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在井字游戏中,我想警告 O 玩家,如果 X 玩家选择 1-9 中的任何一个,他/她就会赢得游戏。
我的解决方案是在 O 玩家开始之前迭代 1-9。如果 1-9 中的任何一个会导致 X 赢得比赛,则通知 O 玩家他/她将输掉比赛,同时向他/她提供导致他/她输掉比赛的确切数字。
我的问题是我不知道如何在 //Player O 轮到
(第 87 行)之前迭代 1-9。
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
class TicTacToe {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new InputStreamReader(System.in);
BufferedReader theKeyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
Board Game = new Board();
System.out.print("Enter 1 to play with computer;" + "\nEnter 2 to play with other people.\nPlease enter 1-2: ");
int players = 1;
String input = "";
boolean badInput = false;
do // get the number of players -- only accept 1 or 2
try {
input = theKeyboard.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("input error:" + e);
if (input.equals("1")) {
badInput = false;
players = 1;
} else if (input.equals("2")) {
badInput = false;
players = 2;
} else
badInput = true;
if (badInput)
System.out.print("Enter a number, 1 or 2: ");
} while (badInput);
System.out.println("TicTacToe Game starts." + " Please enter 1-9 to make your choice.");
int[] move = new int[2];
char winner;
int getTurn = 1; // The initialization of turns
System.out.println(Game); // print the board for first time
while (true) // loop only breaks when X or O wins, or a cat's game
// Player X's turn
if (getTurn % 2 != 0) {
if (players == 2) {
System.out.print("Player X, Enter 1-9 to make choice: ");
while (true) {
move = getMove();
// can't take occupied space
if (!Game.elementMarked(move[0], move[1]))
System.out.println("That space is occupied.");
else // Or computer player
move = ComputerPlayer.makeMove(Game.copyBoard(), getTurn);
Game.markFirst(move[0], move[1]); // mark an X on the board
winner = Game.win(); // Check if win
if (winner != 'N')
getTurn++; // return turn to the other player
// Player O's turn
System.out.print("Player O, Enter 1-9 to make choice: ");
while (true) {
move = getMove();
if (!Game.elementMarked(move[0], move[1]))
System.out.println("This square has been chosen." + " Please enter a new square.");
Game.markSecond(move[0], move[1]);
winner = Game.win(); // Check if win
if (winner != 'N')
getTurn++; // return turn to the other player
if (winner == 'C')
System.out.println("This is a cat's game.");
if (winner != 'C')
System.out.println("The winner is: " + winner);
// getMove gets the users choice and translates it into rows and columns
public static int[] getMove() {
new InputStreamReader(System.in);
BufferedReader theKeyboard = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
String input = "";
int[] move = new int[2];
boolean errorInput = false;
do {
try {
input = theKeyboard.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("input error:" + e);
if (input.equals("1")) {
move[0] = 0;
move[1] = 0;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("2")) {
move[0] = 0;
move[1] = 1;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("3")) {
move[0] = 0;
move[1] = 2;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("4")) {
move[0] = 1;
move[1] = 0;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("5")) {
move[0] = 1;
move[1] = 1;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("6")) {
move[0] = 1;
move[1] = 2;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("7")) {
move[0] = 2;
move[1] = 0;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("8")) {
move[0] = 2;
move[1] = 1;
errorInput = false;
} else if (input.equals("9")) {
move[0] = 2;
move[1] = 2;
errorInput = false;
} else
errorInput = true;
if (errorInput)
System.out.print("Error input. Enter a number within 1-9: ");
} while (errorInput);
return move;
* ComputerPlayer is the AI client for computer, user can play with this "smart"
* computer.
class ComputerPlayer {
public static int[] makeMove(int board[][], int turn) {
int square = 5;
int move[] = new int[2];
if (turn == 1) // first move is to get 5
square = 5;
move = Convert(square);
return move;
move = randomMove(board); // make a random move.
