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search - Vim 状态行 : Word search

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 13:52:21 30 4
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在我的状态行上,我想要计算当前文件中出现的匹配数。下面的 vim 命令返回我想要的。我需要返回的号码显示在我的状态行中。


vim 返回:16 行 16 个匹配项

仅供引用说明:我正在处理 CSV 文件。我正在搜索两个制表符 ( ^I^I ),因为这表示我仍然需要处理的行。所以我想要的状态行将指示当前文件中剩余的工作量。

我不知道如何在状态行上输入 vim 命令,我知道 %{} 可用于运行函数,但我如何运行 vim 搜索命令?我尝试了以下变体,但它们显然不正确,最终会出现错误。
:set statusline+= %{s/^I^I//n}

帮助我 vimy one kenobi,你是我唯一的希望!




解决方案#1:exe :s 和重定向输出

您可以使用函数中的 :exe 以参数化模式运行 :s 命令,并使用 :redir 将输出重定向到局部变量。


  • 光标移动到当前行的开头。 (个人注释:我一直不明白为什么 vim 会这样做,无论您是通过状态行调用运行 :s 还是通过在 vim 命令行上手动输入它。)
  • 视觉选择(如果有)丢失。

  • (实际上可能还有更多我不知道的不利影响。)

    可以通过 getcurpos() setpos() 保存和恢复光标位置来修复光标问题。请注意,它必须是 getcurpos() 而不是 getpos() 因为后者不返回 curswant 字段,这是保留光标“想要”驻留的列所必需的,这可能与光标“实际”所在的列不同(例如,如果光标移动到较短的行中)。不幸的是, getcurpos() 是 vim 的一个相当新的补充,即 7.4.313,根据我的测试,它甚至似乎无法正常工作。幸运的是,有较旧的 winsaveview() winrestview() 函数可以完美且兼容地完成任务。所以现在,我们将使用这些。

    解决方案 #1a:使用 gv 恢复视觉选择

    我认为可以通过在正常模式下运行 gv 来解决视觉选择问题,但是由于某种原因,在执行此操作时视觉选择会完全损坏。我已经在 Cygwin CLI 和 Windows gvim 上对此进行了测试,但我没有解决方案(关于恢复视觉选择)。

    fun! MatchCount(pat,...)
    "" return the number of matches for pat in the active buffer, by executing an :s call and redirecting the output to a local variable
    "" saves and restores both the cursor position and the visual selection, which are clobbered by the :s call, although the latter restoration doesn't work very well for some reason as of vim-7.4.729
    "" supports global matching (/g flag) by taking an optional second argument appended to :s flags
    if (a:0 > 1)| throw 'too many arguments'| endif
    let flags = a:0 == 1 ? a:000[0] : ''
    let mode = mode()
    let pos = winsaveview()
    redir => output| sil exe '%s/'.a:pat.'//ne'.flags| redir END
    call winrestview(pos)
    if (mode == 'v' || mode == 'V' || mode == nr2char(22))
    exe 'norm!gv'
    if (match(output,'Pattern not found') != -1)
    return 0
    return str2nr(substitute(output,'^[\s\n]*\(\d\+\).*','\1',''))

    set statusline+=\ [%{MatchCount('\\t\\t')}]

  • 在匹配计数提取模式中使用 ^[\s\n]* 是必要的,以通过重定向期间捕获的前导换行符(不知道为什么会发生这种情况)。另一种方法是使用点原子上的非贪婪乘数跳过任何字符直到第一个数字,即 ^.\{-}
  • statusline 选项值中的反斜杠加倍是必要的,因为在解析选项值本身期间会发生反斜杠插值/删除。一般来说,单引号字符串不会导致反斜杠插值/删除,我们的 pat 字符串一旦被解析,最终会直接与传递给 :s:exe 字符串连接,因此在这些点没有反斜杠插值/删除(至少不是之前的) :s 命令的评估,当我们的反斜杠的反斜杠插值确实发生时,这是我们想要的)。我觉得这有点令人困惑,因为在 %{} 构造中,您希望它是一个普通的纯 VimScript 表达式,但这就是它的工作方式。
  • 我为 /e 命令添加了 :s 标志。这对于处理零匹配的缓冲区的情况是必要的。通常,如果匹配项为零,:s 实际上会抛出错误。对于状态行调用,这是一个大问题,因为在尝试重绘状态行时抛出的任何错误都会导致 vim 取消 statusline 选项,作为防止重复错误的防御措施。我最初寻找涉及捕获错误的解决方案,例如 :try :catch ,但没有任何效果;一旦抛出错误,就会在 vim 源代码 ( called_emsg ) 中设置一个我们无法取消设置的标志,因此 statusline 在那一刻注定要失败。幸运的是,我发现了 /e 标志,它完全防止了错误的抛出。

