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python - 复制 matplotlib 艺术家

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 14:06:59 29 4
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我用 matplotlib 创建了一个 Line2D 对象数组,我想在各种绘图中使用它们。但是,在多个情节中使用相同的艺术家不起作用,因为我得到:

RuntimeError: Can not put single artist in more than one figure

好吧,我的想法是简单地使用 copy() 复制包含行的数组,但它不起作用。复制的数组仍然引用相同的对象。我想,那是因为您根本无法复制艺术家(?)。

有什么办法可以避免重新计算 Line2Ds 并且只需要计算一次?


我非常希望有一个 copy Artist Class 中的方法的 matplotlibs !

也许有人想把下面的代码改成 Artist Class为了拥有一种transfer复制一个的方法 Artist对象变成另一个。


使用标准 copydeepcopy包中对象的函数 copy不起作用。


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import copy

x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
ax2 = plt.subplot(212)

# create a Line2D object
line1, = ax1.plot(x, np.sin(x))

# copy the Line2D object
line2 = copy.deepcopy(line1) #ERROR!


所以,我发现复制 Artist 的唯一方法对象,是创建一个所需类型的空对象,然后通过循环将所有必要的属性从原始对象转移到新创建的对象中。

# -- Function to attributes copy
#It copies the attributes given in attr_list (a sequence of the attributes names as
# strings) from the object 'obj1' into the object 'obj2'
#It should work for any objects as long as the attributes are accessible by
# 'get_attribute' and 'set_attribute' methods.

def copy_attributes(obj2, obj1, attr_list):
for i_attribute in attr_list:
getattr(obj2, 'set_' + i_attribute)( getattr(obj1, 'get_' + i_attribute)() )

在这个函数中最重要的参数是 attr_list .这是我们要从 obj1 复制的属性名称的列表。进入 obj2 ,例如,对于一个对象 Artist.Line2D ,可能是 attr_list = ('xdata', 'ydata', 'animated', 'antialiased', 'color', 'dash_capstyle', 'dash_joinstyle', 'drawstyle')
任意 Artist对象有不同的属性,这个传输过程中的关键是到 生成属性名称列表 具有要传输的正确属性。

  • 第一个选项 :我们指定要选择的属性。也就是说,我们硬编码包含我们要传输的所有属性的列表。它比第二种选择更艰巨。我们必须为每种类型的对象完全指定属性:这些通常是很长的列表。当我们只处理一种类型的 Artist 时,这是唯一值得推荐的。目的。
  • 第二种选择 :我们指定的属性是 不是 被选中。也就是说,我们用我们不想转移的属性写一个“异常(exception)列表”,我们自动选择对象的所有可转移属性,但那些在我们的“异常(exception)列表”中。这是最快的选项,我们可以将它与不同类型的 Artist 一起使用。对象同时进行。

  • 第一个选项:指定传输的属性列表


    此选项的缺点是它不能立即扩展到不同的 Artist对象,例如 Line2D 和 Circle。因为我们必须对不同的属性名称列表进行硬编码,每种类型的 Artist 对应一个。目的。


    我展示了 Line2D Artist 类的示例,如指定的问题所示。
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np

    # -- Function to attributes copy
    #It copies the attributes given in attr_list (a sequence of the attributes names as
    # strings) from the object 'obj1' into the object 'obj2'
    #It should work for any objects as long as the attributes are accessible by
    # 'get_attribute' and 'set_attribute' methods.
    def copy_attributes(obj2, obj1, attr_list):
    for i_attribute in attr_list:
    getattr(obj2, 'set_' + i_attribute)( getattr(obj1, 'get_' + i_attribute)() )

    #Creating a figure with to axes
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
    ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
    plt.tight_layout() #Tweak to improve subplot layout

    #create a Line2D object 'line1' via plot
    x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
    line1, = ax1.plot(x, np.sin(x))

    ax1.set_xlabel('line1 in ax1') #Labelling axis

    #Attributes of the old Line2D object that must be copied to the new object
    #It's just a strings list, you can add or take away attributes to your wishes
    copied_line_attributes = ('xdata', 'ydata', 'animated', 'antialiased', 'color',
    'dash_capstyle', 'dash_joinstyle',
    'drawstyle', 'fillstyle', 'linestyle', 'linewidth',
    'marker', 'markeredgecolor', 'markeredgewidth', 'markerfacecolor',
    'markerfacecoloralt', 'markersize', 'markevery', 'pickradius',
    'solid_capstyle', 'solid_joinstyle', 'visible', 'zorder')

    #Creating an empty Line2D object
    line2 = plt.Line2D([],[])

    #Copying the list of attributes 'copied_line_attributes' of line1 into line2
    copy_attributes(line2, line1, copied_line_attributes)

    #Setting the new axes ax2 with the same limits as ax1

    #Adding the copied object line2 to the new axes

    ax2.set_xlabel('line2 in ax2') #Labelling axis



    在这种情况下,我们指定我们不想转移的属性名称:我们创建一个 exception list .我们会自动收集 Artist 的所有可转移属性。对象并排除我们 exception list 的名称.