return move;
public static int[] randomMove(int board[][]) {
int move[] = new int[2];
int randomRow;
int randomCol;
while (true) {
randomRow = (int) (Math.random() * 3);
randomCol = (int) (Math.random() * 3);
if (board[randomRow][randomCol] == 0)
move[0] = randomRow;
move[1] = randomCol;
return move;
// Convert will convert square (1-9) into a row and column
public static int[] Convert(int square) {
int move[] = new int[2];
if (square == 1) {
move[0] = 0;
move[1] = 0;
} else if (square == 2) {
move[0] = 0;
move[1] = 1;
} else if (square == 3) {
move[0] = 0;
move[1] = 2;
} else if (square == 4) {
move[0] = 1;
move[1] = 0;
} else if (square == 5) {
move[0] = 1;
move[1] = 1;
} else if (square == 6) {
move[0] = 1;
move[1] = 2;
} else if (square == 7) {
move[0] = 2;
move[1] = 0;
} else if (square == 8) {
move[0] = 2;
move[1] = 1;
} else if (square == 9) {
move[0] = 2;
move[1] = 2;
return move;
* Board can represents 2D 3*3 array for TicTacToe game. It can check if someone
* wins or a cat's game. It can check if a square has been chosen. It can also
* mark an X or O from the player's choice.
class Board {
private int[][] myBoard = new int[3][3];
// Create a 3 by 3 array and use for a tic tac toe board.
public Board() {
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
myBoard[row][column] = 0;
public int[][] copyBoard() {
return myBoard;
* markFirst makes places a 2 accumulation for X
public void markFirst(int row, int column) {
myBoard[row][column] = 2;
* markSecond makes places a 1 accumulation for O
public void markSecond(int row, int column) {
myBoard[row][column] = 1;
* elementMarked returns a true if the space has been taken
public boolean elementMarked(int row, int column) {
if (myBoard[row][column] == 0)
return false;
return true;
* Win constructor checks if someone wins. Here are the meanings of each
* return type 'N' means no winner; 'X' means X won; 'O' means O won; 'C'
* means a C's game.
public char win() {
char winner = 'N';
int catCheck = 1;
// Check the columns
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
int accumulation = myBoard[0][column] * myBoard[1][column] * myBoard[2][column];
if (accumulation == 8) // 2*2*2 = 8, a win for X
winner = 'X';
if (accumulation == 1) // 1*1*1 = 1, a win for O
winner = 'O';
if (winner != 'N')
return winner;
// Check the rows
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
int accumulation = myBoard[row][0] * myBoard[row][1] * myBoard[row][2];
if (accumulation == 8) {
winner = 'X';
if (accumulation == 1) {
winner = 'O';
if (winner != 'N')
return winner;
// Check one diagonal
int accumulation = myBoard[0][0] * myBoard[1][1] * myBoard[2][2];
if (accumulation == 1)
winner = 'O';
if (accumulation == 8)
winner = 'X';
// Check the other diagonal
accumulation = myBoard[0][2] * myBoard[1][1] * myBoard[2][0];
if (accumulation == 1)
winner = 'O';
if (accumulation == 8)
winner = 'X';
// If nobody's won, Check for a cat's game
if (winner == 'N') {
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
catCheck *= myBoard[row][column];
// any empty space is a zero. So product is zero if there is space
// left.
if (catCheck != 0)
winner = 'C';
return winner;
* toString enables printing out of the board
public String toString() {
String printBoard = "";
char XorO;
int position = 49; // In ASCII, 49 stands for number 1
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
if (myBoard[row][column] == 1)
// In ASCII, 79 stands for an O (78+1)
XorO = (char) (myBoard[row][column] + 78);
else if (myBoard[row][column] == 2)
// In ASCII, 88 stands for an X (86+2)
XorO = (char) (myBoard[row][column] + 86);
XorO = (char) (position);
printBoard = printBoard + XorO + " ";
printBoard = printBoard + "\n"; // starts a new line at the end of a
// row
return printBoard;
所以我想出的解决方案如下:为了检查 X(计算机)的下一步行动是否可能获胜,我们首先在棋盘的空闲单元中放置一个“理论/临时”(稍后会清楚为什么它是临时的)“X”。换句话说,我们一一迭代板的单元格。如果某个单元格空闲,我们会在其中放置一个临时“X”。然后我们考虑我们拥有的新董事会并检查是否有人获胜。如果是,我们清除放置临时“X”的单元格(这就是它被称为临时的原因)并返回一个长度为 2 的字符数组,其中包含谁赢了(即“X”、“O”、“C”或“N”) ')以及导致胜利的理论单元(1-9)。如果没有人获胜,我们将清除刚刚填充的单元格,并对下一个单元格再次尝试相同的过程,依此类推。
