gpt4 book ai didi

java - 为什么我的程序没有显示正确的输出?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 13:06:03 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

首先,我对编程还是个新手。我的任务是制作一个没有数组的石头剪刀布程序。根据我们之前的选择,程序会选择相应的武器。在程序结束时,如果用户不想继续,我们会显示他们的总体分数。所有这些都应该在我们在 main 内部调用的另一个方法中。

正如我之前所说,我对编程非常陌生,因此除了数组之外,if else 语句是我知道如何执行此操作的唯一方法(还有很多方法)。

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ASSIGNMENT
public static void main (String [] args)

}//end main

public static void game ()
Scanner kb = new Scanner(;

//assigning variables
int rock = 1;
int scissors = 2;
int paper = 3;
int weaponAI = 0;
int weaponP = 0;
int wins = 0;
int losses = 0;
int ties = 0;
int rockNum = 0;
int scissorsNum = 0;
int paperNum = 0;
String yorn;

//generate random numbe to decide weapon
double weaponNum = (Math.random() * 3)+ 1;
if (weaponNum >= 1 && weaponNum < 2)
if (rockNum > scissorsNum && rockNum > paperNum)
weaponAI = paper;
else if (paperNum > scissorsNum && paperNum > rockNum)
weaponAI = scissors;
weaponAI = rock;
else if (weaponNum >= 2 && weaponNum < 3)
if (scissorsNum > rockNum && scissorsNum > paperNum)
weaponAI = rock;
else if (paperNum > scissorsNum && paperNum > rockNum)
weaponAI = scissors;
weaponAI = paper;
else if (weaponNum >= 3)
if (scissorsNum > rockNum && scissorsNum > paperNum)
weaponAI = rock;
else if (rockNum > scissorsNum && rockNum > paperNum)
weaponAI = paper;
weaponAI = scissors;
//prompting for guess and assigning
System.out.println("BATTLE START!");
System.out.println("Choose your weapon: ");
String weaponStr = kb.nextLine();
if (weaponStr == "Rock" || weaponStr == "rock")
weaponP = rock;
else if (weaponStr == "Scissors" || weaponStr == "scissors")
weaponP = scissors;
else if (weaponStr == "Paper" || weaponStr == "paper")
weaponP = paper;
else if (weaponStr =="quit" || weaponStr == "Quit")

//comparing AI and Players weapon
if (weaponAI == rock && weaponP == rock)
System.out.println("You both chose rock");
else if (weaponAI == paper && weaponP == paper)
System.out.println("You both chose paper");
else if (weaponAI == scissors && weaponP == scissors)
System.out.println("You both chose scissors");
//AI wins
else if (weaponAI == rock && weaponP == scissors)
System.out.println("AI wins");
else if (weaponAI == paper && weaponP == rock)
System.out.println("AI wins");
else if (weaponAI == scissors && weaponP == paper)
System.out.println("AI wins");
//Player wins
else if (weaponAI == scissors && weaponP == rock)
System.out.println("You win!");
else if (weaponAI == rock && weaponP == paper)
System.out.println("You win!");
else if (weaponAI == paper && weaponP == scissors)
System.out.println("You win!");
//prompting user to play again
System.out.println("Would you like to play again? Y or N?");
yorn = kb.nextLine();

}//end do
while (yorn == "y" || yorn == "Y" || yorn == "Yes" || yorn == "yes");

//Displaying scores
System.out.println("Game over.");
System.out.println("You had " + wins + " wins.");
System.out.println("You had " + losses + " losses.");
System.out.println("You had " + ties + " ties.");
System.out.println("You chose rock " + rockNum + " times.");
System.out.println("You chose paper " + paperNum + " times.");
System.out.println("You chose scissors " + scissorsNum + " times.");

}//end game
}//end class




Choose your weapon:


Would you like to play again? Y or N?


Game over.

You had 0 wins.

You had 0 losses.

You had 0 ties.

You chose rock 0 times.

You chose paper 0 times.

You chose scissors 0 times.

这几乎就像程序忽略了我所有的 if else 语句。我确信这是一些我不明白的简单事情......


为了比较 String 内容,您必须将 == 替换为 equalsIgnoreCase()

您不能使用 == 运算符比较两个字符串内容。 java中的==运算符比较字符串引用(如果一个对象与另一个对象相同)


if (weaponStr.equalsIgnoreCase("Rock")){

要了解 Java 中如何进行字符串比较,您还可以查看:

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