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我正在求解非线性薛定谔 (NLS) 方程:
(1): i*u_t + 0.5*u_xx + abs(u)^2 * u = 0
(2): uhat_t = -0.5*i*k^2 * uhat + i * fft(abs(u)^2 * u)
的傅立叶变换。上面的方程(2)是一个明确的 IVP,可以通过四阶 Runge-Kutta 方法求解。这是我求解方程(2)的代码:
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
#----- Numerical integration of ODE via fixed-step classical Runge-Kutta -----
def RK4(TimeSpan,uhat0,nt):
h = float(TimeSpan[1]-TimeSpan[0])/nt
print h
t = np.empty(nt+1)
print np.size(t) # nt+1 vector
w = np.empty(t.shape+uhat0.shape,dtype=uhat0.dtype)
print np.shape(w) # nt+1 by nx matrix
t[0] = TimeSpan[0]
w[0,:] = uhat0 # enter initial conditions in w
for i in range(nt):
t[i+1] = t[i]+h
w[i+1,:] = RK4Step(t[i], w[i,:],h)
return w
def RK4Step(t,w,h):
k1 = h * uhatprime(t,w)
k2 = h * uhatprime(t+0.5*h, w+0.5*k1*h)
k3 = h * uhatprime(t+0.5*h, w+0.5*k2*h)
k4 = h * uhatprime(t+h, w+k3*h)
return w + (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)/6.
#----- Constructing the grid and kernel functions -----
L = 40
nx = 512
x = np.linspace(-L/2,L/2, nx+1)
x = x[:nx]
kx1 = np.linspace(0,nx/2-1,nx/2)
kx2 = np.linspace(1,nx/2, nx/2)
kx2 = -1*kx2[::-1]
kx = (2.* np.pi/L)*np.concatenate((kx1,kx2))
#----- Define RHS -----
def uhatprime(t, uhat):
u = np.fft.ifft(uhat)
z = -(1j/2.) * (kx**2) * uhat + 1j * np.fft.fft((abs(u)**2) * u)
return z
#------ Initial Conditions -----
u0 = 1./np.cosh(x)#+1./np.cosh(x-0.4*L)
uhat0 = np.fft.fft(u0)
#------ Solving for ODE -----
TimeSpan = [0,10.]
nt = 100
uhatsol = RK4(TimeSpan,uhat0,nt)
print np.shape(uhatsol)
print uhatsol[:6,:]
我打印了迭代的前6步,错误发生在第6步,我不明白为什么会发生这种情况。 6步的结果是:
nls.py:44: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in square
z = -(1j/2.) * (kx**2) * uhat + 1j * np.fft.fft((abs(u)**2) * u)
(101, 512)
[[ 4.02123859e+01 +0.00000000e+00j -3.90186082e+01 +3.16101312e-14j
3.57681095e+01 -1.43322854e-14j ..., -3.12522653e+01 +1.18074871e-13j
3.57681095e+01 -1.20028987e-13j -3.90186082e+01 +1.62245217e-13j]
[ 4.02073593e+01 +2.01061092e+00j -3.90137309e+01 -1.95092228e+00j
3.57636385e+01 +1.78839803e+00j ..., -3.12483587e+01 -1.56260675e+00j
3.57636385e+01 +1.78839803e+00j -3.90137309e+01 -1.95092228e+00j]
[ 4.01015488e+01 +4.02524105e+00j -3.89110557e+01 -3.90585271e+00j
3.56695007e+01 +3.58076808e+00j ..., -3.11660830e+01 -3.12911766e+00j
3.56695007e+01 +3.58076808e+00j -3.89110557e+01 -3.90585271e+00j]
[ 3.98941946e+01 +6.03886019e+00j -3.87098310e+01 -5.85991079e+00j
3.54849686e+01 +5.37263725e+00j ..., -3.10047495e+01 -4.69562640e+00j
3.54849686e+01 +5.37263725e+00j -3.87098310e+01 -5.85991079e+00j]
[ 3.95847537e+01 +8.04663227e+00j -3.84095149e+01 -7.80840256e+00j
3.52095058e+01 +7.15970026e+00j ..., -3.07638375e+01 -6.25837011e+00j
3.52095070e+01 +7.15970040e+00j -3.84095155e+01 -7.80840264e+00j]
[ 1.47696187e+22 -7.55759947e+22j 1.47709575e+22 -7.55843420e+22j
1.47749677e+22 -7.56093844e+22j ..., 1.47816312e+22 -7.56511230e+22j
1.47749559e+22 -7.56093867e+22j 1.47709516e+22 -7.55843432e+22j]]
确实是 fft
在 RK4 步骤中,您必须为因子 h
k2 = f(t+0.5*h, y+0.5*h*k1)
k2 = h*f(t+0.5*h, y+0.5*k1)
为了避免“非物理”奇点,必须按与 Lipschitz 常数成反比的方式缩放步长。由于这里的 Lipschitz 常数的大小为 u^2
,因此必须动态适应。我发现在区间 [0,1](即 h=0.001
)中使用 1000 个步骤不会出现奇点。对于区间 [0,10] 上的 10 000 步,这仍然成立。
更新 原始方程中没有时间导数的部分是自伴的,这意味着函数的范数平方(对绝对值平方的积分)保留在精确的形式中解决方案。因此,总体情况是一个高维“旋转”(参见对已经在 3 维中演化的模式的固体运动学的讨论)。
<小时/>更新2:雇用 methods used before ,可以使用以下方法求解解耦频域中的线性部分(请注意,这些都是逐分量数组运算)
vhat = exp( 0.5j * kx**2 * t) * uhat
它允许具有更大步长的稳定解决方案。与处理 KdV 方程一样,线性部分 i*u_t+0.5*u_xx=0
在 DFT 下解耦为
exp( -0.5j * kx**2 * t).
uhat = exp( -0.5j * kx**2 * t)*vhat.
