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perforce - 我们可以在 perforce 中创建标签吗

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 05:04:41 26 4
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我正在做一个项目。我们同时使用 clearcase 和 perforce。

当我们致力于不同的构建时,在 clearcase 中,我们为每个版本创建一个标签。说到发布“X”,我们创建了一个 clearcase 案例“Label X”。标签 X 拥有与版本“X”相关的所有最新文件。当我们完成另一个版本时说“Y”,我们创建另一个标签说“标签 Y”。标签“Y”再次拥有发布“Y”的所有文件。但是在任何时候我们都可以回到“Label X”。这意味着所有文件都将恢复到“Label X”。

我们可以在 perforce 中做同样的事情吗?我们能否在 perforce 中创建一个标签,以便在任何时候,我们都可以转到该标签,该标签将按照该标签时间轴中的方式提供文件。


Perforce 还提供了一个有趣的指南“Migration Planning Guide: IBM Rational ClearCase to Perforce”,并提到 p4 label 不是唯一的选择:


Both ClearCase and Perforce provide labels, which identify the versions of files that constitute a baseline. For many ClearCase users, labels are mandatory. Applying labels is time-consuming, often accounting for 30 percent or more of the time associated with creating stable builds.

In Perforce, labels are just one way of reproducing baselines. Changelists accomplish the same goal in ways that are less taxing on the build process and faster and easier to reference than a label.

Each Perforce check-in generates a unique changelist number that reflects the state of the repository at a point in time. Any changelist can be used to describe the state of every file in the repository, even though it affects only a small subset of the repository.

This is an oversimplication since a typical config spec is several lines or more.
Branches in Perforce are represented as directories, making it easy to combine branches and changelist numbers to represent a baseline.
Alternately, labels can refer to changelist numbers limited to an identified scope in the server, where the scope is typically a particular branch.

关于perforce - 我们可以在 perforce 中创建标签吗,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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