gpt4 book ai didi

java - 如何对卡片进行排序。 (我的代码有错吗?)

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 11:49:31 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


import java.lang.Integer;

* This class is used to keep track of playing cards.
* @author (name)
* @version (date)

public class Card implements Comparable<Card>
public int compareTo(Card otherCard) {
// instance variables - replace the example below with your own
private String denom, suit;

* Card is to be passed in as a denomination and suit
public Card(String description)
description = description.toUpperCase();

if( description.length() == 2)
suit = description.substring(1);
denom = description.substring(0,1);
} else if(description.length() == 3) {
suit = description.substring(2);
denom = description.substring(0,2);
} else {
System.out.print("Error: An invalid card code was given.");

* This will give a string that states a description of the card.
* @return Card description as a string.
public String getDis()
//get the description
String denomMessage = denom;
denomMessage = "Ace";
else if(denom.equals("K"))
denomMessage = "King";
else if(denom.equals("Q"))
denomMessage = "Queen";
else if(denom.equals("J"))
denomMessage = "Jack";

//get the suit
String suitMessage = suit;
suitMessage = "Spades";
else if(suit.equals("D"))
suitMessage = "Dimonds";
else if(suit.equals("C"))
suitMessage = "Clubs";
else if(suit.equals("H"))
suitMessage = "Hearts";
suitMessage = "There was a problem";

return denomMessage + " of " + suitMessage;

* This was written for the purpose of helping to select a card image.
* @return clubs are 1, hearts are 2, spades are 3, diamonds are 4
public int numSuit()
int value = 0;
value = 1;
else if(suit.equals("H"))
value = 2;
else if(suit.equals("S"))
value = 3;
else if(suit.equals("D"))
value = 4;

return value;

* This class was written for the purpose of selecting a card image
* @return ace is a 1, jack is a 11, queen is a 12, king is a 13
public int numDenom()
int value = 0;
value = 1;
else if(denom.equals("J"))
value = 11;
else if(denom.equals("Q"))
value = 12;
else if(denom.equals("K"))
value = 13;
value = Integer.parseInt(denom);

return value;

* Are the two cards the same suit and denomination?
* @return true or false
public boolean equals(Card a)
if(denom.equals(a.denom) && suit.equals(a.suit))
return true;
return false;

* I would suggest that you write this method
public int denomCompareTo(Card a)

return a.numDenom() - numDenom();



 import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

* This applet is currently working. It will run in a webpage. It will take in card codes such as
* 2h for the two of heart and "paint" the image of five cards when all five text fields each have a
* card coding entered into them. Your assignment will be to write the part of the code
* that will sort the cards once they have been entered so that the will be "painted" from smallest
* to largest denomination regardless of suit as long "None" is selected in the drop down box. In
* the event one of the suits is selected that suit will be placed in order first then followed by
* the rest of the cards in order. To complete the assignment you should read through this class' code
* but you will only need to change the section that state that you should change it and possibly
* the card class.
* @author (Put your name here.)
* @version (Put the date here.)
public class CardApplet extends Applet {

Image ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,ic5;
Card c1,c2,c3,c4,c5;
private TextField cardIn1,cardIn2,cardIn3,cardIn4,cardIn5;
private String message;
private Button enter,sort;
private ButtonListener buttonListen;
private Choice trump;
static final int CARD_WIDTH = 73;
static final int CARD_HEIGHT = 98;

* This is called an inner class as it is a class writen inside of another class. It is here so
* that the buttons will be able to trigger an event.
class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
* The name of this method is important and should not be changed. This will take in the
* "action" of a button being pushed and store reference to it in the object variable e.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

String action = e.paramString();

if( action.indexOf("Enter") >= 0)
//get text
String text1 = cardIn1.getText();
String text2 = cardIn2.getText();
String text3 = cardIn3.getText();
String text4 = cardIn4.getText();
String text5 = cardIn5.getText();

//Get rid of whitespace before and after string
text1 = text1.trim();
text2 = text2.trim();
text3 = text3.trim();
text4 = text4.trim();
text5 = text5.trim();

message = "Cards Entered";

