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arrays - 从 Fortran 中的子例程返回分配的字符串数组?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 04:46:30 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我需要从 fortran 中的子例程返回一个字符串数组,其长度应该在运行时确定。我找到的解决方案与 intel fortran 一起使用,但是与 gfortran 一起崩溃。


以下代码似乎适用于 Intel Fortran (15.0.3),但因 gfortran 5.3.0 的段错误而失败:

program stringtest   ! filename:str2.f08
implicit none
integer n
character(len=:), allocatable :: y(:)

write(*,*) 'mkchars...'
call mkchars(y)
write(*,*) 'mkchars... Done.'
write(*,'(5("|",A,"|"))') y


subroutine mkchars(oc)
character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: oc(:)
allocate(character(len=8) :: oc(5))
write(*,*) 'shape ', shape(oc)
write(*,*) 'length ', (len(oc(n)), n=1,5)
write(*,*) 'storage', storage_size(oc)
oc(1) = "Hello"
oc(2) = "World" ! <-------------------- crashes here with gfortran
oc(3) = "how"
oc(4) = "are"
oc(5) = "you?"
end subroutine mkchars

end program stringtest

IFort 输出

使用 Intel Fortran 15.0.3,这会产生
shape 5
length 8 8 8 8 8
storage 64
mkchars... Done.
|Hello ||World ||how ||are ||you? |

GFortran:分配给 OC(2) 时的可执行崩溃

但是,使用 gfortran,分配给 OC(2) 时出现段错误。 ,即使数组的形状和每个条目的长度按预期报告:
C:\tmp>gdb -batch -ex run -ex bt a.exe
[New Thread 12024.0x38e4]
shape 5
length 8 8 8 8 8
storage 64

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000401840 in mkchars (oc=<incomplete type>, _oc=_oc@entry=0x61fdbc) at c:/tmp/str2.f08:20
20 oc(2) = "World"
#0 0x0000000000401840 in mkchars (oc=<incomplete type>, _oc=_oc@entry=0x61fdbc) at c:/tmp/str2.f08:20
#1 0x00000000004019a0 in stringtest () at c:/tmp/str2.f08:9
#2 0x0000000000401a84 in main (argc=1, argv=0x6f5890) at c:/tmp/str2.f08:9
#3 0x00000000004013e8 in __tmainCRTStartup ()
#4 0x000000000040151b in mainCRTStartup ()


是否有其他方法可以从在 gfortran 中工作的子例程返回分配的字符串数组?

对于手头的实际用例,我可以回退到使用超大的固定大小数组(大约 100KB 而不是 <1KB)并忽略未使用的部分。但是,我更喜欢更清洁的解决方案。


不久前,我为我的代码“MOONS”编写了一个 Fortran 字符串类。我编写字符串类的方法是首先将单个字符包装在派生类型(char)中,然后创建一个使用 char 类型的可分配对象的外部类(字符串)。这样,我避免编写可分配的字符,而是编写可分配的派生类型。

当我第一次开发这个类时,我首先尝试使用与您展示的相同的方法,但我遇到了编译/运行时错误。这个字符串类适用于 gfortran 4.9.2。我已经用其他版本测试过它,但我不记得具体是哪个版本。




  module string_mod
implicit none
! Implimentation:

! program test_string
! use string_mod
! implicit none
! type(string) :: s
! call init(s,'This is'); write(*,*) 'string = ',str(s)
! call append(s,' a variable'); write(*,*) 'string = ',str(s)
! call append(s,' sized string!'); write(*,*) 'string = ',str(s)
! call compress(s); write(*,*) 'string, no spaces = ',str(s)
! call delete(s)
! end program


character(len=4),parameter :: dot_dat = '.dat'

public :: string
public :: init,delete,display,print,export,import ! Essentials

public :: write_formatted
public :: string_allocated
public :: get_str,str ! str does not require length
public :: len,match,match_index
public :: compress,append,prepend
public :: get_char,set_char
public :: remove_element
public :: identical

public :: set_IO_dir
public :: make_IO_dir
public :: export_structured
public :: import_structured
public :: export_primitives
public :: import_primitives

interface init; module procedure init_size; end interface
interface init; module procedure init_string; end interface
interface init; module procedure init_copy; end interface
interface delete; module procedure delete_string; end interface
interface display; module procedure display_string; end interface
interface print; module procedure print_string; end interface
interface export; module procedure export_string; end interface
interface import; module procedure import_string; end interface

