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我正在尝试在 Freebase 上查询所有美国县及其地理位置(经度 + 纬度)。我注意到有时查询会起作用,但在其他尝试中它会返回以下内容:<“请求时出现 HttpError 503...返回“后端错误”>。
from itertools import islice from apiclient import discovery from apiclient import model import json from CREDENTIALS import FREEBASE_KEY from pandas import DataFrame, Series DEVELOPER_KEY = FREEBASE_KEY model.JsonModel.alt_param = "" freebase = discovery.build('freebase', 'v1', developerKey=DEVELOPER_KEY) query_json = """ [{ "id": null, "name": null, "/location/us_county/fips_6_4_code": [], "/location/location/geolocation": { "latitude": null, "longitude": null }, "limit": 3050 }]""".replace("\n", " ") query = json.loads(query_json) response = json.loads(freebase.mqlread(query=json.dumps(query)).execute()) results = list() for result in islice(response['result'], None): results.append( {'id': result['id'], 'name': result['name'], 'latitude': float(result['/location/location/geolocation']['latitude']), 'longitude': float(result['/location/location/geolocation']['longitude']), 'fips': result['/location/us_county/fips_6_4_code'], } ) states = DataFrame(results) plt.scatter(states["longitude"], states["latitude"])
这似乎不是配额问题,其他人在 Freebase 邮件列表上注意到了类似的问题:http://lists.freebase.com/pipermail/freebase-discuss/2011-December/007710.html但这是针对另一种类型的数据,因此他们的解决方案似乎不适用于我正在研究的内容。
from itertools import islice from apiclient import discovery from apiclient import model import json from CREDENTIALS import FREEBASE_KEY from pandas import DataFrame, Series DEVELOPER_KEY = FREEBASE_KEY model.JsonModel.alt_param = "" freebase = discovery.build('freebase', 'v1', developerKey=DEVELOPER_KEY) query = [{ "id": None, "name": None, "type": "/location/us_county", "/location/location/geolocation": { "latitude": None, "longitude": None } }] results = [] count = 0 def do_query(cursor=""): response = json.loads(freebase.mqlread(query=json.dumps(query), cursor=cursor).execute()) for result in islice(response['result'], None): results.append( {'id': result['id'], 'name': result['name'], 'latitude': result['/location/location/geolocation']['latitude'], 'longitude': result['/location/location/geolocation']['longitude'], } ) return response.get("cursor") cursor = do_query() while(cursor): cursor = do_query(cursor) # Check how many iterations this loop has gone through. #print count count+=1 # Plug results into a pandas DataFrame and plot. states = DataFrame(results) plt.scatter(states["longitude"], states["latitude"])
这是一个相对简单的查询,但从角度来看,默认限制是 100,这比您要求的要低很多。我建议使用下限和光标来翻阅结果(并提交错误报告,因为它不应该返回通用的“后端错误”,而是某种 MQL 特定错误)
关于python - 当查询结果超过一定数量时,Freebase + GoogleAPI 查询返回错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15082564/
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