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java - 无法初始化代理 - 无 session 异常

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public MemberUser SendEmail(MemberUser user) throws MailSendingException {
// Check if password will be sent by mail
// Hibernate.initialize(user);
user = fetchService.fetch(user, FETCH);
// user = userDao.load(user.getId(), FETCH);
final MemberGroup group = user.getMember().getMemberGroup();
final boolean sendPasswordByEmail = group.getMemberSettings().isSendPasswordByEmail();

String newPassword = null;
if (sendPasswordByEmail) {
// If send by mail, generate a new password
newPassword = generatePassword(group);

// Update the user
user.setPassword(hashHandler.hash(user.getSalt(), newPassword));

if (sendPasswordByEmail) {
// Send the password by mail
mailHandler.sendResetPassword(user.getMember(), newPassword);
return user;

此代码基本上是在从数据库获取用户信息后向用户发送电子邮件以重置密码。异常出现在“user= fetchService.fetch(user, FETCH)”处,而 FETCH 是:

private static final Relationship FETCH = RelationshipHelper.nested(User.Relationships.ELEMENT,

这是 fetch 函数的代码,当调用 fetch 时会执行:

public <E extends Entity> List<E> fetch(final Collection<E> entities, final Relationship... fetch) {
if (entities == null) {
return null;
final List<E> result = new ArrayList<E>(entities.size());
for (E entity : entities) {
entity = fetch(entity, fetch);
return result;

这些是 hibernate 类,但我没有掌握这些。

public class HibernateHelper {
public static class QueryParameter {
private final Object value;
private final String operator;

public QueryParameter(final Object value, final String operator) {
this.value = value;
this.operator = operator;

public String getOperator() {
return operator;

public Object getValue() {
return value;

private static Map<Class<? extends Entity>, Set<String>> directPropertiesCache = new HashMap<Class<? extends Entity>, Set<String>>();

public static void addInElementsParameter(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final Entity value) {
if (value != null && value.isPersistent()) {
final String parameterName = getParameterName(namedParameters, path);
hql.append(" and :").append(parameterName).append(" in elements(").append(path).append(") ");
namedParameters.put(parameterName, value);
} public static void addInParameterToQuery(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final Collection<?> values) {
if (values != null && !values.isEmpty()) {
final String parameterName = getParameterName(namedParameters, path);
hql.append(" and ").append(path).append(" in (:").append(parameterName).append(") ");
namedParameters.put(parameterName, values);

* Adds an "in" operator parameter to the HQL query, if the given value is not empty, appending the values to the named parameters map
public static void addInParameterToQuery(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final Object... values) {
if (values != null && values.length > 0) {
addInParameterToQuery(hql, namedParameters, path, Arrays.asList(values));

* Adds a 'path like %value%' parameter to the HQL query if the given value is not empty, appending the value to the named parameters map
public static void addLikeParameterToQuery(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final String value) {
doAddLike(hql, namedParameters, path, value, false);

* Adds a equals parameter to the HQL query, if the given value is not empty, appending the value to the named parameters map
public static void addParameterToQuery(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final Object value) {
addParameterToQueryOperator(hql, namedParameters, path, "=", value);

* Adds a custom parameter to the HQL query, if the given parameter is not empty, appending the value to the named parameters map
public static void addParameterToQuery(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final QueryParameter parameter) {
if (parameter != null) {
addParameterToQueryOperator(hql, namedParameters, path, parameter.getOperator(), parameter.getValue());

* Adds a custom operator parameter to the HQL query, if the given value is not empty, appending the value to the named parameters map
public static void addParameterToQueryOperator(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final String operator, final Object value) {
if (value != null && !"".equals(value)) {
final String parameterName = getParameterName(namedParameters, path);
hql.append(" and ").append(path).append(" ").append(operator).append(" :").append(parameterName).append(" ");
namedParameters.put(parameterName, value);