interface write_formatted; module procedure write_formatted_string; end interface
interface string_allocated; module procedure string_allocated_string; end interface

interface append; module procedure app_string_char; end interface
interface append; module procedure app_string_string; end interface
interface prepend; module procedure prep_string_char; end interface
interface prepend; module procedure prep_string_string; end interface
interface compress; module procedure compress_string; end interface
interface len; module procedure str_len_string; end interface
interface str; module procedure get_str_short; end interface
interface get_str; module procedure get_str_string; end interface
interface match; module procedure substring_in_string; end interface
interface match_index; module procedure index_substring_in_string; end interface
interface get_char; module procedure get_char_string; end interface
interface set_char; module procedure set_char_string; end interface
interface remove_element; module procedure remove_element_string; end interface
interface identical; module procedure identical_string_string; end interface
interface identical; module procedure identical_string_char; end interface

interface insist_allocated; module procedure insist_allocated_string; end interface

! Copied from generated code:

interface set_IO_dir; module procedure set_IO_dir_string; end interface
interface make_IO_dir; module procedure make_IO_dir_string; end interface
interface export_structured; module procedure export_structured_D_string; end interface
interface import_structured; module procedure import_structured_D_string; end interface
interface export_primitives; module procedure export_primitives_string; end interface
interface import_primitives; module procedure import_primitives_string; end interface
interface suppress_warnings; module procedure suppress_warnings_string; end interface

type char
character(len=1) :: c
end type

type string
type(char),dimension(:),allocatable :: s ! string
integer :: n = 0 ! string length
end type


subroutine init_size(st,n)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: st
integer,intent(in) :: n
if ( stop 'Error: string must be of size > 1 in string.f90'
call delete(st)
st%n = n
end subroutine

subroutine init_string(st,s)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: st
character(len=*),intent(in) :: s
integer :: i
call init(st,len(s))
do i=1,st%n
call init_char(st%s(i),s(i:i))
end subroutine

subroutine init_copy(a,b)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: a
type(string),intent(in) :: b
integer :: i
call delete(a)
! call insist_allocated(b,'init_copy')
if (( then
call init(a,b%n)
do i=1,b%n
call init_copy_char(a%s(i),b%s(i))
a%n = b%n
end subroutine

subroutine delete_string(st)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: st
if (allocated(st%s)) deallocate(st%s)
st%n = 0
end subroutine

subroutine display_string(st,un)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
integer,intent(in) :: un
call export(st,un)
end subroutine

subroutine print_string(st)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
call display(st,6)
write(6,*) ''
end subroutine

subroutine export_string(st,un)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
integer,intent(in) :: un
! call insist_allocated(st,'export_string')
if (string_allocated(st)) then
write(un,*) str(st)
write(un,*) 'string not allocated'
end subroutine

subroutine import_string(s,un)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: s
integer,intent(in) :: un
character(len=1) :: c
logical :: first_iteration,continue_loop
integer :: ReadCode
ReadCode = 0; continue_loop = .true.
call delete(s); first_iteration = .true.
do while (continue_loop)
if (ReadCode.eq.0) then
read(un,'(A)',advance='no',iostat=ReadCode) c
if (first_iteration) then; call init(s,c); else; call append(s,c); endif
else; continue_loop = .false.; exit
endif; first_iteration = .false.
if (s%s(s%n)%c.eq.' ') call remove_element(s,s%n)
if (s%s(1)%c.eq.' ') call remove_element(s,1)
end subroutine

subroutine write_formatted_string(s,un)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: un
type(string),intent(in) :: s
write(un,'('//int2str(len(s))//'A)') str(s)
end subroutine

function int2Str(i) result(s)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: i
character(len=15) :: s
write(s,'(I15.15)') i
s = trim(adjustl(s))
end function

