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Python + simPy : name 'move' is not defined

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 06:03:26 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 python 2.6 + Simpy 进行关于地铁系统的模拟。这是我的代码:

import sys
import random
from math import*
from math import ceil, log
from random import*
from random import random, uniform, seed, expovariate
from SimPy import*
from SimPy.Simulation import*
from math import ceil, log

totalusuarios = 0
def triangulo(inf,sup,moda):
return random.triangular((inf),(sup),(moda))

def geometric(q):
if q == 1.0:
return 1
U = 1.0 - random.random()
G = int(ceil(log(U) / log(1.0 - q)))
return G

# A class that represents the process of generation of Groups (arrivals)
class Generador(Process):
def generar(self, prob,interarribo, porc_torniq, porc_taq, porc_maq, min, max, moda, tsertaq, tsertor, tsermaq, loncal):
global totalusuarios
global cantgrupos
while True:
size_g = geometric (prob)
if (now()>loncal):
for j in range (size_g):
c = Customer(name = "Usuario%02d"%(j,))
q = uniform (0,1)
##******************the userr go to the tourniquet-------------------------
if (q<=porc_torniq): #the userr go to the tourniquet
activate(c,c.go_torn(min=min, max=max, moda=moda, tsertor=tsertor)) #el cliente se desplaza
##******************the user walks to buy ticket on the office-------------------------
if (q>porc_torniq and q<=porc_torniq+porc_taq): #user go to ticket station to buy
activate(c,c.go_tickets(min, max, moda, tsertaq=tsertaq, tsertor=tsertor))

##******************the user walks to buy ticket machines-------------------------
if (q>porc_torniq+porc_taq): #user go to machines
activate(c,c.go_machines(min= min, max=max, moda=moda, tsermaq=tsermaq, tsertor=tsertor))
t = expovariate(interarribo) #time between groups of users
yield hold, self, t

class Customer(Process):

def move(self, min, max ,moda):
t1= triangulo(min_, max_, moda_)
yield hold, self,t1

def go_torn(self, min, max ,moda, tsertor):
move(min, max, moda)
yield request, self, torniquete
t2= expovariate(tsertor)
yield hold, self, t2
yield release, self, torniquete

def go_tickets(self, min, max ,moda, tsertaq, tsertor):
move(min, max, moda)
yield request, self, taquilla
t3= expovariate(tsertaq)
yield hold, self, t3
yield release, self, taquilla
go_torn(self, min, max,moda, tsertor)

def go_machines(self, min, max ,moda, tsermaq, tsertor):
move(min, max, moda)
yield request, self, taquilla
t4= expovariate(tsermaq)
yield hold, self, t4
yield release, self, taquilla
go_torn(self, min, max ,moda, tsertor)

## Experiment data ------------------------------
MedGru= 2.0
p= 1/MedGru
TasGru= 5.0
LonCor = 24.0
CanCor= 30
CanTor = 2
PorTor= 60.0/100.0
PorTaq= 20.0/100.0
MinDes= 0.1
MaxDes= 0.2
LonCal= 2.0*60
ModaDes= 0.15
TSerTaq= 1/0.35
TSerMaq= 1/0.5

## Model/Experiment ------------------------------
torniquete = Resource(capacity=CanTor, monitored=True, monitorType= Monitor)
maquina = Resource(capacity=CanMaq, monitored=False)
taquilla = Resource(capacity=CanTaq, monitored=False)
def simulate_():
generador = Generador(name="Grupo")
initialize() #inicializa el reloj de simulacion
activate(generador,generador.generar(p, TasGru,PorTor, PorTaq, PorMaq,
MinDes,MaxDes ,ModaDes, TSerTaq, TSerTor, TSerMaq, LonCal ))
for i in range(CanCor):
print "Groups:",cantgrupos, "Users:",totalusuarios

该代码由 User 类滚动中的 4 个函数组成,它使用三角形分布来模拟乘客在车站内、任何区域(售票处、机器或止血带)入口处以及从一个区域到另一个区域的位移, 有一个具有参数 min、mode 和 Max 分钟的三角分布随机项。

在售票处为每位乘客提供服务所需的时间是分配的遗嘱TSerTaq 在半分钟内呈指数增长。每位使用自动售货机的乘客票证在随机时间内被占用,且与平均 TSerMaq 呈指数分布分钟。通过旋转栅门每位乘客所花费的时间是随机分配的TSerTor 在半分钟内呈指数增长。


C:\Documents and Settings>python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 111, in <module>
File "", line 109, in simulate_
File "C:\Python26\SimPy\", line 39, in simulate
return sim.simulate(until = until)
File "C:\Python26\SimPy\", line 689, in simulate
a = nextev()
File "C:\Python26\SimPy\", line 408, in _nextev
resultTuple =
File "", line 65, in go_tickets
move(min, max, moda)
NameError: global name 'move' is not defined



您需要self.move()而不是move()move() 将是模块中的顶级函数,因此 Python 提示找不到它作为全局名称; self.move() 是类实例上的一个方法,这是您实际拥有的。

所有其他方法调用也需要在前面添加 self.

关于Python + simPy : name 'move' is not defined,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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