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我想使用 jQuery 来更改输入框中的值,使用“选择”选项的“数据最小值”和“数据最大值”值来确定将“选择”值设置为哪一个。
<input type="number" step="0.1" name="cbd" id="cbd" class="form-control" onchange="selectGrade()" value="0">
<select class="form-control" name="cbdGrade" id="cbdGrade">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="{D6C3B40F-9559-473A-8B24-44A911A82D52}" data-min="0" data-max="0">CBD 0 - 5.75</option>
<option value="{4FD86F65-74BA-4F10-9D5F-57281ECFC76A}" data-min="0.1" data-max="1.9">CBD 1 - 17.50</option>
<option value="{3AC0F33C-D48E-4C10-B64A-B5473AF8DB98}" data-min="2" data-max="2.9">CBD 2 - 15.15</option>
当最终用户在 cbd 字段中输入一个值时,我想获取该值并确定应应用什么 cbdGrade。这需要使用选择选项的数据最小值和数据最大值来完成。输入cbd的值需要在范围内。 cbd 字段值适合的正确范围的选项应设置为 cbdGrade。
我怎样才能做到这一点?我有一些 jQuery 经验,但这个经验让我很难理解如何从每个选项中获取范围。
编辑 - 到目前为止添加我的脚本。
function selectGrade() {
var cbdLevel = document.getElementById('cbd').value;
var arrGrade = new Array;
$("#cbdGrade option").each ( function() {
arrGrade.push ( $(this).data('min')+'-'+$(this).data('max')+'-'+$(this).val());
alert ( arrGrade.join(',' ) );
这将返回数据和选项值的数组,这是执行此操作的正确方法吗?然后我如何迭代这个数组并将其与我的变量 cbdLevel 进行比较?
时的以下演示事件*,在 <input type="number">
根据 <input type="number">
的值处于动态范围内。尽管该演示具有硬编码值 data-min
可以处理为每个 data-min/max
动态设置的任何有效值分配给每个 <option>
<button onclick="functionName()">LAME</button>
function functionName(event) {...
使用 jQuery 时,始终使用正确的方法(例如 .click()
)或使用 .on()
委托(delegate)事件方法(我强烈建议 99% 的情况下使用后者。)
<button class='btn'>NOT LAME</button>
$('.btn').on('click', functionName)
function functionName(event) {...
// Delegate input#cdbData to the input event -- callback is cdb()
$(function() {
$('#cbdData').on('input', cbd);
// Callback function/Event handler passes Event Object by default
function cbd(event) {
Dereferenced jQuery Object $('#cbdRate') to DOM Object
NOTE: Plain JavaScript equivelant would be:
const select = document.getElementById('cdbRate');
const select = document.querySelector('#cdbRate');
const select = $('#cbdRate')[0];
// Collect all select#cdbRate option into an Array
const rates = [...select.options];
Store the value of input#cdbData as a real Number in a variable
IMPORTANT NOTE: input#cdbData is $(this)
let float = parseFloat($(this).val());
Ensure that integer values are suffixed with ".0"
(this is just for aesthetics and is not required)
IF input#cdbData value is :out-of-range...
add .out class and remove .in class
do vice versa of the above actions
(this is just for aesthetics and is not required)
if ($(this).is(':out-of-range')) {
} else {
.flatMap() method (a combo of .map() and .flat() methods), will run a
function over each element within a given array and will return a flattened
array of results. NOTE: the callback function returns an Array of an Array --
so the final return will be an Array of Arrays
(aka two dimensional array, aka data-table)
On each select#cdbRate option...
Get the value of data-min convert it into a real Number and add it to the
minMax sub-Array[0]
Then do likewise for data-max and minMax sub-Array[1]
Final returned minMax Array has the following pattern:
minMax = [['', ''], [data-min, data-max], [data-min, data-max], [data-min, data-max]];
Each sub-Array represents the min/max values of an <option>
Use the .data() jQuery method to set/get data-* attributes
let minMax = rates.flatMap((opt, idx) => {
return idx === 0 ? [
["", ""]
] : [
[Number($(opt).data('min')), Number($(opt).data('max'))]
// Get length of minMax Array
let size = minMax.length;
// Get the least and the greatest values of minMax Array
let min = minMax[1][0];
let max = minMax[size - 1][1];
// Assign min and max values to input#cbdData
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
Iterate through rates Array...
IF `float` is greater OR equal to current value of minMax sub-Array[0]
IF `float` is less OR equal to current value of minMax sub-Array[1]...
then select the current <option>
OR IF `float` is not a Number OR `float` is greater than the last value of
minMax Array[1]...
then select <option> at index 0
IMPORTANT NOTE: The dereferenced jQuery Object `select` must be used because
the Plain JavaScript property .selectedIndex and .selected are not recognized
by jQuery
for (let [index, option] of rates.entries()) {
if (float >= minMax[index][0] && float <= minMax[index][1]) {
option.selected = true;
} else if (Number.isNaN(float) || float > max) {
select.selectedIndex = 0;
// Uncomment the comment below to review the log of minMax Array
// log(minMax);
// Stop event bubbling and terminate function
return false;
// Optional utility function (not required)
function log(data) {
return console.log(JSON.stringify(data));
:root {
font: 400 3vw/6vh Consolas
.form-control {
display: inline-block;
font: inherit;
font-size: 1rem
#cbdData {
width: 6ch;
text-align: center;
.in {
background: initial;
.out {
background: tomato;
<input id="cbdData" name="cbdData" class="form-control" type="number" step="0.1">
<select id="cbdRate" name="cbdRate" class="form-control">
<option value="" default>-----</option>
<option data-min="0.0" data-max="0.0" value='{D6C3B40F-9559-473A-8B24-44A911A82D52}'>CBD 0</option>
<option data-min="0.1" data-max="1.9" value='{4FD86F65-74BA-4F10-9D5F-57281ECFC76A}'>CBD 1</option>
<option data-min="2.0" data-max="2.9" value='{3AC0F33C-D48E-4C10-B64A-B5473AF8DB98}'>CBD 2</option>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
Delegating events with jQuery .on()
Dereferencing jQuery Object to DOM Object
Creating or cloning an array via spread operator
Destructuring arrays with .entries()
and a for...of
and .selected
properties and .options
HTML Collection
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