! **********************************************************
! **********************************************************
! **********************************************************

subroutine app_string_char(st,s)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: st
character(len=*),intent(in) :: s
type(string) :: temp
integer :: i,n
n = len(s)
call init(temp,st)
call init(st,temp%n+n)
do i=1,temp%n
call init_copy_char(st%s(i),temp%s(i))
do i=1,n
call init_char(st%s(temp%n+i),s(i:i))
call delete(temp)
end subroutine

subroutine app_string_string(a,b)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: a
type(string),intent(in) :: b
call append(a,str(b))
end subroutine

subroutine prep_string_char(a,b)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: a
character(len=*),intent(in) :: b
type(string) :: temp
call init(temp,b)
call append(temp,a)
call init(a,temp)
call delete(temp)
end subroutine

subroutine prep_string_string(a,b)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: a
type(string),intent(in) :: b
call prepend(a,str(b))
end subroutine

subroutine compress_string(st)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: st
type(string) :: temp
integer :: i,n_spaces,k
if ( stop 'Error: input string must be > 1 in string.f90'
n_spaces = 0
do i=1,st%n
if (st%s(i)%c.eq.' ') n_spaces = n_spaces + 1
if ( then
if ( stop 'Error: only spaces in string in compress_string in string.f90'
call init(temp,st%n-n_spaces)
k = 0
do i=1,st%n
if (st%s(i)' ') then
temp%s(i-k)%c = st%s(i)%c
else; k = k+1
call init(st,temp)
call delete(temp)
end subroutine

subroutine remove_element_string(st,i)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: st
integer,intent(in) :: i
type(string) :: temp
integer :: j,k
if ( stop 'Error: input string must be > 1 in remove_element_string in string.f90'
if (( stop 'Error: element out of bounds in remove_element_string in string.f90'
k = 0
call init(temp,st%n-1)
do j=1,st%n
if ( then
temp%s(j-k)%c = st%s(j)%c
else; k = 1
call init(st,temp)
call delete(temp)
end subroutine

function identical_string_string(A,B) result(L)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: A,B
logical :: L
integer :: i
call insist_allocated(A,'A identical_string_string')
call insist_allocated(B,'B identical_string_string')
L = .false.
if (A%n.eq.B%n) then
L = .true.
do i=1,A%n
if (A%s(i) L = .false.
end function

function identical_string_char(A,B) result(L)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: A
character(len=*),intent(in) :: B
type(string) :: temp
logical :: L
call insist_allocated(A,'A identical_string_string')
call init(temp,B)
L = identical(A,temp)
call delete(temp)
end function

function get_char_string(st,i) result(c)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
integer,intent(in) :: i
character(len=1) :: c
c = st%s(i)%c
end function

subroutine set_char_string(st,c,i)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: st
integer,intent(in) :: i
character(len=1),intent(in) :: c
st%s(i)%c = c
end subroutine

function get_str_short(st) result(str)
type(string),intent(in) :: st
character(len=st%n) :: str
str = get_str_string(st,st%n)
end function

pure function str_len_string(s) result(n)
type(string),intent(in) :: s
integer :: n
n = s%n
end function

function get_str_string(st,n) result(str)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
integer,intent(in) :: n
character(len=n) :: str
integer :: i
call insist_allocated(st,'get_str_string')
if ( stop 'Error: in get_str_string in string.f90'
if ( stop 'Error: in get_str_string in string.f90'
do i=1,st%n
str(i:i) = st%s(i)%c
end function

function substring_in_string(str,substr) result(L)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: str
character(len=*),intent(in) :: substr
logical :: L,cond
integer :: i,j,s
L = .false.
s = len(substr)
if ( stop 'Error: len(substr) must be > 1 in substring_in_string in string.f90'
do i=1,len(str)-s
cond = all((/(str%s(i+j-1:i+j-1)%c .eq. substr(j:j),j=1,s)/))
if (cond) then
L = .true.
end function

function index_substring_in_string(str,substr) result(index)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: str
character(len=*),intent(in) :: substr
logical :: cond
integer :: index,i,j,s
s = len(substr)
cond = .false.
index = 1
if ( stop 'Error: len(substr) must be > 1 in index_substring_in_string in string.f90'
do i=1,len(str)-s
cond = all((/(str%s(i+j-1:i+j-1)%c .eq. substr(j:j),j=1,s)/))
if (cond) then
index = i
if (.not.cond) stop 'Error: substring not found in index_substring_in_string in string.f90'
end function

subroutine init_char(CH,c)
implicit none
type(char),intent(inout) :: CH
character(len=1),intent(in) :: c
CH%c = c
end subroutine

subroutine init_copy_char(a,b)
implicit none
type(char),intent(inout) :: a
type(char),intent(in) :: b
a%c = b%c
end subroutine

function string_allocated_string(st) result(L)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
logical :: L
L = allocated(st%s)
end function

function valid_length(st) result(L)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
logical :: L
L =
end function