  • 解决方案 #1b:使用缓冲区本地缓存的 Dodge 视觉模式


    所以现在 MatchCount() 函数不会干扰视觉模式:
    fun! MatchCount(pat,...)
    if (a:0 > 1)| throw 'too many arguments'| endif
    let flags = a:0 == 1 ? a:000[0] : ''
    let pos = winsaveview()
    redir => output| sil exe '%s/'.a:pat.'//ne'.flags| redir END
    call winrestview(pos)
    if (match(output,'Pattern not found') != -1)
    return 0
    return str2nr(substitute(output,'^[\s\n]*\(\d\+\).*','\1',''))

    现在我们需要这个助手“谓词”函数,它告诉我们何时(不)运行 :s 命令是安全的:
    fun! IsVisualMode(mode)
    return a:mode == 'v' || a:mode == 'V' || a:mode == nr2char(22)

    fun! BufferCallCache(buf,callName,callArgs,callElseCache)
    let callCache = getbufvar(a:buf,'callCache')
    if (type(callCache) != type({}))
    unlet callCache
    let callCache = {}
    call UnletBufVar(a:buf,'callCache')
    call setbufvar(a:buf,'callCache',callCache)
    if (a:callElseCache)
    let newValue = call(a:callName,a:callArgs)
    if (!has_key(callCache,a:callName.':Args') || !has_key(callCache,a:callName.':Value'))
    let callCache[a:callName.':Args'] = []
    let callCache[a:callName.':Value'] = []
    let i = len(callCache[a:callName.':Args'])-1
    while (i >= 0)
    let args = callCache[a:callName.':Args'][i]
    if (args == a:callArgs)
    let callCache[a:callName.':Value'][i] = newValue
    return newValue
    let i -= 1
    let callCache[a:callName.':Args'] += [a:callArgs]
    let callCache[a:callName.':Value'] += [newValue]
    return newValue
    if (has_key(callCache,a:callName.':Args') && has_key(callCache,a:callName.':Value'))
    let i = len(callCache[a:callName.':Args'])-1
    while (i >= 0)
    let args = callCache[a:callName.':Args'][i]
    if (args == a:callArgs)
    return callCache[a:callName.':Value'][i]
    let i -= 1
    return ''

    为此,我们需要这个我在 somewhere on the Internet 年前找到的辅助函数:
    fun! UnletBufVar(bufExpr, varName )
    "" source: <>
    call filter(getbufvar(a:bufExpr,''), 'v:key != '''.a:varName.'''' )

    最后这是我们如何设置 statusline :
    set statusline+=\ [%{BufferCallCache('','MatchCount',['\\t\\t'],!IsVisualMode(mode()))}]

    解决方案#2:在每一行调用 match()
    我想到了另一种可能的解决方案,它实际上要简单得多,而且对于非大文件似乎也能很好地执行,即使它在 VimScript 级别涉及更多循环和处理。这是遍历文件中的每一行并对其调用 match() :
    fun! MatchCount(pat)
    "" return the number of matches for pat in the active buffer, by iterating over all lines and calling match() on them
    "" does not support global matching (normally achieved with the /g flag on :s)
    let i = line('$')
    let c = 0
    while (i >= 1)
    let c += match(getline(i),a:pat) != -1
    let i -= 1
    return c

    set statusline+=\ [%{MatchCount('\\t\\t')}]

