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Python 对 >= 10,000 的数字进行列表比较的效率

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 04:56:43 25 4
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我一直在尝试完成最近 ACM 编程挑战赛后的一个问题,但遇到了障碍。问题说明

Your team has been retained by the director of a competition who supervises a panel of judges. The competition asks the judges to assign integer scores to competitors – the higher the score, the better. Although the event has standards for what score values mean, each judge is likely to interpret those standards differently. A score of 100, say, may mean different things to different judges.

The director's main objective is to determine which competitors should receive prizes for the top positions. Although absolute scores may differ from judge to judge, the director realizes that relative rankings provide the needed information – if two judges rank the same competitors first, second, third, ... then they agree on who should receive the prizes.

Your team is to write a program to assist the director by comparing the scores of pairs of judges. The program is to read two lists of integer scores in competitor order and determine the highest ranking place (first place being highest) at which the judges disagree.

Input to your program will be a series of score list pairs. Each pair begins with a single integer giving the number of competitors N, 1 < N < 1,000,000. The next N integers are the scores from the first judge in competitor order. These are followed by the second judge's scores – N more integers, also in competitor order. Scores are in the range 0 to 100,000,000 inclusive. Judges are not allowed to give ties, so each judge’s scores will be unique. Values are separated from each other by one or more spaces and/or newlines. The last score list pair is followed by the end-of-file indicator.

有示例测试用例涵盖 N = 4 和 N = 8


3 8 6 2

15 37 17 3


80 60 40 20 10 30 50 70

160 100 120 80 20 60 90 135


Case 1: agree

Case 2: 3


import sys

def calculate(competitors, scores1, scores2):
scores1sort = sorted(scores1, reverse = True)
scores2sort = sorted(scores2, reverse = True)

for x in range(len(scores1)) :
indexed1 = scores1.index(scores1sort[x])
#print ('place: ', x+1, 'Position: ',indexed1+1)
#iterating over the entire length of the sorted lists multiple times takes too long
indexed2 = scores2.index(scores2sort[x])
#print ('place: ', x+1, 'Position: ',indexed2+1)
if indexed2 != indexed1 :
print ( "Case", str(case) + ":", x+1)

#run both fors at the same time, compare indexed of scores1 to index of scores2
#if the position(indexed + 1) doesnt match between the two, print the place(x+1) of the disparity

#if match:
#print ("Case " + case +": " + "agree"
#else: print (Case " + case + ": " + index of disagreement

print ("Case", str(case) + ":" , "agree")

scores1 = [];
scores2 = [];
case = 1;
state = 0;
# 0 indicates number of competitors
# 1 indicates judge 1
# 2 indicates judge 2
#for line in sys.stdin:
for line in test.split("\n"):
line = line.strip().split()
if not line:

if state == 0:
#if empty line, error
competitors = int(line[0])
state = 1;

for y in line:
if state == 1:
if len(scores1) >= competitors:
state = 2;
elif state == 2:
if len(scores2) >= competitors:
state = 0;
#print (competitors, score1, scores2)
calculate(competitors, scores1, scores2);
case += 1;

我的代码当前使用一个文本文件运行,其中包含留给我们的编程竞赛的测试输入,其中包括小型测试值,但也包括一组包含 10,000 个参赛者的值。




现在你的程序正在以二次方的时间运行,因此随着 N 变大,运行时间将急剧增加。您必须在远低于 O(n) 的内部循环中完成工作才能处理更大的数据集。



def calculate(N, scores1, scores2):
ranked1 = sorted(enumerate(scores1),key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
ranked2 = sorted(enumerate(scores2),key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

现在你有两个数组,从最高排名到最低排名排序,成本为 O(n log n),你可以只搜索第 1[i][0] !=第2[i][0] 的情况最坏情况下也是 O(n)。

因此,最坏情况下总体运行时间为 O(n + n log n)

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