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Java:将 N 个二维数组附加到单个二维数组中的有效方法

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 08:55:43 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我有 N 个维度完全相同的二维数组。我想将它们组合成一个二维数组。下面是一个只有 2 个二维数组的示例

array1 = [[1 2]
[3 4]
[5 6]]

array2 = [[7 8]
[9 1]
[2 3]]

result = [[1 2 7 8]
[3 4 9 1]
[5 6 2 3]]

最有效的方法是什么?这些数组可能非常大,在某些情况下约为 20x10000。天真的方法是使用 for 循环,但这肯定是低效的,特别是因为我想相当频繁地执行此操作。我怀疑我也可以在构建方法中使用一些java的(可能是Arrays类?)。然而,可能有许多不同的方法可以做到这一点。考虑到这一点,最有效的方法是什么?




  • 从所有输入数组中选择相应的行
  • 将这些行合并为一个结果行

所以问题的核心是:将多个数组连接成一个数组的最有效方法是什么? (反过来,这可以被视为问题的概括:连接两个数组的最有效方法是什么?)

对于原始数组(例如 int[] 数组),我可以想到三种基本方法:

  • 使用System.arraycopy

    private static int[] combineWithArraycopy(int[]... arrays)
    // Assuming the same length for all arrays!
    int length = arrays[0].length;
    int result[] = new int[arrays.length * length];
    for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++)
    System.arraycopy(arrays[i], 0, result, i * length, length);
    return result;
  • 使用IntBuffer

    private static int[] combineWithBuffer(int[]... arrays)
    // Assuming the same length for all arrays!
    int length = arrays[0].length;
    int result[] = new int[arrays.length * length];
    IntBuffer buffer = IntBuffer.wrap(result);
    for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++)
    return result;
  • 使用IntStream

    private static int[] combineWithStreams(int[] ... arrays)
    return Stream.of(arrays).flatMapToInt(IntStream::of).toArray();

直觉上,我会把赌注押在System.arraycopy上。它基本上没有任何开销,并且可以归结为计算机可以执行的最基本操作之一 - 即:将内存从这里复制到那里。


旁注:在您的特定情况下,还有另一种可能的优化选项。即,对所有行并行调用此方法。但由于该操作完全受内存限制,并且内存传输速度在很大程度上与 CPU 数量无关,因此这可能没有明显的影响。





import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class ArraycopyStreamPerformance
public static void main(String[] args)

int runs = 100;
int minNum = 2;
int maxNum = 8;
int minRows = 2;
int maxRows = 20;
int minCols = 100;
int maxCols = 10000;
for (int num = minNum; num <= maxNum; num *= 2)
for (int rows = minRows; rows <= maxRows; rows += 2)
for (int cols = minCols; cols <= maxCols; cols *= 10)
runTest(num, rows, cols, runs);

private static void runTest(int num, int rows, int cols, int runs)
int arrays[][][] = new int[num][rows][cols];

long before = 0;
long after = 0;

int blackHole = 0;

// arraycopy
before = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
int resultA[][] = combineRows(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithArraycopy, arrays);
blackHole += resultA[0][0];
after = System.nanoTime();

"%2d arrays, %3d rows, %6d cols, arraycopy : %8.3fms\n",
num, rows, cols, (after - before) / 1e6);

// arraycopy parallel
before = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
int resultA[][] = combineRowsParallel(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithArraycopy, arrays);
blackHole += resultA[0][0];
after = System.nanoTime();

"%2d arrays, %3d rows, %6d cols, arraycopy parallel: %8.3fms\n",
num, rows, cols, (after - before) / 1e6);

// buffer
before = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
int resultB[][] = combineRows(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithBuffer, arrays);
blackHole += resultB[0][0];
after = System.nanoTime();

"%2d arrays, %3d rows, %6d cols, buffer : %8.3fms\n",
num, rows, cols, (after - before) / 1e6);

// buffer parallel
before = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
int resultB[][] = combineRowsParallel(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithBuffer, arrays);
blackHole += resultB[0][0];
after = System.nanoTime();

"%2d arrays, %3d rows, %6d cols, buffer parallel: %8.3fms\n",
num, rows, cols, (after - before) / 1e6);

// streams
before = System.nanoTime();
for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
int resultC[][] = combineRows(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithStreams, arrays);
blackHole += resultC[0][0];
after = System.nanoTime();

"%2d arrays, %3d rows, %6d cols, stream : %8.3fms (" +
blackHole + ")\n", num, rows, cols, (after - before) / 1e6);

private static void basicTest()
int array1[][] =
{ 1, 2 },
{ 3, 4 },
{ 5, 6 }

int array2[][] =
{ 7, 8 },
{ 9, 1 },
{ 2, 3 }

int result[][] =
{ 1, 2, 7, 8 },
{ 3, 4, 9, 1 },
{ 5, 6, 2, 3 }

int resultA[][] = combineRows(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithArraycopy, array1, array2);
int resultB[][] = combineRows(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithBuffer, array1, array2);
int resultC[][] = combineRows(
ArraycopyStreamPerformance::combineWithStreams, array1, array2);

private static int[][] selectRows(int row, int[][]... arrays)
int result[][] = new int[arrays.length][];
for (int j = 0; j < arrays.length; j++)
result[j] = arrays[j][row];
return result;

private static int[][] combineRows(
Function<int[][], int[]> mergeFunction, int[][]... arrays)
int rows = arrays[0].length;
int result[][] = new int[rows][];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
result[i] = mergeFunction.apply(selectRows(i, arrays));
return result;

private static int[] combineWithArraycopy(int[]... arrays)
// Assuming the same length for all arrays!
int length = arrays[0].length;
int result[] = new int[arrays.length * length];
for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++)
System.arraycopy(arrays[i], 0, result, i * length, length);
return result;

private static int[] combineWithBuffer(int[]... arrays)
// Assuming the same length for all arrays!
int length = arrays[0].length;
int result[] = new int[arrays.length * length];
IntBuffer buffer = IntBuffer.wrap(result);
for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++)
return result;

private static int[] combineWithStreams(int[] ... arrays)
return Stream.of(arrays).flatMapToInt(IntStream::of).toArray();

private static final ExecutorService EXECUTOR_SERVICE =
Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

public static ExecutorService createFixedTimeoutExecutorService(
int poolSize, long keepAliveTime, TimeUnit timeUnit)
ThreadPoolExecutor e =
new ThreadPoolExecutor(poolSize, poolSize,
keepAliveTime, timeUnit, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>());
return e;

private static int[][] combineRowsParallel(
Function<int[][], int[]> mergeFunction, int[][]... arrays)
int rows = arrays[0].length;
int result[][] = new int[rows][];
List<Callable<Object>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<Object>>();
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
int index = i;
tasks.add(Executors.callable(() ->
result[index] = mergeFunction.apply(selectRows(index, arrays));
catch (InterruptedException e)
return result;



8 arrays, 20 rows, 10000 cols, arraycopy : 354.977ms
8 arrays, 20 rows, 10000 cols, arraycopy parallel: 327.749ms
8 arrays, 20 rows, 10000 cols, buffer : 328.717ms
8 arrays, 20 rows, 10000 cols, buffer parallel: 312.522ms
8 arrays, 20 rows, 10000 cols, stream : 2044.017ms (0)

表明并行化不会带来值得付出努力的加速,并且一般来说,基于 arraycopy 和 IntBuffer 的方法具有大致相同的性能。

YMMV。如果有人有耐心为此进行 JMH 运行,我将不胜感激。

关于Java:将 N 个二维数组附加到单个二维数组中的有效方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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