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我正在开发一个库,在其中对我的服务进行 Http 调用,如果我的服务计算机没有响应(存在套接字超时或连接超时),我会将它们添加到我的本地 blockList
如果机器被阻塞 5 次,那么我不会调用他们。
所以假设如果 machineA
没有响应(抛出 RestClientException)
,我将每次调用 onFailure
方法并不断增加计数器,然后再次调用 machineA
时,我通过传递 machineA
作为主机名和 5 作为阈值来检查 isBlocked
方法,因此如果 machineA
> 已经被屏蔽5次了,然后我就根本不给他们打电话了。我的库是多线程的,所以这就是我在这里使用 volatile 的原因,因为我希望所有线程看到相同的值。
下面是我在 DataMapping
public static volatile ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger> blockedHosts =
new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>();
boolean isBlocked(String hostname, int threshold) {
AtomicInteger count = blockedHosts.get(hostname);
return count != null && count.get() >= threshold;
void onFailure(String hostname) {
AtomicInteger newValue = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger val = blockedHosts.putIfAbsent(hostname, newValue);
// no need to care about over-reaching 5 here
(val == null ? newValue : val).incrementAndGet();
void onSuccess(String hostname) {
现在我想再添加一项功能,即 - 如果 machineA
被阻止(因为它的阻止计数 >= 5),那么我想让它保持阻止 x 间隔。我将有另一个参数 (key.getInterval())
下面是我的主线程代码,我在其中使用 DataMapping
public DataResponse call() {
ResponseEntity<String> response = null;
List<String> hostnames = some_code_here;
for (String hostname : hostnames) {
// If hostname is in block list, skip sending request to this host
if (DataMapping.isBlocked(hostname)) {
try {
String url = createURL(hostname);
response = restTemplate.exchange(url, HttpMethod.GET, key.getEntity(), String.class);
// some code here to return the response if successful
} catch (RestClientException ex) {
// adding to block list
return new DataResponse(DataErrorEnum.SERVER_UNAVAILABLE, DataStatusEnum.ERROR);
您可以使用 ScheduledExecutorService并安排
您可以在 DataMapping
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); // or perhaps the thread pool version ?
在您的 onFailure()
void onFailure(String hostname) {
// you can use `computeIfAbsent` in java8
AtomicInteger val = blockedHosts.computeIfAbsent(hostname, key -> new AtomicInteger());
int count = val.incrementAndGet();
// the test here is `==` to make sure the task is scheduled only once
if (count == threshold) {
scheduler.schedule(() -> blockedHosts.remove(hostname), 5L, TimeUnit.MINUTES); // or you may choose to just decrement the counter
顺便说一句,没有理由使 blockedHosts
void onFailure(String hostname) {
AtomicInteger newValue = new AtomicInteger();
AtomicInteger val = blockedHosts.putIfAbsent(hostname, newValue);
int count = (val == null ? newValue : val).incrementAndGet();
// the test here is `==` to make sure the task is scheduled only once
if (count == threshold) {
scheduler.schedule(new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
blockedHosts.remove(hostname); // or you may choose to just decrement the counter
}, 5L, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
关于java - 在特定时间间隔内阻止特定机器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37244721/
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