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python - 如何使用 PyQt 通知 Python 进程正在退出?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 06:02:01 28 4
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我正在开发一个 Python 应用程序,并使用 uPnP 打开端口。问题在于,当应用程序被进程强制关闭时,端口仍然打开。所以我正在 PyQt (或其他东西)中搜索一个事件,以便在进程关闭时执行一些操作。确保我不是在谈论关闭按钮。


Q应用程序 aboutToQuit信号似乎正是为此目的而构建的。只需在代码中添加一个插槽并连接到该信号即可。您的槽位应在应用程序退出之前收到通知。

来自 pyQT 文档:

This signal is emitted when the application is about to quit the main event loop, e.g. when the event loop level drops to zero. This may happen either after a call to quit() from inside the application or when the users shuts down the entire desktop session.

The signal is particularly useful if your application has to do some last-second cleanup. Note that no user interaction is possible in this state.


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