这减轻了 kx
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
#----- Numerical integration of ODE via fixed-step classical Runge-Kutta -----
def RK4Step(odefunc, t,w,h):
k1 = odefunc(t,w)
k2 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, w+0.5*k1*h)
k3 = odefunc(t+0.5*h, w+0.5*k2*h)
k4 = odefunc(t+h, w+k3*h)
return w + (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)*(h/6.)
def RK4Stream(odefunc,TimeSpan,uhat0,nt):
h = float(TimeSpan[1]-TimeSpan[0])/nt
print(f"step size {h}")
w = uhat0
t = TimeSpan[0]
while True:
w = RK4Step(odefunc, t, w, h)
t = t+h
yield t,w
#----- Constructing the grid and kernel functions -----
L = 40
nx = 512
x, dx = np.linspace(-L/2,L/2, nx+1, retstep=True)
x = x[:-1] # periodic boundary, last same as first
kx = 2*np.pi*np.fft.fftfreq(nx, dx) # angular frequencies for the fft bins
def uhat2vhat(t,uhat):
return np.exp( 0.5j * (kx**2) *t) * uhat
def vhat2uhat(t,vhat):
return np.exp(- 0.5j * (kx**2) *t) * vhat
#----- Define RHS -----
def uhatprime(t, uhat):
u = np.fft.ifft(uhat)
return - 0.5j * (kx**2) * uhat + 1j * np.fft.fft((abs(u)**2) * u)
def vhatprime(t, vhat):
u = np.fft.ifft(vhat2uhat(t,vhat))
return 1j * uhat2vhat(t, np.fft.fft((abs(u)**2) * u) )
#------ Initial Conditions -----
u0 = 1./np.cosh(x) #+ 1./np.cosh(x+0.4*L)+1./np.cosh(x-0.4*L) #symmetric or remove jump at wrap-around
uhat0 = np.fft.fft(u0)
#------ Solving for ODE -----
t0 = 0; tf = 10.0;
TimeSpan = [t0, tf]
# nt = 500 # limit case, barely stable, visible spurious bumps in phase
nt = 1000 # boring but stable. smaller step sizes give same picture
vhat0 = uhat2vhat(t0,uhat0)
fig = plt.figure()
fig = plt.figure()
gs = fig.add_gridspec(3, 2)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, :])
ax1.set_ylim(-0.2,2.5); ax1.set_ylabel("$u$ amplitude")
ax2.set_ylim(-6.4,6.4); ax2.set_ylabel("$u$ angle"); ax2.set_xlabel("$x$")
line1, = ax1.plot(x,u0)
line2, = ax2.plot(x,u0*0)
vhatstream = RK4Stream(vhatprime,[t0,tf],vhat0,nt)
def animate(i):
t,vhat = vhatstream.next()
print(f"time {t}")
u = np.fft.ifft(vhat2uhat(t,vhat))
angles = np.real(np.angle(u))
# connect the angles over multiple periods
offset = 0;
tau = 2*np.pi
if angles[0] > 1.5: offset = -tau
if angles[0] < -1.5: offset = tau
for i,a in enumerate(angles[:-1]):
diff_a = a-angles[i+1]
angles[i] += offset
if diff_a > 2 :
offset += tau
if offset > 9: offset = tau-offset
if diff_a < -2 :
offset -= tau
if offset < -9: offset = -tau-offset
angles[-1] += offset
return line1,line2
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, interval=15000/nt+10, blit=False)
可以通过每帧计算多个 RK4 步骤来加快动画速度,从而增加可见的步长。
如果想要使用 scipy.integrate 中的 ODE 求解器,则必须实现一些包装器,因为这些包装器并未针对复杂值数据的使用进行强化。
# the stepper functions can not handle complex valued data
def RK45Stream(odefunc,TimeSpan,uhat0,nt):
def odefuncreal(t,ureal):
u = ureal.reshape([2,-1])
deriv = odefunc(t,u[0]+1j*u[1])
return np.concatenate([deriv.real, deriv.imag])
t0,tf = TimeSpan
h = float(tf-t0)/nt
print("step size ", h)
w = np.concatenate([uhat0.real, uhat0.imag])
t = t0
stepper = RK45(odefuncreal, t0, w, tf, atol=1e-9, rtol=1e-12)
out_t = t0
while True:
t = t+h
while t > stepper.t: stepper.step()
if t>out_t: out_t, sol = stepper.t, stepper.dense_output()
w = sol(t); w=w.reshape([2,-1])
yield t,w[0]+1j*w[1]
关于python - Python中RK4算法错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29803342/
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