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twilio - 在 Twilio 队列中录制语音邮件

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 09:52:41 26 4
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我正在使用 Twilio 编写调用中心应用程序,但遇到了问题。接收到调用并将其放入队列,同时我们找到一个代理来接听调用。当他们在听保持音乐时,他们会读取他们在队列中的位置,我正在尝试使用 Gather 动词让他们按 1 然后留言。



<Response><Say>Please record your message after the tone.</Say><Record action=""></Record></Response>


[2016-01-19 17:38:45.637] <Response><Say voice="alice" language="en-AU">Thanks for calling, please note all calls may be recorded for security and training purposes. We'll answer your call very shortly.</Say><Enqueue waitUrl="">1COVERAUS</Enqueue></Response>

队列 waitUrl 响应:
[2016-01-19 17:38:56.202] <Response><Gather numDigits="1" action=""><Say>Thanks for waiting, you're 1 in the queue. Press 1 at any time to leave a message.</Say><Play></Play></Gather></Response>

Record 命令,Say 有效,而 Record 无效
[2016-01-19 17:39:10.861] <Response><Say voice="alice" language="en-AU">Please record your message after the tone.</Say><Record action=""></Record></Response>

然后 3 秒后(在 Say 结束时),Twilio 再次请求 waitUrl,没有发出哔哔声。
[2016-01-19 17:39:13.757] <Response><Gather numDigits="1" action=""><Say voice="alice" language="en-AU">Thanks for waiting, you're 1 in the queue.</Say><Say voice="alice" language="en-AU">Press 1 at any time to leave a message.</Say><Play></Play></Gather></Response>



Twilio 开发人员布道者在这里。

此行为是设计使然。 <Enqueue>文档为您提供了 verbs that can be used within the waitUrl TwiML .但是,这并不意味着您不走运,我们仍然可以创建此功能。

而不是从 <Gather><Say/><Record/>您可以使用 <Leave>让用户离开队列。电话不会挂断,而是会尝试从原来的 <Enqueue> 之后继续。 .添加您的 <Say/><Record/>在原始 TwiML 中,当用户决定离开队列并录制消息时,它将播放。

因此,您最初的 TwiML 现在将是:

<Say voice="alice" language="en-AU">
Thanks for calling, please note all calls may be recorded for security and training purposes. We'll answer your call very shortly.
<Enqueue waitUrl="">1COVERAUS</Enqueue>
<Say voice="alice" language="en-AU">
Please record your message after the tone.
<Record action=""></Record>

您的 waitUrl TwiML 保持不变:
<Gather numDigits="1" action="">
Thanks for waiting, you're 1 in the queue. Press 1 at any time to leave a message.</Say>

而 Gather Action 就变成了:


关于twilio - 在 Twilio 队列中录制语音邮件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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