* Adds a period test to the HQL query, if the given period is not empty, appending the value to the named parameters map. See {@link Period}, as
* it controls whether the begin and end dates are inclusive / exclusive.
public static void addPeriodParameterToQuery(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final Period period) {
addParameterToQuery(hql, namedParameters, path, getBeginParameter(period));
addParameterToQuery(hql, namedParameters, path, getEndParameter(period));

* Adds a 'path like value%' parameter to the HQL query if the given value is not empty, appending the value to the named parameters map
public static void addRightLikeParameterToQuery(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, final String value) {
doAddLike(hql, namedParameters, path, value, true);

* Appends the join portion on the query to fetch the specified relationships, when appliable
public static void appendJoinFetch(final StringBuilder hql, final Class<? extends Entity> entityType, final String entityAlias, final Collection<Relationship> fetch) {
if (fetch != null) {
final Set<String> directRelationships = getDirectRelationshipProperties(entityType, fetch);

for (final String directRelationship : directRelationships) {
hql.append(" left join fetch ").append(entityAlias).append(".").append(directRelationship).append(" ");

* Appends the order by portion, with the given path lists (with an optional direction, ie: " desc", "", "")
public static void appendOrder(final StringBuilder hql, final Collection<String> paths) {
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(paths)) {
hql.append(" order by " + StringUtils.join(paths.iterator(), ","));

* Appends the order by portion, with the given path lists (with an optional direction, ie: " desc", "", "")
public static void appendOrder(final StringBuilder hql, final String... paths) {
if (paths != null && paths.length > 0) {
appendOrder(hql, Arrays.asList(paths));

* Returns the begin date of the given period, handling null
public static QueryParameter getBeginParameter(final Period period) {
if (period == null) {
return null;
Calendar begin = period.getBegin();
if (begin == null) {
return null;
// We must consider the time when explicitly set
if (!period.isUseTime()) {
// Truncate the begin date
begin = DateHelper.truncate(begin);
String operator = period.isInclusiveBegin() ? ">=" : ">";
return new QueryParameter(begin, operator);

* Returns the end date of the given period, handling null
public static QueryParameter getEndParameter(final Period period) {
if (period == null) {
return null;
Calendar end = period.getEnd();
if (end == null) {
return null;
// We must consider the time when explicitly set
if (!period.isUseTime()) {
// Truncate the end date and set the next day
end = DateHelper.getDayEnd(end);
String operator = period.isInclusiveEnd() ? "<=" : "<";
return new QueryParameter(end, operator);

* Returns a StringBuilder containing the begin of a single entity select HQL
* @param entityType The entity type to search
* @param entityAlias The entity alias on the query
* @return The StringBuiler
public static StringBuilder getInitialQuery(final Class<? extends Entity> entityType, final String entityAlias) {
return getInitialQuery(entityType, entityAlias, null);

* Returns a StringBuilder containing the begin of a single entity select HQL, with the especified fetch relationships, when appliable
* @param entityType The entity type to search
* @param entityAlias The entity alias on the query
* @param fetch The relationships to fetch
* @return The StringBuiler
public static StringBuilder getInitialQuery(final Class<? extends Entity> entityType, final String entityAlias, final Collection<Relationship> fetch) {
final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(" from ").append(entityType.getName()).append(" ").append(entityAlias).append(" ");
appendJoinFetch(hql, entityType, entityAlias, fetch);
hql.append(" where 1=1 ");
return hql;

private static void doAddLike(final StringBuilder hql, final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String path, String value, final boolean rightOnly) {
value = StringUtils.trimToNull(value);
if (value == null) {
// Remove any manually entered '%'
value = StringUtils.trimToNull(StringUtils.replace(value, "%", ""));
if (value == null) {
// Assuming the default database collation is case insensitive, we don't need to perform case transformations
if (rightOnly) {
value += "%";
} else {
value = "%" + value + "%";
addParameterToQueryOperator(hql, namedParameters, path, "like", value);

