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ruby-on-rails-5 - 带有 url 查询参数选项的 Rails 5 redirect_back

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 10:21:36 25 4
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根据docs :

redirect_back(fallback_location:, allow_other_host: true, **args)

  • :fallback_location- The default fallback location that will be used on missing Referer header.

  • :allow_other_host - Allow or disallow redirection to the host that is different to the current host, defaults to true.

  • All other options that can be passed to redirect_to are accepted as options and the behavior is identical.

    redirect_to允许我通过将参数作为哈希传递来将参数添加到 url

  • redirect_back fallback_location: tasks_path, allow_other_host: false, syncing: true
  • redirect_back fallback_location: tasks_path, allow_other_host: false, { syncing: true }
  • redirect_back fallback_location: tasks_path, allow_other_host: false, options: { syncing: true }
  • redirect_back(fallback_location: tasks_path, allow_other_host: false, options: { syncing: true })
  • redirect_back(fallback_location: tasks_path, allow_other_host: false, syncing: true)

  • ...以及我能想到的上述任何其他迭代。


    我正在尝试实现此 URL: (back_url or fallback_location) + '?syncing=true'


    如果您查看 source code对于 redirect_back你会看到,它本质上使用 redirect_to "" redirect_to 的版本方法。

    如果您查看 the explanation of redirect_to您可以看到,在这个用例中,很遗憾您无法传递任何参数。如果这是非常需要的,我想你可以覆盖 redirect_back使用字符串连接将参数选项附加到 url 的方法,但这似乎是一个讨厌的修复。


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