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java - MarqueePanel 中的 JEditorPane/JTextPane

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我正在尝试在 JFrame 中滚动文本,并且文本本身使用 MarqueePanel 包含超链接。类(class)。然而,虽然滚动工作正常,但链接似乎都在固定位置。

我尝试使用 JEditorPane 和 JTextPane,虽然外观正确,但超链接似乎根本没有移动。这是可以完成的事情吗?

编辑:代码如下 - MarqueePanel 类链接位于上方。

public static void Main(String[] args)

JFrame w = new JFrame("跑马灯测试");
尺寸 screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();

w.setSize(screenSize.width, (int) ((float) .04 * (float) screenSize.height));

MarqueePanel mp = new MarqueePanel(22,2);

JEdi​​torPane jep = new JEditorPane("text/html", " 测试链接编号 1  测试链接号 2 ");

jep.addHyperlinkListener(new HyperlinkListener() {
公共(public)无效超链接更新(HyperlinkEvent e){
if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
if (Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) {
尝试 {
} catch (IOException e1) {
//TODO 自动生成的 catch block
} catch (URISyntaxException e1) {
//TODO 自动生成的 catch block


Marquee Panel 并不是为处理事件而设计的,因为它只是在不同的位置呈现每个组件以提供滚动效果。

这是一个尝试转换 MouseEvent 并将事件重新分派(dispatch)回原始组件的版本:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;

* The MarqueePanelMouse is used to scroll components from the right edge of the
* panel to the left edge. Scrolling is continuous. To simulate the scrolling
* of text you can simply add a JLabel to the panel.
* Various properties control the scrolling of the components on the panel.
* Changes to the properties are dynamic and will take effect the next time
* the components are scrolled.
public class MarqueePanelMouse extends JPanel
implements ActionListener, AncestorListener, WindowListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
protected boolean paintChildren;
protected boolean scrollingPaused;
protected int scrollOffset;
protected int wrapOffset;

private int preferredWidth = -1;
private int scrollAmount;
private int scrollFrequency;
private boolean wrap = false;
private int wrapAmount = 50;
private boolean scrollWhenFocused = true;
private Timer timer = new Timer(1000, this);

* Convenience constructor that sets both the scroll frequency and
* scroll amount to a value of 5.
public MarqueePanelMouse()
this(5, 5);

* Create an AnimatedIcon that will continuously cycle with the
* default (500ms).
* @param component the component the icon will be painted on
* @param icons the Icons to be painted as part of the animation
public MarqueePanelMouse(int scrollFrequency, int scrollAmount)
setScrollFrequency( scrollFrequency );
setScrollAmount( scrollAmount );
setLayout( new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.X_AXIS) );
addAncestorListener( this );
// addMouseListener( this );
// addMouseMotionListener( this );

* Translate the location of the children before they are painted so it
* appears they are scrolling left to right
public void paintChildren(Graphics g)
// Need this so we don't see a flicker of the text before scrolling

if (! paintChildren) return;

// Normal painting as the components scroll right to left

Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
g2d.translate(-scrollOffset, 0);
g2d.translate(scrollOffset, 0);

// Repaint the start of the components on the right edge of the panel once
// all the components are completely visible on the panel.
// (Its like the components are in two places at the same time)

if (isWrap())
wrapOffset = scrollOffset - super.getPreferredSize().width - wrapAmount;
g2d.translate(-wrapOffset, 0);
g2d.translate(wrapOffset, 0);

* The default preferred size will be half the size of the components added to
* the panel. This will allow room for components to be scrolled on and off
* the panel.
* The default width can be overriden by using the setPreferredWidth() method.
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize();

d.width = (preferredWidth == -1) ? d.width / 2 : preferredWidth;

return d;

public Dimension getMinimumSize()
return getPreferredSize();

public int getPreferredWidth()
return preferredWidth;

* Specify the preferred width on the panel. A value of -1 will cause the
* default preferred with size calculation to be used.
* @param preferredWidth preferred width of the panel in pixels
public void setPreferredWidth(int preferredWidth)
this.preferredWidth = preferredWidth;

* Get the scroll amount.
* @return the scroll amount in pixels
public int getScrollAmount()
return scrollAmount;

* Specify the scroll amount. The number of pixels to scroll every time
* scrolling is done.
* @param scrollAmount scroll amount in pixels
public void setScrollAmount(int scrollAmount)
this.scrollAmount = scrollAmount;

