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php - 根据免费送货有条件地隐藏 Woocommerce 结账自定义字段

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-12-01 04:37:09 25 4
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在 WooCommerce 中,每当选择“免费送货”(自动选择,基于订单金额)时,我都会尝试隐藏一个自定义添加的字段。


// Hide address field, when Free Shipping mode is selected
add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'xa_remove_billing_checkout_fields');

function xa_remove_billing_checkout_fields($fields) {
$shipping_method ='free_shipping:5'; // Set the desired shipping method to hide the checkout field(s).
global $woocommerce;
$chosen_methods = WC()->session->get( 'chosen_shipping_methods' );
$chosen_shipping = $chosen_methods[0];

if ($chosen_shipping == $shipping_method) {
unset($fields['billing']['billing_field_432']); // Add/change filed name to be hide
return $fields;



由于这是一个现场事件,您需要使用 javascript/jQuery 才能使其正常工作。您的“billing_field_432”不是必需的,因为当隐藏字段并尝试提交订单时,将会针对此自定义结帐字段抛出错误通知消息。


// Conditional Show hide checkout fields based on chosen shipping methods
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'conditionally_hidding_billing_custom_field' );
function conditionally_hidding_billing_custom_field(){
// Only on checkout page
if( ! is_checkout() ) return;

// HERE your shipping methods rate ID "Free shipping"
$free_shipping = 'free_shipping:5';
// Choosen shipping method selectors slug
var sm = 'input[name^="shipping_method"]',
smc = sm + ':checked',
cbf = '#billing_field_432_field',
ihc = 'input[name="hidden_check"]';

// Function that shows or hide imput select fields
function showHide( selector = '', action = 'show' ){
if( action == 'show' )
$(selector).show( 200, function(){
$(ihc).val('1'); // Set hidden field for checkout process
$(selector).hide( 200, function(){
$(ihc).val(''); // Set hidden field for checkout process
$(selector).removeClass("woocommerce-invalid woocommerce-invalid-required-field");

// Initialising: Hide if choosen shipping method is "Free Shipping" method
if( $(smc).val() == '<?php echo $free_shipping; ?>' )
showHide( cbf, 'hide' );
$(ihc).val('1'); // Set hidden field for checkout process

// Live event (When shipping method is changed): Show or Hide based on "Free Shipping" method
$( 'form.checkout' ).on( 'change', sm, function() {
if( $(smc).val() == '<?php echo $free_shipping; ?>' )
showHide( cbf, 'hide' );
showHide( cbf );

添加自定义结帐隐藏输入字段以在 'billing_field_432' 未隐藏时启用“必填”字段选项检查过程的代码:

// Add a hidden input field for "required" option check process
add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'add_custom_hidden_input_field' );
function add_custom_hidden_input_field( $fields ) {

echo '<input type="hidden" id="hidden_check" name="hidden_check" value="">';

return $fields;

// Check custom checkout field "billing_field_432" when not hidden
add_action('woocommerce_checkout_process', 'check_custom_field_checkout_process');
function check_custom_field_checkout_process() {
// Check if set, if its not set add an error.
if ( isset( $_POST['hidden_check'] ) && $_POST['hidden_check'] && empty( $_POST['billing_field_432'] ) )
wc_add_notice( __( 'Please enter something in "billing field 432".' ), 'error' ); // SET your custom error notice

此代码位于事件子主题(或主题)的 function.php 文件中。经过测试并有效。

它基于:Conditionally hide a Checkout field in WooCommerce based on chosen shipping


由于您使用的是免费送货方式,且最低订单金额为“50”且 hiding other shipping methods when "free shipping" is available 。你应该使用这个:

// Unset checkout field based on cart amount for free shipping
add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'remove_checkout_billing_field_432', 999 );
function remove_checkout_billing_field_432( $fields ) {
if ( WC()->cart->cart_contents_total >= 50 ) {
unset($fields['billing']['billing_field_432']); // Unset field
return $fields;

此代码位于事件子主题(或主题)的 function.php 文件中。经过测试并有效。

关于php - 根据免费送货有条件地隐藏 Woocommerce 结账自定义字段,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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