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batch-file - 如何在选择命令中使用特殊字符 - 批处理文件

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 10:32:03 26 4
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我想在我的选择命令中添加特殊字符,如 < |,我该怎么做?




CHOICE /C `~,.<>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0134567928 /N /M "Press 8 ...."




CHOICE 命令只允许字母数字字符,以及十进制字节码在 128-254 之间的扩展 ASCII 字符。

我已经基于使用 REPLACE 的 hack 编写了 CHOICE 的纯批处理替代品。我的 :getKey 例程可以接受大多数任何字符,并允许您指定允许的字符,并将捕获的字符放入您选择的变量中 - 比弄乱 ERRORLEVEL 方便得多。

我最初将例程发布在 上。该链接还有一个更复杂的例程,可以绝对读取任何键值,包括 NULL,以及一个允许输入屏蔽字符串的例程(为每个字符显示星号)。

下面是 :getKey 例程,以及一个显示用法的示例。如果您希望按键区分大小写,请移除 /I 开关。完整的文档嵌入在脚本中。

编辑 - 我已将代码更新到 2.0 版,能够指定提示,并使有效的键列表区分大小写。唯一无法被模拟的 CHOICE 功能是带有默认响应的超时选项。我看不出有任何合理的方式来提供超时选项。

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

set "valid=0`~,.<>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0134567928"
call :getKey /p "Press 8 ...." key valid /i
echo You pressed !key!
exit /b

::getKey [/P "Prompt"] KeyVar [ValidVar [/I]]
:: Read a keypress representing a character between 0x00 and 0xFF and store the
:: value in variable KeyVar. Null (0x00), LineFeed (0x0A), and Carriage Return
:: (0x0D) will result in an undefined KeyVar. On Windows 10, Ctrl-Z (0x1A) will
:: also result in an undefined KeyVar. The simplest way to get an undefined
:: KeyVar is to press the [Enter] key.
:: The optional /P parameter is used to specify a "Prompt" that is written to
:: stdout, without a newline. Also, the accepted character is ECHOed after the
:: prompt if the /P option was used.
:: The optional ValidVar parameter defines the values that will be accepted.
:: If the variable is not given or not defined, then all characters are accepted.
:: If given and defined, then only characters within ValidVar are accepted. The
:: first character within ValidVar should either be 0, meaning ignore undefined
:: KeyVar, or 1, meaning accept undefined KeyVar. The remaining characters
:: represent themselves. For example, a ValidVar value of 0YN will only accept
:: uppercase Y or N. A value of 1YN will additionally accept [Enter] etc.
:: If ValidVar is followed by the optional /I switch, then case of standard
:: English letters is ignored. The case of the pressed key is preserved in
:: the result, but English letters A-Z and a-z are not rejected due to case
:: differences when the /I switch is added.
:: Any value (except null) may be entered by holding the [Alt] key and pressing
:: the appropriate decimal code on the numeric keypad. For example, holding
:: [Alt] and pressing numeric keypad [1] and [0], and then releasing [Alt] will
:: result in a LineFeed.
:: The only way to enter a Null is by holding [Ctrl] and pressing the normal [2]
:: An alternate way to enter control characters 0x01 through 0x1A is by holding
:: the [Ctrl] key and pressing any one of the letter keys [A] through [Z].
:: However, [Ctrl-A], [Ctrl-F], [Ctrl-M], and [Ctrl-V] will be blocked on Win 10
:: if the console has Ctrl key shortcuts enabled.
:: This function works properly regardless whether delayed expansion is enabled
:: or disabled.
:: :getKey version 2.0 was written by Dave Benham, and originally posted at
:: This work was inspired by posts from carlos and others at
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
if /i "%~1" equ "/P" (
<nul set /p ^"=%2"
shift /1
shift /1
set "getKey./P=1"
) else (
set "getKey./P="
endlocal&setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
(for /f skip^=1^ delims^=^ eol^= %%A in ('replace.exe ? . /u /w') do for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%B in ("%%A") do (
if "%%B" equ "" (set "%1=^!") else set "%1=%%B"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
)) || (
set "%1="
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "getKey./P=%getKey./P%"
if defined %1 (set "getKey.key=!%1!") else set "getKey.key=x"
if "!%2!" neq "" (
if defined %1 (
set "getKey.mask=!%2:~1!"
if not defined getKey.mask goto :getKeyRetry
if /i "%~3" equ "/I" (
if "!%1!" equ "=" (
set "getKey.mask=a!getKey.mask!"
for /f "delims=" %%A in ("!getKey.mask!") do if /i "!getKey.mask:%%A=%%A!" equ "!getKey.mask!" goto :getKeyRetry
) else for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%A in ("!%1!") do if "!getKey.mask:*%%A=!" equ "!getKey.mask!" goto :getKeyRetry
) else (
for /f tokens^=1*^ eol^=^%getKey.key%^ delims^=^%getKey.key% %%A in ("!getKey.mask!!getKey.mask!") do if "%%B" equ "" goto :getKeyRetry
) else if "!%2:~0,1!" equ "0" goto :getKeyRetry
if defined getKey./P echo(!%1!
exit /b

关于batch-file - 如何在选择命令中使用特殊字符 - 批处理文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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