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python kmedoids - 更有效地计算新的 medoid 中心

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我正在关注一篇优秀的媒体文章:从头开始实现 kmedoids。代码中有一个地方计算每个像素到中心点的距离,并且速度非常慢。它在循环内有 numpy.linalg.norm 。有没有办法使用 numpy.linalg.norm 或 numpy 广播或 scipy.spatial.distance.cdist 和 np.argmin 来优化它以执行相同的操作?

###helper function here###
def compute_d_p(X, medoids, p):
m = len(X)
medoids_shape = medoids.shape
# If a 1-D array is provided,
# it will be reshaped to a single row 2-D array
if len(medoids_shape) == 1:
medoids = medoids.reshape((1,len(medoids)))
k = len(medoids)

S = np.empty((m, k))

for i in range(m):
d_i = np.linalg.norm(X[i, :] - medoids, ord=p, axis=1)
S[i, :] = d_i**p

return S


for datap in cluster_points:
new_medoid = datap
new_dissimilarity= np.sum(compute_d_p(X, datap, p))

if new_dissimilarity < avg_dissimilarity :
avg_dissimilarity = new_dissimilarity

out_medoids[i] = datap


# Imports
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

# Dataset
iris = datasets.load_iris()
data = pd.DataFrame(,columns = iris.feature_names)

target = iris.target_names
labels =

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
data = pd.DataFrame(scaler.fit_transform(data), columns=data.columns)

#PCA Transformation
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=3)
principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(data)
PCAdf = pd.DataFrame(data = principalComponents , columns = ['principal component 1', 'principal component 2','principal component 3'])

datapoints = PCAdf.values
m, f = datapoints.shape
k = 3

def init_medoids(X, k):
from numpy.random import choice
from numpy.random import seed

samples = choice(len(X), size=k, replace=False)
return X[samples, :]

medoids_initial = init_medoids(datapoints, 3)

def compute_d_p(X, medoids, p):
m = len(X)
medoids_shape = medoids.shape
# If a 1-D array is provided,
# it will be reshaped to a single row 2-D array
if len(medoids_shape) == 1:
medoids = medoids.reshape((1,len(medoids)))
k = len(medoids)

S = np.empty((m, k))

for i in range(m):
d_i = np.linalg.norm(X[i, :] - medoids, ord=p, axis=1)
S[i, :] = d_i**p

return S

S = compute_d_p(datapoints, medoids_initial, 2)

def assign_labels(S):
return np.argmin(S, axis=1)

labels = assign_labels(S)

def update_medoids(X, medoids, p):

S = compute_d_p(points, medoids, p)
labels = assign_labels(S)

out_medoids = medoids

for i in set(labels):

avg_dissimilarity = np.sum(compute_d_p(points, medoids[i], p))

cluster_points = points[labels == i]

for datap in cluster_points:
new_medoid = datap
new_dissimilarity= np.sum(compute_d_p(points, datap, p))

if new_dissimilarity < avg_dissimilarity :
avg_dissimilarity = new_dissimilarity

out_medoids[i] = datap

return out_medoids

def has_converged(old_medoids, medoids):
return set([tuple(x) for x in old_medoids]) == set([tuple(x) for x in medoids])

#Full algorithm
def kmedoids(X, k, p, starting_medoids=None, max_steps=np.inf):
if starting_medoids is None:
medoids = init_medoids(X, k)
medoids = starting_medoids

converged = False
labels = np.zeros(len(X))
i = 1
while (not converged) and (i <= max_steps):
old_medoids = medoids.copy()

S = compute_d_p(X, medoids, p)

labels = assign_labels(S)

medoids = update_medoids(X, medoids, p)

converged = has_converged(old_medoids, medoids)
i += 1
return (medoids,labels)

results = kmedoids(datapoints, 3, 2)
final_medoids = results[0]
data['clusters'] = results[1]


numpy 的广播功能很有可能会有所帮助。让广播在 3+ 维度上工作有点棘手,我通常必须进行一些尝试和错误才能获得正确的细节。

这里使用 linalg.norm 会使事情变得更加复杂,因为我的代码版本不会为所有输入提供与 linalg.norm 相同的结果。但我相信在这种情况下,它会对所有相关输入给出相同的结果。


def compute_d_p_broadcasted(X, medoids, p):

# If a 1-D array is provided,
# it will be reshaped to a single row 2-D array

if len(medoids.shape) == 1:
medoids = medoids.reshape((1,len(medoids)))

# In general, broadcasting n-dim arrays requires that the last
# dim of the first array be a singleton dimension, and that the
# first dim of the second array be a singleton dimension. We can
# quickly accomplish that by slicing with `None` in the appropriate
# places. (`np.newaxis` is a slightly more self-documenting way
# of spelling `None`, but I rarely bother.)

# In this case, the shapes of the other two dimensions also
# have to align in the same way you'd expect for a dot product.
# So we pass `medoids.T`.

diff = np.abs(X[:, :, None] - medoids.T[None, :, :])

# The last tricky bit is to figure out which axis to sum. Right
# now, the array is a 3-dimensional array, with the first
# dimension corresponding to the rows of `X` and the last
# dimension corresponding to the columns of `medoids.T`.
# The middle dimension corresponds to the underlying dimensionality
# of the space; that's what we want to sum for a sum of squares.
# (Or sum of cubes for L3 norm, etc.)

return (diff ** p).sum(axis=1)

def compute_d_p(X, medoids, p):
m = len(X)
medoids_shape = medoids.shape
# If a 1-D array is provided,
# it will be reshaped to a single row 2-D array
if len(medoids_shape) == 1:
medoids = medoids.reshape((1,len(medoids)))
k = len(medoids)
S = np.empty((m, k))
for i in range(m):
d_i = np.linalg.norm(X[i, :] - medoids, ord=p, axis=1)
S[i, :] = d_i**p
return S

# A couple of simple tests:
X = np.array([[ 1.0, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6],
[ 7, 8, 9],
[10, 11, 12]])

medoids = X[[0, 2], :]

np.allclose(compute_d_p(X, medoids, 2),
compute_d_p_broadcasted(X, medoids, 2))
# Returns True
np.allclose(compute_d_p(X, medoids, 3),
compute_d_p_broadcasted(X, medoids, 3))
# Returns True


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