//setup cards and card images
c1 = new Card(text1);
ic1 = getCardImage(c1);
c2 = new Card(text2);
ic2 = getCardImage(c2);
c3 = new Card(text3);
ic3 = getCardImage(c3);
c4 = new Card(text4);
ic4 = getCardImage(c4);
c5 = new Card(text5);
ic5 = getCardImage(c5);
//this method call is to this class and tells the applet to follow the code of paint again.
else if( action.indexOf("Sort") >= 0)

if(c1.denomCompareTo(c2) < 0 )

ic1 = ic2;
c1 = c2;
if(c1.denomCompareTo(c3) < 0 )

ic1 = ic3;
c1 = c3;

if(c1.denomCompareTo(c4) < 0 )

ic1 = ic4;
c1 = c4;
if(c1.denomCompareTo(c5) < 0 )

ic1 = ic5;
c1 = c5;

if(c2.denomCompareTo(c1) < 0 )

ic2 = ic1;
c2 = c1;

if(c2.denomCompareTo(c3) < 0 )

ic2 = ic3;
c2 = c3;

if(c2.denomCompareTo(c4) < 0 )

ic2 = ic4;
c2 = c4;
if(c2.denomCompareTo(c5) < 0 )

ic2 = ic5;
c2 = c5;
if(c3.denomCompareTo(c1) < 0 )

ic3 = ic1;
c3 = c1;
if(c3.denomCompareTo(c2) < 0 )

ic3 = ic2;
c3 = c2;
if(c3.denomCompareTo(c4) < 0 )

ic3 = ic4;
c3 = c4;
if(c3.denomCompareTo(c5) < 0 )

ic3 = ic5;
c3 = c5;
if(c4.denomCompareTo(c1) < 0 )

ic4 = ic1;
c4 = c1;
if(c4.denomCompareTo(c2) < 0 )

ic4 = ic2;
c4 = c2;
if(c4.denomCompareTo(c3) < 0 )

ic4 = ic3;
c4= c3;
if(c4.denomCompareTo(c5) < 0 )

ic4 = ic5;
c4 = c5;
if(c5.denomCompareTo(c1) < 0 )

ic5 = ic1;
c5 = c1;
if(c5.denomCompareTo(c2) < 0 )

ic5 = ic2;
c5 = c2;
if(c5.denomCompareTo(c3) < 0 )

ic5 = ic3;
c5 = c3;
if(c5.denomCompareTo(c4) < 0 )

ic5 = ic4;

c5 = c4;

message = "Sorted";

} //end of inner class.

* This method is called when the applet is first started. It will setup the layout of the applet.
public void init() {

//This is the text that prints in the gray box towards the bottem of the applet.
message="Let us get started ";

//Sets the back ground color of the the applet

// Set default layout manager
setLayout(new FlowLayout() );

//setup textboxes for entering in cards
cardIn1 = new TextField("Enter",4);
cardIn2 = new TextField("cards ",4);
cardIn3 = new TextField("using",4);
cardIn4 = new TextField("Chap 5",4);
cardIn5 = new TextField("coding",4);

//place buttons
buttonListen = new ButtonListener();
enter = new Button("Enter");
sort = new Button("Sort");

//setup dropdown
trump = new Choice();

//Since the card object variables are null each image object variable
//will hold reference to a card back image.
ic1 = getCardImage(c1);
ic2 = getCardImage(c2);
ic3 = getCardImage(c3);
ic4 = getCardImage(c4);
ic5 = getCardImage(c5);


* This class is used to place graphics on an applet.
public void paint(Graphics g) {

//places cards on applet
int linePos = 70;

// simple text displayed on applet
g.draw3DRect(2, 175, 200, 20, true);
g.fillRect(2, 175, 200, 20);
g.drawString(message, 4, 190);

* This will select either the correct portion of the cards image based on the suit and denomination or
* the card back image.
* @param a The card object holds the suit and denomination in state.
* @return It returns an image object variable with holds reference to a image that was created for a card that was passed in.
* @throws MalformedURLException
public Image getCardImage(final Card a)

int cardDenom,cardSuit;
Image playingCards = null;
ImageFilter cardFilter;
ImageProducer cardProducer;

if( a == null)
playingCards = getImage(getCodeBase(), "cardBack.png");

playingCards = getImage(getCodeBase(),"cards.png");

cardDenom = (a.numDenom()*CARD_WIDTH)- CARD_WIDTH;
cardSuit = (a.numSuit()*CARD_HEIGHT) - CARD_HEIGHT;
cardFilter = new CropImageFilter(cardDenom,cardSuit,CARD_WIDTH,CARD_HEIGHT);
cardProducer = new FilteredImageSource(playingCards.getSource(),cardFilter);
playingCards = createImage(cardProducer);

return playingCards;




nIcE cOw 提到“可比较”是正确的



这意味着您的对象(卡)的 Comparable 实现应该遵循该约定。


public int denomCompareTo(Card a) 
if ( a.numDenom() < this.numDenom() ) //the value of card a is less
{ return -1; }
else if ( a.numDenom() == this.numDenom() ) //equality
{ return 0; }
else //otherwise.. whatever's left (a must be greater)
{ return 1;}


FirstCard.CompareTo( SecondCard );

该行代码将返回 -1、0 或 1 的值。具体取决于哪个值较大,如果相等则返回 0。这就是排序算法真正/需要/能够确定排序的全部内容。

这就是 Comparable 所需的代码。请仔细阅读直至理解为止。


else if( action.indexOf("Sort") >= 0)

