gpt4 book ai didi

python - 使用 parsimonious 解析势函数的参数

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 07:55:21 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

问题最初在 code review 上提出。通过推荐再次在这里询问。




  • 用方括号括起来的节标题
  • 在下一行,单词indices:后跟一个整数列表。
  • 后面是与该部分关联的 1 行或多行参数


# Comments begin with '#'

[lj_pairs] # Section 1
indices: 0 2
# ID eps sigma
1 2.344 1.234 5
2 4.423 5.313 5
3 1.573 6.321 5
4 1.921 11.93 5

indices: 0 1
2 4.234e-03 11.2
6 -0.134545 5.7

目标是解析此类文件并将所有信息存储在 dict 中。



""" Force-field data reader """

import re
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, TextIO, Tuple, Union, Any

def ff_reader(fname: Union[str, TextIO]) -> Dict[str, "FFSections"]:
""" Reads data from a force-field file """

if _is_string(fname):
fh = open(fname, mode="r")
own = True
fh = iter(fname)
except TypeError:
raise ValueError("fname must be a string or a file handle")

# All the possible section headers
keywords = ("lj_pairs", "bonds") # etc... Long list of possible sections
# Removed for brevity
re_sections = re.compile(r"^\[(%s)\]$" % "|".join(keywords))
ff_data = _strip_comments(fh)
# Empty dict that'll hold all the data.
final_ff_data = {key: FFSections() for key in keywords}

# Get first section header
for line in ff_data:
match = re.match(re_sections, line)
if match:
section =
in_section_for_first_time = True
raise FFReaderError("A valid section header must be the first line in file")
raise FFReaderError("No force-field sections exist")

# Read the rest of the file
for line in ff_data:

match = re.match(re_sections, line)

# If we've encounted a section header the next line must be an index list.
if in_section_for_first_time:
if line.split()[0] != "indices:":
raise FFReaderError(f"Missing index list for section: {section}")
idx = _validate_indices(line)
final_ff_data[section].use_idx = idx
in_section_for_first_time = False
in_params_for_first_time = True

if match and in_params_for_first_time:
raise FFReaderError(
f"Section {section} missing parameters"
+ "Sections must contain atleast one type coefficients"

if match: # and not in_section_for_first_time and in_params_for_first_time
section =
in_section_for_first_time = True

params = _validate_params(line)
in_params_for_first_time = False

# Close the file if we opened it
if own:

for section in final_ff_data.values():
# coeff must exist if use_idx does
if section.use_idx is not None:
assert section.coeffs

return final_ff_data

def _strip_comments(
instream: TextIO, comments: Union[str, Iterable[str], None] = "#"
) -> Iterable[str]:
""" Strip comments from a text IO stream """

if comments is not None:
if isinstance(comments, str):
comments = [comments]
comments_re = re.compile("|".join(map(re.escape, comments)))
comments_re = ".*"
for lines in instream.readlines():
line = re.split(comments_re, lines, 1)[0].strip()
if line != "":
yield line
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("instream must be a `TextIO` stream") from None

class FFSections:

Container for forcefield information

coeffs: Dict[int, List[float]] = field(default_factory=dict)
use_idx: List[int] = field(default=None)

class FFReaderError(Exception):
""" Incorrect or badly formatted force-Field data """

def __init__(self, message: str, badline: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if badline:
message = f"{message}\nError parsing --> ({badline})"

def _validate_indices(line: str) -> List[int]:
Check if given line contains only a whitespace separated
list of integers
# split on indices: followed by whitescape
split = line.split("indices:")[1].split()
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
if not set(s.isdecimal() for s in split) == {True}:
raise FFReaderError(
"Indices should be integers and seperated by whitespace", line
return [int(x) for x in split]

def _validate_params(line: str) -> Tuple[int, List[float]]:
Check if given line is valid param line, which are
an integer followed by one or more floats seperated by whitespace
split = line.split()
id_ = split[0]
coeffs = split[1:]
if not id_.isdecimal():
raise FFReaderError("Invalid params", line)
coeffs = [float(x) for x in coeffs]
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise FFReaderError("Invalid params", line) from None
return (int(id_), coeffs)


这似乎需要很多代码来完成一个简单的任务。如何使用 parsimonious 或类似的解析库来简化解析此类文件?