* Returns a set of properties that will be fetched directly on the HQL
private static Set<String> getDirectRelationshipProperties(final Class<? extends Entity> entityType, final Collection<Relationship> fetch) {
// Populate the direct properties cache for this entity if not yet exists
Set<String> cachedDirectProperties = directPropertiesCache.get(entityType);
if (cachedDirectProperties == null) {
cachedDirectProperties = new HashSet<String>();
final PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(entityType);
// Scan for child -> parent relationships
for (final PropertyDescriptor descriptor : propertyDescriptors) {
if (descriptor.getReadMethod() != null && descriptor.getWriteMethod() != null && Entity.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getPropertyType())) {
// This is a child -> parent relationship. Add it to the cache
directPropertiesCache.put(entityType, cachedDirectProperties);

// Build the properties to add to HQL fetch from a given relationship set
final Set<String> propertiesToAddToFetch = new HashSet<String>();
for (final Relationship relationship : fetch) {
final String name = PropertyHelper.firstProperty(relationship.getName());
if (cachedDirectProperties.contains(name)) {
return propertiesToAddToFetch;

* Generates a parameter name
private static String getParameterName(final Map<String, Object> namedParameters, final String propertyName) {
int counter = 1;

// Transform the property in a valid identifier
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(propertyName.length());
for (int i = 0, len = propertyName.length(); i < len; i++) {
final char c = propertyName.charAt(i);
if (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) {
} else {

final String field = sb.toString();
String parameterName = field.concat("_1");
while (namedParameters.containsKey(parameterName)) {
parameterName = field.concat("_").concat(String.valueOf(++counter));
return parameterName;



org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException: could not initialize proxy - no Session
at org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer.initialize(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.hibernate.HibernateQueryHandler.initialize(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.FetchDAOImpl.doFetch(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.FetchDAOImpl.fetch(
at com.omnia.payo.scheduling.task.UserLoginInfoSchedulingTask.doRun(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.tasks.TaskRunnerImpl$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.access.LoggedUser.runAsSystem(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.tasks.TaskRunnerImpl.doRunScheduledTask(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.tasks.TaskRunnerImpl.doRunScheduledTask(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.tasks.TaskRunnerImpl$ScheduledTaskThreads.process(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.tasks.TaskRunnerImpl$ScheduledTaskThreads.process(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.ParallelTask$1.process(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.WorkerThreads$WorkerThread$
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.WorkerThreads$WorkerThread$
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.access.LoggedUser.runAsSystem(
at nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.WorkerThreads$

FetchDAOImpl 中 doFetch 的代码是:

private <E extends Entity> E doFetch(final E inputEntity, final Relationship... fetch) {
if (inputEntity == null || inputEntity.getId() == null) {
throw new UnexpectedEntityException();
E entity;

// Discover the entity real class and id
final Class<? extends Entity> entityType = EntityHelper.getRealClass(inputEntity);
final Long id = inputEntity.getId();

// Load and initialize the entity
try {
entity = (E) getHibernateTemplate().load(entityType, id);
entity = (E) hibernateQueryHandler.initialize(entity);
} catch (final ObjectRetrievalFailureException e) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException(entityType, id);
} catch (final ObjectNotFoundException e) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException(entityType, id);

// ... and fetch each relationship
if (!ArrayUtils.isEmpty(fetch)) {
for (final Relationship relationship : fetch) {
if (relationship == null) {
try {
final String name = relationship.getName();
Object bean = entity;
String first = PropertyHelper.firstProperty(name);
String nested = PropertyHelper.nestedPath(name);
while (bean != null && first != null) {
final Object value = hibernateQueryHandler.initializeProperty(bean, first);
bean = value;
first = PropertyHelper.firstProperty(nested);
nested = PropertyHelper.nestedPath(nested);
} catch (final PropertyException e) {
// Ok - nonexisting property. Probably fetching a relationship that only exists in one of the subclasses, and trying to use it no
// another one
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new PropertyException(entity, relationship.getName(), e);
return entity;



关于java - 无法初始化代理 - 无 session 异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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