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r - 来自 C 堆栈溢出的段错误

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 12:46:23 25 4
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我正在研究数据帧转换,并在上一篇文章中与 Arun 和 Ricardo 合作

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Total rows: 143345
Total Persons: 98461
Total Items : 30


 A <- acast(Person~Item+BorS,data=df,fun.aggregate=length,drop=FALSE)


Error: segfault from C stack overflow

这是因为,我没有足够的处理/内存能力。我的机器有 4 GB RAM、2.8 GHz i7 处理器(Macbook)?我们如何处理此类案例?


data.table 解决方案。这是通过首先聚合,然后创建新的 data.table 并通过引用填写


# some sample data
DT <- data.table(Person = sample(98461, 144000, replace = TRUE), item = sample(c(letters,LETTERS[1:4]), 144000, replace = TRUE), BorS = sample(c('B','S'), 144000, replace = TRUE))
# aggregate to get the number of rows in each subgroup by list item and BorS
# the `length` of each subgroup
DTl <- DT[,.N , by = list(Person, item, BorS)]
# the columns you want to create
newn <- sort(DT[,,,list(unique(item),unique(BorS) )))])
# create a column which has this id combination in DTl
DTl[, comnb := paste0(item, BorS)]
# set the key so we can join / subset easily
setkey(DTl, comnb)
# create a data.table that has 1 row for each person, and has columns for all the combinations
# of item and BorS
DTb <- DTl[, list(Person)][, c(newn) := 0L]
# set the key so we can join / subset easily
setkey(DTb, Person)
# this bit could be far quicker, but I think
# would require a feature request to data.table
for(nn in newn){
# for each of the cominations extract which persons have
# this combination >0
pp <- DTl[list(nn), list(Person,N)]
# for the people who have N > 0
# assign the correct numbers in the correct column in DTb
DTb[list(pp[['Person']]), c(nn) := pp[['N']]]

要完成您的初始问题,您可以从 DTb 中提取适当的列作为矩阵

A <- DTb[,-1,with = FALSE]

results <- crossprod(A)

关于r - 来自 C 堆栈溢出的段错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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