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python - 如何使用flask将JSON数据显示到前端界面?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 07:15:50 25 4
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我有一个 Flask Restful api,它从 JSON 文件中获取问题和可能的答案,并按原样显示在我的浏览器中。从 JSON 文件中选择下一个问题取决于上一个问题的所选选项。我的应用程序工作正常,但我现在使用 URL 提供输入,我想要一个前端页面来显示问题及其使用单选按钮的所有选项,并且输入必须通过选择单选按钮然后按按钮(提交/下一个等等)。

这是我的 flask 代码:

from flask import Flask, jsonify
import json
import sys

# global variables
num = 0
last_choice = 'empty'
questionnaire_key = ''
user_choice = []
data = {}

app = Flask(__name__)

with open('static/data.json') as f:
data = json.load(f)

print(data, file=sys.stdout)

def StartQuestionnaire(index):
global num, last_choice, questionnaire_key, user_choice
num = 0
last_choice = 'empty'
questionnaire_key = 'questionnaire_' + str(index)

print(user_choice, file=sys.stdout)
return jsonify(data[questionnaire_key][0])

# last selected option will be passed as keyword argument
def GetQuestion(index, option):
global num, last_choice, questionnaire_key
num = num + 1
response = {}


if last_choice != 'empty':
response = data[questionnaire_key][num][last_choice][option]
if option != 'Yes' and option != 'No':
last_choice = option

response = data[questionnaire_key][num][option]

if option == 'No' or num == len(data[questionnaire_key]) - 1:
for elem in user_choice:
print(elem, file=sys.stdout)

return jsonify(response)

if __name__ == '__main__':, use_reloader=False)

这是我的 JSON:

"questionnaire_0" :
"question": "Are you Hungry?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Yes": {
"question": "What would you like to eat?",
"options": ["Hamburger", "Pizza", "Pop Corn", "Chicken"]
"No": {
"message": "OK, call me when you are hungry."
"Hamburger": {
"message": "Nice, I will order a hamburger for you."
"Pizza": {
"question": "Would you like pizza with mushroom?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Pop Corn": {
"question": "Would you like pop corn with cheese?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Chicken": {
"question": "Would you like chicken with cheese?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Pizza": {
"Yes": {
"message": "Ok, i will order the best pizza in town for you."
"No": {
"message": "No? Well... stay hungry then."
"Pop Corn": {
"Yes": {
"message": "Ok, i will order the best pop corn in town for you."
"No": {
"message": "No? Well... stay hungry then."
"Chicken": {
"Yes": {
"message": "Ok, i will order the best chicken in town for you."
"No": {
"message": "No? Well... stay hungry then."
"question": "Are you bored?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Yes": {
"question": "What would you like me to play?",
"options": ["Song", "Movie", "Music", "Ted Talk"]
"No": {
"message": "OK, call me when you are bored."
"Song": {
"message": "Nice, I will play your favorite song."
"Movie": {
"question": "Would you like to watch action movie?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Music": {
"question": "Would you like relaxing music?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Ted Talk": {
"question": "Would you like me to play simon sinek talk?",
"options": ["Yes", "No"]
"Movie": {
"Yes": {
"message": "Ok, i am playing Avengers."
"No": {
"message": "No? Well... stay bored then."
"Music": {
"Yes": {
"message": "Ok, i will play the most relaxing music."
"No": {
"message": "No? Well... stay bored then."
"Ted Talk": {
"Yes": {
"message": "Ok, get ready to feel inspired."
"No": {
"message": "No? Well... stay bored then."


如何连接前端,以便用户可以使用漂亮的 View 回答问题,而不需要更改网址。




这是一个非常广泛的问题 - 你本质上是在问我如何制作网站的字体。

有很多选择。您可以使用 React 之类的框架构建客户端应用程序。它将使用 javascript 调用您的 API,然后向用户显示信息。

或者,您可以在服务器上渲染页面并将其返回给用户而不是原始 json。在您的情况下使用 Flask templates 。上一个链接包含由 Flask 创建者编写的“Flask Mega 教程”。关于在一个 SO 答案中构建网站的前端,确实有太多的话题要讨论 - 该教程将为您提供使用 python 构建网站的良好开端。

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