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c++ - 使用浮点键实现类似哈希表的数据结构,其中容差范围内的值被合并在一起

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 14:49:44 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我需要一个带有浮点键的关联数据结构,其中值几乎相等的键被合并在一起。我正在使用 C++,但语言并不重要。


  1. 只处理单精度 float

  2. 使用具有自定义键类型的 unordered_map

  3. 定义键类型的散列函数为

    一个。给定 float vv 除以一些公差,例如 0.0005, double ,产生 k

    k 转换为 64 位整数,生成 ki

    返回 ki 的 std::hash。


我不喜欢以下实现的主要一点是,对我来说,哪些浮点值将被合并在一起是不直观的;我通过大致了解输入中的哪些值我想算作相同的值并测试各种公差来解决这个问题,但是如果您将 12.0453 添加到容器中那么值 12.0453 +/- 0.0005 会很好如果公差参数为 0.0005,则视为相等,但事实并非如此——我什至认为这种行为在 unordered_map 之上是不可能的,因为我认为哈希函数将依赖于表中的值。

基本上,我的实现是将数字线划分为一个一维网格,其中每个网格单元格的宽度为 epsilon 单位,然后将浮点值分配给它们所属的网格单元格的从零开始的索引。我的问题是,是否有更好的方法来实现一个公差也是 O(1) 的浮点值关联容器?下面的实现有问题吗?

    template<typename V, int P=4>
class float_map
struct key {
long long val;

static constexpr double epsilon(int digits_of_precision)
return (digits_of_precision == 1) ? 0.5 : 0.1 * epsilon(digits_of_precision - 1);

static constexpr double eps = epsilon(P);

key(float fval) : val(static_cast<long long>( fval / eps))

bool operator==(key k) const {
return val == k.val;

struct key_hash
std::size_t operator()(key k) const {
return std::hash<long long>{}(k.val);

std::unordered_map<key, V, key_hash> impl_;

V& operator[](float f) {
return impl_[key(f)];

const V& at(float f) const {

bool contains(float f) const {
return impl_.find(f) != impl_.end();

double epsilon() const {
return key::eps;

int main()
float_map<std::string> test;

test[12.0453f] = "yes";

std::cout << "epsilon = " << test.epsilon() << std::endl; // 0.0005

std::cout << "12.0446f => " << (test.contains(12.0446f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0447f => " << (test.contains(12.0447f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0448f => " << (test.contains(12.0448f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0449f => " << (test.contains(12.0449f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0450f => " << (test.contains(12.0450f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // yes
std::cout << "12.0451f => " << (test.contains(12.0451f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // yes
std::cout << "12.0452f => " << (test.contains(12.0452f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // yes
std::cout << "12.0453f => " << (test.contains(12.0453f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // yes
std::cout << "12.0454f => " << (test.contains(12.0454f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // yes
std::cout << "12.0455f => " << (test.contains(12.0455f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // yes
std::cout << "12.0456f => " << (test.contains(12.0456f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0457f => " << (test.contains(12.0457f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0458f => " << (test.contains(12.0458f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0459f => " << (test.contains(12.0459f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no
std::cout << "12.0460f => " << (test.contains(12.0460f) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // no




问题详细信息中的实现有效,但比需要的更加模糊。它视为 epsilon 或公差的实际上是“bin 宽度”——划分实数线的网格线之间的一维间距——因此,如果您期望 epsilon 值表现得像公差,您会注意到容器边缘/网格线附近的反直觉行为。

无论如何,考虑这个问题的更清晰的方法是不要尝试使用“容差”的概念,而是使用“有效数字”的概念。仅将小数点右边的 n base-10 数字视为重要的,并对 n 进行参数化。这本质上导致使用定点值而不是浮点值作为键;在上面的实现中,它类似于使用 epsilon 0.0001 而不是 0.0005。

但现在没有理由不只是修改原始代码中的 epsilon,而是将定点值设为公共(public)类型并将该类型用作向用户公开的 unordered_map 的键。以前我们想通过将实现的 unordered_map 包装在自定义数据结构中来隐藏键类型,因为在那种情况下键是不透明的,没有直观的含义。在普通的 unordered_map 中使用定点键有一个附带的好处,即我们不必为所有标准 std::unordered_map 调用实现包装方法,因为现在为用户提供了一个实际的 unordered_map。


template<int P=4>
class fixed_point_value
static constexpr double calc_scaling_factor(int digits_of_precision)
return (digits_of_precision == 1) ? 10.0 : 10.0 * calc_scaling_factor(digits_of_precision - 1);

static constexpr double scaling_factor = calc_scaling_factor(P);

template<int P>
friend struct fixed_point_hash;

fixed_point_value(float val) :
impl_(static_cast<long long>(std::llround(scaling_factor * val)))

bool operator==(fixed_point_value<P> fpv) const
return impl_ == fpv.impl_;

float to_float() const
return static_cast<float>(impl_ / scaling_factor);

long long impl_;

template<int P = 4>
struct fixed_point_hash
std::size_t operator()(fixed_point_value<P> key) const {
return std::hash<long long>{}(key.impl_);

template<typename V, int P = 4>
using fixed_point_table = std::unordered_map<fixed_point_value<P>, V, fixed_point_hash<P>>;

int main()
fixed_point_table<std::string, 4> t4;

t4[12.0453f] = "yes";

// these will all be "no" except 12.0453f because we have 4 base-10 digits of precision i.e.
// 4 digits right of the decimal must be an exact match
std::cout << "precision = 4" << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0446f => " << (t4.find(12.0446f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0447f => " << (t4.find(12.0447f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0448f => " << (t4.find(12.0448f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0449f => " << (t4.find(12.0449f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0450f => " << (t4.find(12.0450f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0451f => " << (t4.find(12.0451f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0452f => " << (t4.find(12.0452f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0453f => " << (t4.find(12.0453f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0454f => " << (t4.find(12.0454f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0455f => " << (t4.find(12.0455f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0456f => " << (t4.find(12.0456f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0457f => " << (t4.find(12.0457f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0458f => " << (t4.find(12.0458f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0459f => " << (t4.find(12.0459f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0460f => " << (t4.find(12.0460f) != t4.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n";

fixed_point_table<std::string, 3> t3;
t3[12.0453f] = "yes"; // 12.0453 will round to the fixed point value 12.045.
std::cout << "precision = 3" << std::endl;
std::cout << "12.0446f => " << (t3.find(12.0446f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // rounds to 12.045 so yes;
std::cout << "12.0447f => " << (t3.find(12.0447f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // rounds to 12.045 so yes;
std::cout << "12.0448f => " << (t3.find(12.0448f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0449f => " << (t3.find(12.0449f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0450f => " << (t3.find(12.0450f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0451f => " << (t3.find(12.0451f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0452f => " << (t3.find(12.0452f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0453f => " << (t3.find(12.0453f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0454f => " << (t3.find(12.0454f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0455f => " << (t3.find(12.0455f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0456f => " << (t3.find(12.0456f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // 12.0456f rounds to the 3 digits of precison fixed point value 12.046 so no
std::cout << "12.0457f => " << (t3.find(12.0457f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0458f => " << (t3.find(12.0458f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0459f => " << (t3.find(12.0459f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '
std::cout << "12.0460f => " << (t3.find(12.0460f) != t3.end() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; // '


关于c++ - 使用浮点键实现类似哈希表的数据结构,其中容差范围内的值被合并在一起,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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