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charts - 谷歌图表 : style specific labels

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 13:46:33 26 4
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示例 fiddle :

使用 Google 条形图,我能够通过使用 {role: 'style'} 列来突出显示特定的条形,使一些条形为蓝色,一些条形为灰色。


var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Film', 'Quantity', {role: 'style'}],
['Avengers (series)', 23, 'color: blue'],
['Deadpool', 17, 'color: darkgray'],
['Captain America (series)', 14, 'color: blue'],
['Thor (series)', 14, 'color: blue'],
['Ant Man', 14, 'color: blue'],
['Suicide Squad', 12, 'color: darkgray'],
['Guardians of the Galaxy', 12, 'color: blue'],
['Fantastic Four (2015)', 11, 'color: darkgray'],
['Batman Vs Superman', 10, 'color: darkgray'],
['Iron Man (series)', 7, 'color: blue'],
['Batman: Dark Knight (series)', 6, 'color: darkgray'],
['X-Men (series)', 5, 'color: darkgray'],
['Man of Steel', 2, 'color: darkgray'],
['Amazing Spiderman (series)', 1, 'color: blue'],
['The Wolverine ', 1, 'color: darkgray']

var options = {
hAxis: {
textPosition: 'none',
textStyle: {color: '#ffffff'}
vAxis: {
title: '',
titleTextStyle: {color: '#ffffff'}
legend: { position: 'none' },
bars: 'horizontal',
chartArea: {
left: '40%',
height: '100%'
var chart1 = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('chart1'));
chart1.draw(data, options);



但是您可以使用图表的 'ready' 事件来修改标签,一旦绘制了图表。

google.charts.load('current', {
packages: ['corechart'],
callback: drawChart

function drawChart() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['Film', 'Quantity', {
role: 'style'
['Avengers (series)', 23, 'color: blue'],
['Deadpool', 17, 'color: darkgray'],
['Captain America (series)', 14, 'color: blue'],
['Thor (series)', 14, 'color: blue'],
['Ant Man', 14, 'color: blue'],
['Suicide Squad', 12, 'color: darkgray'],
['Guardians of the Galaxy', 12, 'color: blue'],
['Fantastic Four (2015)', 11, 'color: darkgray'],
['Batman Vs Superman', 10, 'color: darkgray'],
['Iron Man (series)', 7, 'color: blue'],
['Batman: Dark Knight (series)', 6, 'color: darkgray'],
['X-Men (series)', 5, 'color: darkgray'],
['Man of Steel', 2, 'color: darkgray'],
['Amazing Spiderman (series)', 1, 'color: blue'],
['The Wolverine ', 1, 'color: darkgray']

var options = {
hAxis: {
textPosition: 'none'
height: 600,
legend: {
position: 'none'
width: 800,
chartArea: {
left: '40%',
height: '100%'

var chartContainer = document.getElementById('chart1');
var chart1 = new google.visualization.BarChart(chartContainer);

// use the 'ready' event to modify the chart once it has been drawn, 'ready', function () {
var labels = chartContainer.getElementsByTagName('text');
for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) {
// determine if label should be bold
if (data.getValue(i, 2).indexOf('blue') > -1) {
labels[i].setAttribute('font-weight', 'Bold');

chart1.draw(data, options);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart1"></div>

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