正如另一个答案中所述,您可以使用解析库,例如 parsimoniousNodeVisitor 结合使用类:

from parsimonious.grammar import Grammar
from parsimonious.nodes import NodeVisitor

data = """
# Comments begin with '#'

[lj_pairs] # Section 1
indices: 0 2
# ID eps sigma
1 2.344 1.234 5
2 4.423 5.313 5
3 1.573 6.321 5
4 1.921 11.93 5

indices: 0 1
2 4.234e-03 11.2
6 -0.134545 5.7

grammar = Grammar(
expr = (entry / garbage)+
entry = section garbage indices (valueline / garbage)*
section = lpar word rpar

indices = ws? "indices:" values+
garbage = ((comment / hs)* newline?)*

word = ~"\w+"

values = number+
valueline = values newline?

number = hs? ~"[-.e\d]+" hs?

lpar = "["
rpar = "]"

comment = ~"#.+"
ws = ~"\s*"
hs = ~"[\t\ ]*"

newline = ~"[\r\n]"

tree = grammar.parse(data)

class DataVisitor(NodeVisitor):
def visit_number(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns integer and float values. """
_, value, _ = visited_children
number = int(value.text)
except ValueError:
number = float(value.text)
return number

def visit_section(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns the section as text. """
_, section, _ = visited_children
return section.text

def visit_indices(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns the index numbers. """
*_, values = visited_children
return values[0]

def visit_valueline(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns every value from one line. """
values, _ = visited_children
return values

def visit_entry(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns one entry (section, indices, values). """
section, _, indices, lst = visited_children
values = [item[0] for item in lst if item[0]]

return (section, {'indices': indices, 'values': values})

def visit_expr(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns the whole structure as a dict. """
return dict([item[0] for item in visited_children if item[0]])

def visit_garbage(self, node, visited_children):
""" You know what this does. """
return None

def generic_visit(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns the visited children (if any) or the node itself. """
return visited_children or node

d = DataVisitor()
result = d.visit(tree)


'lj_pairs': {'indices': [0, 2], 'values': [[1, 2.344, 1.234, 5], [2, 4.423, 5.313, 5], [3, 1.573, 6.321, 5], [4, 1.921, 11.93, 5]]},
'bonds': {'indices': [0, 1], 'values': [[2, 0.004234, 11.2], [6, -0.134545, 5.7]]}


您的原始数据文件可以被视为 DSL - 域s特定l语言。因此,我们需要一个语法来描述您的格式允许的样子。这里通常的方法是首先构建小块,例如空格或“单词”。

<小时/>在 parsimonious 我们有几个选项,其中一个是指定正则表达式(以 ~ 开头):

ws          = ~"\s*"



lpar        = "["

<小时/>最后也是最强大的可能性是将这两个较小的部分 组合以形成一个更大的部分,例如

section     = lpar word rpar

翻译为 [word_characters_HERE123]或类似的结构。

<小时/>现在应用正常的交替( / )和量词,例如 * (零矿多,贪心), + (多一矿石,贪心)和 ? (零或一,贪婪)并且可以放在我们可能想到的每个表达式之后。
<小时/>如果一切正常并且语法适合我们拥有的数据,则所有内容都会被解析为树结构,即所谓的 abstract syntax t ree (AST)。为了真正做某事。对于这个结构很有用(例如,用它制作一个漂亮的 dict ),我们需要将它输入到 NodeVisitor 中。类(class)。这是我们之前形成的语法的附属方法 visit_*会调用每一片适合它的叶子。就是说一个方法visit_section(...)将在每个 section 上被调用叶与其适当的visited_children


    def visit_section(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns the section as text. """
_, section, _ = visited_children
return section.text

将调用 section我们语法的一部分( lpar section rpar ),所以叶子 section有这三个 child 。我们对 [ 都不感兴趣也不是 ]但只有部分文本本身,所以我们进行一些解包并返回 section.text

我们需要对之前定义的每个节点/叶子执行此操作。默认情况下,第一个定义(在我们的例子中为 expr )和相应的 visit_expr(...)将是 NodeVisitor 的输出class 和所有其他节点都是该节点的子节点(孙子节点、曾孙节点等)。

关于python - 使用 parsimonious 解析势函数的参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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