* Get the scroll frequency.
* @return the scroll frequency
public int getScrollFrequency()
return scrollFrequency;

* Specify the scroll frequency. That is the number of times scrolling
* should be performed every second.
* @param scrollFrequency scroll frequency
public void setScrollFrequency(int scrollFrequency)
this.scrollFrequency = scrollFrequency;

int delay = 1000 / scrollFrequency;
timer.setInitialDelay( delay );
timer.setDelay( delay );

* Get the scroll only when visible property.
* @return the scroll only when visible value
public boolean isScrollWhenFocused()
return scrollWhenFocused;

* Specify the scrolling property for unfocused windows.
* @param scrollWhenVisible when true scrolling pauses when the window
* loses focus. Scrolling will continue when
* the window regains focus. When false
* scrolling is continuous unless the window
* is iconified.
public void setScrollWhenFocused(boolean scrollWhenFocused)
this.scrollWhenFocused = scrollWhenFocused;

* Get the wrap property.
* @return the wrap value
public boolean isWrap()
return wrap;

* Specify the wrapping property. Normal scrolling is such that all the text
* will scroll from left to right. When the last part of the text scrolls off
* the left edge scrolling will start again from the right edge. Therefore
* there is a time when the component is blank as nothing is displayed.
* Wrapping implies that as the end of the text scrolls off the left edge
* the beginning of the text will scroll in from the right edge. So the end
* and the start of the text is displayed at the same time.
* @param wrap when true the start of the text will scroll in from the right
* edge while the end of the text is still scrolling off the left
* edge. Otherwise the panel must be clear of text before
* will begin again from the right edge.
public void setWrap(boolean wrap)
this.wrap = wrap;

* Get the wrap amount.
* @return the wrap amount value
public int getWrapAmount()
return wrapAmount;

* Specify the wrapping amount. This specifies the space between the end of the
* text on the left edge and the start of the text from the right edge when
* wrapping is turned on.
* @param wrapAmount the amount in pixels
public void setWrapAmount(int wrapAmount)
this.wrapAmount = wrapAmount;

* Start scrolling the components on the panel. Components will start
* scrolling from the right edge towards the left edge.
public void startScrolling()
paintChildren = true;
scrollOffset = - getSize().width;


* Stop scrolling the components on the panel. The conponents will be
* cleared from the view of the panel
public void stopScrolling()
paintChildren = false;

* The components will stop scrolling but will remain visible
public void pauseScrolling()
if (timer.isRunning())
scrollingPaused = true;

* The components will resume scrolling from where scrolling was stopped.
public void resumeScrolling()
if (scrollingPaused)
scrollingPaused = false;

public Component getComponentAt(int x, int y)
Point translated = getTranslatedPoint(x, y);

for (Component c: getComponents())
if (c.getBounds().contains(translated))
return c;

return null;

public Point getTranslatedPoint(int x, int y)
int translatedX = x + scrollOffset;

if (isWrap())
int preferredWidth = super.getPreferredSize().width;
preferredWidth += getWrapAmount();
translatedX = translatedX % preferredWidth;

return new Point(translatedX, y);

// Implement ActionListener

* Adjust the offset of the components on the panel so it appears that
* they are scrolling from right to left.
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
scrollOffset = scrollOffset + scrollAmount;
int width = super.getPreferredSize().width;

if (scrollOffset > width)
scrollOffset = isWrap() ? wrapOffset + scrollAmount : - getSize().width;


// Implement AncestorListener

* Get notified when the panel is added to a Window so we can use a
* WindowListener to automatically start the scrolling of the components.
public void ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent e)
SwingUtilities.windowForComponent( this ).addWindowListener( this );

public void ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent e) {}
public void ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent e) {}

// Implement WindowListener

public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e)
if (isScrollWhenFocused())

public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e)

public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)

public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e)
if (isScrollWhenFocused())

public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e)

public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e)

public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e)

// Implement MouseMotionListener

public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)

public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)

public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)

public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)

public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)

private void redispatchMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
int eventID = e.getID();

Component component = getComponentAt( e.getX(), e.getY() );

if (component == null) return;

Point translatedPoint = getTranslatedPoint( e.getX(), e.getY() );
Point componentPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(this, translatedPoint, component);
System.out.println(eventID + " : " + componentPoint);

MouseEvent me = new MouseEvent(

component.dispatchEvent( me );
public boolean isOptimizedDrawingEnabled()
return false;


关于java - MarqueePanel 中的 JEditorPane/JTextPane,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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