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c++ - 如何从参数中获取函数签名?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 14:25:15 50 4
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假设我有一个像这样的函数 f:

void f(int x) {
cout << "Hi I'm f" << endl;

auto x = f;


void f(int x) {}
void f(int x, const int y) {}

auto x = f; // Which one to use ?

所以这是不可能的。但是让我们假设我知道我将向函数传递哪些参数,例如我知道我想调用f(10, 20)。不是参数本身的类型,而是实际值,它们可能在常量性、引用性(假设这个词存在......)或什至通过强制转换的不同类型上有所不同。在示例中,20int&& 并且参数 const int 是可绑定(bind)的。我还假设没有边缘情况,并且值只能绑定(bind)到一个重载,即使直接调用也无法编译。是否可以推断出重载函数的地址和函数的签名?


Input: Values of arguments
Output: Address of overloaded function `f` OR function signature type (any one can be deduced from the other though)


template<typename... Args>
void callMeMaybe(Args... args) {
f(args...); // I can call f... But how to get f itself ?
auto x = static_cast<void(Args...)>(f) // does not works because f could differ in argument bind




template<typename Name1, typename Name2, typename Name3>
Name3 f(Name1, Name2, Name3);

int f(int);
int f(int,int const);

using namespace std;

int main()
//Type deduction using decltype: the args must be constexpr.
//Remember there is no runtime-reflection support in c++ yet.
auto s = static_cast< int (*)(decltype(78), decltype(-98) ) > (f);
cout << s(78, -98) << endl;
cout << typeid(s).name() << endl;

// x and y will point to the same function
// int (*)(int) and int (*)(const int) are equivalent overloads
auto x = static_cast<int (*)(int)>( f );
auto y = static_cast<int (*)(int const)>( f );

//p and q will point to the same function
// int (*)(int, int) and int (*)(int, const int) are equivalent overloads
auto p = static_cast<int (*)(int, int const)>( f );
auto q = static_cast<int (*)(int, int)>( f );

//With templates
auto z = static_cast<string (*)(int, char, string)>( f );
cout << z(4,'a',"Hello!!") << endl;

//typeid to check signatures
cout << typeid(x).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(y).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(p).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(q).name() << endl;
cout << typeid(z).name() << endl;

return 0;

int f(int arg)
return arg;

int f(int a1, int const a2)
return a2; //Return the second element

template<typename Name1, typename Name2, typename Name3>
Name3 f(Name1 a, Name2 b, Name3 c)
return c; // Return the 3rd element

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