    解决方案#3:重复调用 search()/ searchpos()
    我已经编写了一些稍微复杂的函数来执行全局和逐行匹配,分别围绕 searchpos() search() 构建。我还包括对可选开始和结束边界的支持。
    fun! GlobalMatchCount(pat,...)
    "" searches for pattern matches in the active buffer, with optional start and end [line,col] specifications
    "" useful command-line for testing against last-used pattern within last-used visual selection: echo GlobalMatchCount(@/,getpos("'<")[1:2],getpos("'>")[1:2])
    if (a:0 > 2)| echoerr 'too many arguments for function: GlobalMatchCount()'| return| endif
    let start = a:0 >= 1 ? a:000[0] : [1,1]
    let end = a:0 >= 2 ? a:000[1] : [line('$'),2147483647]
    "" validate args
    if (type(start) != type([]) || len(start) != 2 || type(start[0]) != type(0) || type(start[1]) != type(0))| echoerr 'invalid type of argument: start'| return| endif
    if (type(end) != type([]) || len(end) != 2 || type(end[0]) != type(0) || type(end[1]) != type(0))| echoerr 'invalid type of argument: end'| return| endif
    if (end[0] < start[0] || end[0] == start[0] && end[1] < start[1])| echoerr 'invalid arguments: end < start'| return| endif
    "" allow degenerate case of end == start; just return zero immediately
    if (end == start)| return [0,0]| endif
    "" save current cursor position
    let wsv = winsaveview()
    "" set cursor position to start (defaults to start-of-buffer)
    call setpos('.',[0,start[0],start[1],0])
    "" accumulate match count and line count in local vars
    let matchCount = 0
    let lineCount = 0
    "" also must keep track of the last line number in which we found a match for lineCount
    let lastMatchLine = 0
    "" add one if a match exists right at start; must treat this case specially because the main loop must avoid matching at the cursor position
    if (searchpos(a:pat,'cn',start[0])[1] == start[1])
    let matchCount += 1
    let lineCount += 1
    let lastMatchLine = 1
    "" keep searching until we hit end-of-buffer
    let ret = searchpos(a:pat,'W')
    while (ret[0] != 0)
    "" break if the cursor is now at or past end; must do this prior to incrementing for most recent match, because if the match start is at or past end, it's not a valid match for the caller
    if (ret[0] > end[0] || ret[0] == end[0] && ret[1] >= end[1])
    let matchCount += 1
    if (ret[0] != lastMatchLine)
    let lineCount += 1
    let lastMatchLine = ret[0]
    let ret = searchpos(a:pat,'W')
    "" restore original cursor position
    call winrestview(wsv)
    "" return result
    return [matchCount,lineCount]

    fun! LineMatchCount(pat,...)
    "" searches for pattern matches in the active buffer, with optional start and end line number specifications
    "" useful command-line for testing against last-used pattern within last-used visual selection: echo LineMatchCount(@/,getpos("'<")[1],getpos("'>")[1])
    if (a:0 > 2)| echoerr 'too many arguments for function: LineMatchCount()'| return| endif
    let start = a:0 >= 1 ? a:000[0] : 1
    let end = a:0 >= 2 ? a:000[1] : line('$')
    "" validate args
    if (type(start) != type(0))| echoerr 'invalid type of argument: start'| return| endif
    if (type(end) != type(0))| echoerr 'invalid type of argument: end'| return| endif
    if (end < start)| echoerr 'invalid arguments: end < start'| return| endif
    "" save current cursor position
    let wsv = winsaveview()
    "" set cursor position to start (defaults to start-of-buffer)
    call setpos('.',[0,start,1,0])
    "" accumulate line count in local var
    let lineCount = 0
    "" keep searching until we hit end-of-buffer
    let ret = search(a:pat,'cW')
    while (ret != 0)
    "" break if the latest match was past end; must do this prior to incrementing lineCount for it, because if the match start is past end, it's not a valid match for the caller
    if (ret > end)
    let lineCount += 1
    "" always move the cursor to the start of the line following the latest match; also, break if we're already at end; otherwise next search would be unnecessary, and could get stuck in an infinite loop if end == line('$')
    if (ret == end)
    call setpos('.',[0,ret+1,1,0])
    let ret = search(a:pat,'cW')
    "" restore original cursor position
    call winrestview(wsv)
    "" return result
    return lineCount

    关于search - Vim 状态行 : Word search,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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