需要更新以反射(reflect) Comparable 的工作原理。

所以我猜这是一个按钮或操作,如果您指定排序,那么我们要对卡片进行排序。很公平。那么,卡片存放在哪里?它看起来像是图像的一堆名为 c(number) 和 ic(number) 的变量。如c1和ic1,c2和ic2。将来,考虑使用数组。





if(c1.denomCompareTo(c2) < 0 ) { //for the love of jobe please use braces for multiline if statements
ic1 = ic2;
c1 = c2;


您可以通过使用临时变量或交换变量来解决此问题,或者当您非常聪明时,使用 XOR(询问您的 Nerd friend )

Image tempImg;
Card tempCard;

if(c1.denomCompareTo(c2) < 0 ) { //meaning if card1 is less than card2

tempImg = ic1; //store card1 temporarily
tempCard = c1;

ic1 = ic2; //copy vals of card2 to card1 slots
c1 = c2;

ic2 = tempImg; //slide the original val of ic1 here
c2 = tempCard;





enum Suit {

class Card implements Comparable<Card> {
private int rank;
private Suit suit;

public Card ( int rank, Suit suit ) {
this.rank = rank;
this.suit = suit;

public int getRank () {
return rank;

public void setRank ( int rank ) {
this.rank = rank;

public Suit getSuit () {
return suit;

public void setSuit ( Suit suit ) {
this.suit = suit;

public int compareTo ( Card anotherCard ) {
return this.rank - anotherCard.rank;

public String toString () {
return String.format ("Suit: %8s Rank: %8s", suit, rank);

public class CardsExample {

private static final int TOTAL_CARDS = 52;
private static final int CARDS_PER_SUIT = 13;
private static final int TOTAL_SUITS = 4;
private List<Card> deck;

public CardsExample () {
deck = new ArrayList<Card> ();

private void createDeck () {
for ( Suit suit : Suit.values () ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < CARDS_PER_SUIT; ++i ) {
deck.add ( new Card ( i, suit ) );

private void displayDeck () {
for ( Card card : deck ) {
System.out.println ( card );

private void performTask () {
createDeck ();
Collections.shuffle ( deck );
System.out.println ( "Before SORTING" );
displayDeck ();
Collections.sort ( deck );
System.out.println ( "After SORTING" );
displayDeck ();

public static void main ( String[] args ) {
new CardsExample ().performTask ();


如果有人想对卡片进行排序,请按照其 Suit 进行排序。首先,然后可以使用Comparator同样,在此示例中,不需要进行太多更改,只需更改 enum部分,如下所示并提供 Comparator < Card > 的实现,在Card内类,让 Collections.sort ( deck, suitComparator )完成工作,如本例所示。

import java.util.*;

enum Suit {
HEART ( 0 ),
DIAMOND ( 1 ),
CLUB ( 2 ),
SPADE ( 3 );

private int value;

private Suit ( int value ) {
this.value = value;

public int retrieveValue () {
return value;

class Card implements Comparable < Card > {
private int rank;
private Suit suit;

public static Comparator < Card > suitComparator =
new Comparator < Card > () {
public int compare ( Card someCard, Card anotherCard ) {
return someCard.suit.retrieveValue () - anotherCard.suit.retrieveValue ();

public Card ( int rank, Suit suit ) {
this.rank = rank;
this.suit = suit;

public int getRank () {
return rank;

public void setRank ( int rank ) {
this.rank = rank;

public Suit getSuit () {
return suit;

public void setSuit ( Suit suit ) {
this.suit = suit;

public int compareTo ( Card anotherCard ) {
return this.rank - anotherCard.rank;

public String toString () {
return String.format ( "Suit: %8s Rank: %8s", suit, rank );

public class CardsExample {

private static final int TOTAL_CARDS = 52;
private static final int CARDS_PER_SUIT = 13;
private static final int TOTAL_SUITS = 4;
private List < Card > deck;

public CardsExample () {
deck = new ArrayList < Card > ();

private void createDeck () {
for ( Suit suit : Suit.values () ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < CARDS_PER_SUIT; ++i ) {
deck.add ( new Card ( i, suit ) );

private void displayDeck () {
for ( Card card : deck ) {
System.out.println ( card );

private void performTask () {
createDeck ();
Collections.shuffle ( deck );
System.out.println ( "Before SORTING" );
displayDeck ();
Collections.sort ( deck );
Collections.sort ( deck, Card.suitComparator );
System.out.println ( "After SORTING" );
displayDeck ();

public static void main ( String[] args ) {
new CardsExample ().performTask ();


关于java - 如何对卡片进行排序。 (我的代码有错吗?),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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