    优点是通常对于不同的 Artist排除属性的对象是相同的短列表,因此,可以更快地编写此选项的脚本。在下面的示例中,列表很短,为 except_attributes = ('transform', 'figure')
    本例中的关键函数是 list_transferable_attributes如下所示:
    #Returns a list of the transferable attributes, that is the attributes having
    # both a 'get' and 'set' method. But the methods in 'except_attributes' are not
    # included
    def list_transferable_attributes(obj, except_attributes):
    obj_methods_list = dir(obj)

    obj_get_attr = []
    obj_set_attr = []
    obj_transf_attr =[]

    for name in obj_methods_list:
    if len(name) > 4:
    prefix = name[0:4]
    if prefix == 'get_':
    elif prefix == 'set_':

    for attribute in obj_set_attr:
    if attribute in obj_get_attr and attribute not in except_attributes:

    return obj_transf_attr

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np

    # -- Function to copy, or rather, transfer, attributes
    #It copies the attributes given in attr_list (a sequence of the attributes names as
    # strings) from the object 'obj1' into the object 'obj2'
    #It should work for any objects as long as the attributes are accessible by
    # 'get_attribute' and 'set_attribute' methods.
    def copy_attributes(obj2, obj1, attr_list):
    for i_attribute in attr_list:
    'set_' + i_attribute)( getattr(obj1, 'get_' + i_attribute)() )

    # #Returns a list of pairs (attribute string, attribute value) of the given
    # # attributes list 'attr_list' of the given object 'obj'
    # def get_attributes(obj, attr_list):
    # attr_val_list = []
    # for i_attribute in attr_list:
    # i_val = getattr(obj, 'get_' + i_attribute)()
    # attr_val_list.append((i_attribute, i_val))
    # return attr_val_list

    #Returns a list of the transferable attributes, that is the attributes having
    # both a 'get' and 'set' method. But the methods in 'except_attributes' are not
    # included
    def list_transferable_attributes(obj, except_attributes):
    obj_methods_list = dir(obj)

    obj_get_attr = []
    obj_set_attr = []
    obj_transf_attr =[]

    for name in obj_methods_list:
    if len(name) > 4:
    prefix = name[0:4]
    if prefix == 'get_':
    elif prefix == 'set_':

    for attribute in obj_set_attr:
    if attribute in obj_get_attr and attribute not in except_attributes:

    return obj_transf_attr

    #Creating a figure with to axes
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax1 = plt.subplot(211) #First axes
    ax2 = plt.subplot(212) #Second axes
    plt.tight_layout() #Optional: Tweak to improve subplot layout

    #create an artist Line2D object 'line1' via plot
    x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100)
    line1, = ax1.plot(x, np.sin(x))

    #create an artist Circle object
    circle1 = plt.Circle([1,0], 0.5, facecolor='yellow', edgecolor='k')
    #Adding the object to the first axes

    #Labelling first axis
    ax1.set_xlabel('line1 and circle1 in ax1')

    #Methods that we should not copy from artist to artist
    except_attributes = ('transform', 'figure')

    #Obtaining the names of line2D attributes that can be transfered
    transferred_line_attributes = list_transferable_attributes(line1, except_attributes)

    #Obtaining the names of Circle attributes that can be transfered
    transferred_circle_attributes = list_transferable_attributes(circle1, except_attributes)

    #Creating an empty Line2D object
    line2 = plt.Line2D([],[])
    circle2 = plt.Circle([],[])

    #Copying the list of attributes 'transferred_line_attributes' of line1 into line2
    copy_attributes(line2, line1, transferred_line_attributes)
    copy_attributes(circle2, circle1, transferred_circle_attributes)

    #attr_val_list_line2 = get_attributes(line2, line1_attr_list)

    #Setting the new axes ax2 with the same limits as ax1

    #Adding the copied object line2 to the new axes
    ax2.add_line(line2) #.add_artist(line2) also possible
    ax2.add_patch(circle2) #.add_artist(circle2) also possible

    ax2.set_xlabel('line2 and circle2 in ax2') #Labelling axis


    关于python - 复制 matplotlib 艺术家,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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