为了实现这一切,我编写了一个名为 canWin() 的方法,该方法基于 win() 方法构建,并进行了一些更改。此方法返回一个 2 元素字符数组,其中包含获胜者和位置(单元格索引(1-9))。该方法具体工作原理如下:该方法使用索引 i 的 for 循环,索引 i 从 1 递增到 9(单元格)。首先,使用您的转换方法,我们检查单元格 i 是否被占用:
if(!elementMarked(ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0], ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]))
如果 elementMarked(...) 返回 true,我们将在循环中跳过此迭代并尝试以下单元格。但如果 elementMarked(...) 返回 false,那么我们将使用您的 markFirst(...) 方法在那里放置一个“X”:
markFirst(ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0], ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]);
之后,使用您从 win() 检查的方式,我们检查是否有人获胜。如果确实如此,我们将获胜者和索引 i 保存在名为 result 的 2 元素 char 数组中,并返回 result。如果没有人获胜,则 i 增加并继续循环。这个方法看起来像这样:
public char [] canWin(){
char winner = 'N';
int catCheck = 1;
char [] result=new char[2];
for(int i=1; i<10; i++){
winner = 'N';
//Places an X if a cell is not occupied
if(!elementMarked(ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0], ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]))
else //If cell is occupied, skip this iteration
// Check the columns
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
int accumulation = myBoard[0][column] * myBoard[1][column] * myBoard[2][column];
if (accumulation == 8) // 2*2*2 = 8, a win for X
winner = 'X';
if (accumulation == 1) // 1*1*1 = 1, a win for O
winner = 'O';
if (winner != 'N'){
result[0] = winner; //register winner
result[1]=(char)i; //register cell that led to win
myBoard[ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0]][ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]] = 0; //undoing the cell selection
return result;
// Check the rows
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
int accumulation = myBoard[row][0] * myBoard[row][1] * myBoard[row][2];
if (accumulation == 8) {
winner = 'X';
if (accumulation == 1) {
winner = 'O';
if (winner != 'N'){
result[0] = winner; //register winner
result[1]=(char)i; //register cell that led to win
myBoard[ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0]][ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]] = 0; //undoing the cell selection
return result;
// Check one diagonal
int accumulation = myBoard[0][0] * myBoard[1][1] * myBoard[2][2];
if (accumulation == 1)
winner = 'O';
if (accumulation == 8){
winner = 'X';
result[0] = winner; //register winner
result[1]=(char)i; //register cell that led to win
myBoard[ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0]][ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]] = 0; //undoing the cell selection
return result;
// Check the other diagonal
accumulation = myBoard[0][2] * myBoard[1][1] * myBoard[2][0];
if (accumulation == 1)
winner = 'O';
if (accumulation == 8){
winner = 'X';
result[0] = winner; //register winner
result[1]=(char)i; //register cell that led to win
myBoard[ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0]][ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]] = 0; //undoing the cell selection
return result;
// If nobody's won, Check for a cat's game
if (winner == 'N') {
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
for (int column = 0; column < 3; column++) {
catCheck *= myBoard[row][column];
// any empty space is a zero. So product is zero if there is space
// left.
if (catCheck != 0)
winner = 'C';
result[0] = winner; //register winner
result[1]=(char)i; //register cell that led to win
myBoard[ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[0]][ComputerPlayer.Convert(i)[1]] = 0; //undoing the cell selection
return result;
现在我们需要在你的主方法中实现这个方法。我们通过每次玩家 O 即将玩游戏时(即玩家 X 完成移动后)调用 canWin() 来做到这一点。如果 canWin() 返回“X”(即 X 可以通过下一步行动获胜),那么我们会向玩家打印一条消息,警告他并告诉他需要占据哪个单元格以防止 X 获胜。看起来像这样:
// Player O's turn
char[] canWin=Game.canWin();
if(canWin[0]=='X') //If X could win with his next move
System.out.println("Watch out! Player X can win if he plays in cell "+(int)Game.canWin()[1]+"!");
System.out.print("Player O, Enter 1-9 to make choice: ");
关于java - 如何在玩家开始之前迭代井字游戏中的整个方 block (1-9)?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33771356/
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