! function valid_string(st) result(L)
! implicit none
! type(string),intent(in) :: st
! logical :: L
! L = string_allocated(st).and.valid_length(st)
! end function

subroutine insist_allocated_string(st,s)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: st
character(len=*),intent(in) :: s
if (.not.string_allocated(st)) then
write(*,*) 'Error: string must be allocated in '//s//' in string.f90'
stop 'Done'
elseif (.not.valid_length(st)) then
write(*,*) 'Error: string must have a valid length in '//s//' in string.f90'
stop 'Done'
end subroutine

! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! ----------------------------- COPIED FROM IO TOOLS -----------------------------
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function open_to_read(dir,name) result(un)
implicit none
character(len=*),intent(in) :: dir,name
integer :: un
type(string) :: s
call init(s,dir//name//dot_dat)
un = new_unit()
open(un,file=str(s),status = 'old',action = 'read')
call delete(s)
end function

function new_and_open(dir,name) result(un)
implicit none
character(len=*),intent(in) :: dir,name
integer :: un
type(string) :: s
call init(s,dir//name//dot_dat)
un = new_unit()
call attempt_to_open_to_write(un,s,dir,name)
call delete(s)
end function

function new_unit() result(nu)
implicit none
integer,parameter :: lun_min=10,lun_max=1000
integer :: lun,nu
do lun=lun_min,lun_max
if (.not.unit_open(lun)) then; nu=lun; exit; endif
end function

subroutine attempt_to_open_to_write(un,s,dir,name)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: un
type(string),intent(in) :: s
character(len=*),intent(in) :: dir,name
integer :: n,i
logical :: failed
failed = .true.
do n=1,100000
if (i.eq.0) then; failed = .false.; exit; endif
if (failed) then
write(*,*) 'Error: tried to open file but failed!!'
write(*,*) 'File = ',str(s)
write(*,*) 'dir = ',dir
write(*,*) 'name = ',name
stop 'Done in attempt_to_open_to_write in IO_tools.f90'
end subroutine

function unit_open(un) result(op)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: un
logical :: op
end function

! subroutine make_dir(d)
! implicit none
! character(len=*),intent(in) :: d
! logical :: ex
! inquire (file=d, EXIST=ex)
! if (.not.ex) then
! call system('mkdir ' // d )
! write(*,*) 'Directory ' // d // ' created.'
! else
! write(*,*) 'Directory ' // d // ' already exists.'
! endif
! end subroutine

subroutine make_dir_quiet(d)
implicit none
character(len=*),intent(in) :: d
logical :: ex
inquire (file=d, EXIST=ex)
if (.not.ex) call system('mkdir ' // d )
end subroutine

! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
! -------------------------- COPIED FROM GENERATED CODE --------------------------
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

subroutine set_IO_dir_string(this,dir)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: this
character(len=*),intent(in) :: dir
call suppress_warnings(this)
if (.false.) then
write(*,*) dir
end subroutine

subroutine make_IO_dir_string(this,dir)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: this
character(len=*),intent(in) :: dir
call suppress_warnings(this)
call make_dir_quiet(dir)
end subroutine

subroutine export_structured_D_string(this,dir)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: this
character(len=*),intent(in) :: dir
integer :: un
un = new_and_open(dir,'primitives')
call export(this,un)
end subroutine

subroutine import_structured_D_string(this,dir)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: this
character(len=*),intent(in) :: dir
integer :: un
un = open_to_read(dir,'primitives')
call import(this,un)
end subroutine

subroutine export_primitives_string(this,un)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: this
integer,intent(in) :: un
call export(this,un)
end subroutine

subroutine import_primitives_string(this,un)
implicit none
type(string),intent(inout) :: this
integer,intent(in) :: un
call import(this,un)
end subroutine

subroutine suppress_warnings_string(this)
implicit none
type(string),intent(in) :: this
if (.false.) then
call print(this)
end subroutine

end module

关于arrays - 从 Fortran 中的子例程返回分配的字符串数组?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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