因为该代码生成了格式为“:Macintosh HD:Library:Application Support:...”的 HFS 样式路径。据推测,调用代码也需要一个 HFS 样式的路径,尽管我猜它在某些时候会转换为 POSIX 样式的路径,因为这就是您声称它包含的内容。

如果需要在这两种路径样式之间进行转换,可以使用 CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath()CFURLCopyFileSystemPath() ,均来自核心基金会。这些是纯 C。但是,您在 Catalina 上看到的错误可能是这些例程停止正常工作的结果。

关于c++ - 旧 C++ 代码中的目录查找导致 OS X Catalina 10.15 中的目录错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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