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我想将此示例导出为 mp4 格式的动画。到目前为止,代码如下所示:
import scipy.integrate
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
def showConvolution(f1, f2, t0):
# Calculate the overall convolution result using Simpson integration
convolution = np.zeros(len(t))
for n, t_ in enumerate(t):
prod = lambda tau: f1(tau) * f2(t_-tau)
convolution[n] = scipy.integrate.simps(prod(t), t)
# Create the shifted and flipped function
f_shift = lambda t: f2(t0-t)
prod = lambda tau: f1(tau) * f2(t0-tau)
# Plot the curves
plt.gcf().clear() # il
plt.gca().set_ymargin(0.05) # il
plt.plot(t, f1(t), label=r'$f_1(\tau)$')
plt.plot(t, f_shift(t), label=r'$f_2(t_0-\tau)$')
plt.fill(t, prod(t), color='r', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='black', hatch='//') # il
plt.plot(t, prod(t), 'r-', label=r'$f_1(\tau)f_2(t_0-\tau)$')
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel(r'$\tau$'); plt.ylabel(r'$x(\tau)$') # il
plt.legend(fontsize=10) # il
plt.text(-4, 0.6, '$t_0=%.2f$' % t0, bbox=dict(fc='white')) # il
# plot the convolution curve
plt.gca().set_ymargin(0.05) # il
plt.plot(t, convolution, label='$(f_1*f_2)(t)$')
# recalculate the value of the convolution integral at the current time-shift t0
current_value = scipy.integrate.simps(prod(t), t)
plt.plot(t0, current_value, 'ro') # plot the point
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('$t$'); plt.ylabel('$(f_1*f_2)(t)$') # il
plt.legend(fontsize=10) # il
plt.show() # il
Fs = 50 # our sampling frequency for the plotting
T = 5 # the time range we are interested in
t = np.arange(-T, T, 1/Fs) # the time samples
f1 = lambda t: np.maximum(0, 1-abs(t))
f2 = lambda t: (t>0) * np.exp(-2*t)
t0 = np.arange(-2.0,2.0, 0.05)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,3))
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, showConvolution(f1,f2, t0), frames=np.linspace(0, 50, 500), interval=80)
anim.save('animation.mp4', fps=30) # fps = frames per second
据我了解,我应该能够以 0.05 步长在 -2.00 和 2.00 之间更改 t0 值。乍一看,我尝试使用 numpy 的 arange 函数。
t0 = np.arange(-2.0,2.0, 0.05)
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (80,) (500,)
我应该如何更改 t0 值以便能够生成动画视频?
python convolution.py
我看到的不是动画,而是 t0 = -0.20 时卷积积分的输出。
有没有办法改变 t0 ,以便我能够将其保存为动画,如 the tutorial 中所示在示例中,t0 从 -2.0 减小到 -1.95 等,绿色曲线向右移动,曲线之间的面积、乘积增加。在示例中有一个 html 动画,我想另存为 mp4 文件。
从重绘函数内部删除 plt.show()
FuncAnimation 中的第二个参数接受一个可调用的,其中第一个参数将在每个循环中从“frames”关键字参数中获取一个新值。请查看 matplotlib 文档以查找有关可调用所需签名的更多信息。
我只是更改了 showConvolution() 参数,使 t0 成为第一个参数。范围 t0 用作所需的帧参数。 lambda 函数 f1 和 f2 在“fargs”中的元组中传递。
import scipy.integrate
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
def showConvolution(t0,f1, f2):
# Calculate the overall convolution result using Simpson integration
convolution = np.zeros(len(t))
for n, t_ in enumerate(t):
prod = lambda tau: f1(tau) * f2(t_-tau)
convolution[n] = scipy.integrate.simps(prod(t), t)
# Create the shifted and flipped function
f_shift = lambda t: f2(t0-t)
prod = lambda tau: f1(tau) * f2(t0-tau)
# Plot the curves
plt.gcf().clear() # il
plt.gca().set_ymargin(0.05) # il
plt.plot(t, f1(t), label=r'$f_1(\tau)$')
plt.plot(t, f_shift(t), label=r'$f_2(t_0-\tau)$')
plt.fill(t, prod(t), color='r', alpha=0.5, edgecolor='black', hatch='//') # il
plt.plot(t, prod(t), 'r-', label=r'$f_1(\tau)f_2(t_0-\tau)$')
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel(r'$\tau$'); plt.ylabel(r'$x(\tau)$') # il
plt.legend(fontsize=10) # il
plt.text(-4, 0.6, '$t_0=%.2f$' % t0, bbox=dict(fc='white')) # il
# plot the convolution curve
plt.gca().set_ymargin(0.05) # il
plt.plot(t, convolution, label='$(f_1*f_2)(t)$')
# recalculate the value of the convolution integral at the current time-shift t0
current_value = scipy.integrate.simps(prod(t), t)
plt.plot(t0, current_value, 'ro') # plot the point
plt.grid(True); plt.xlabel('$t$'); plt.ylabel('$(f_1*f_2)(t)$') # il
plt.legend(fontsize=10) # il
plt.show() # il
Fs = 50 # our sampling frequency for the plotting
T = 5 # the time range we are interested in
t = np.arange(-T, T, 1/Fs) # the time samples
f1 = lambda t: np.maximum(0, 1-abs(t))
f2 = lambda t: (t>0) * np.exp(-2*t)
t0 = np.arange(-2.0,2.0, 0.05)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,3))
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, showConvolution, frames=t0, fargs=(f1,f2),interval=80)
anim.save('animation.mp4', fps=30) # fps = frames per second
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